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November 5, 2012 Please get the following: a handout off the counter a writing utensil.

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Presentation on theme: "November 5, 2012 Please get the following: a handout off the counter a writing utensil."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 5, 2012 Please get the following: a handout off the counter a writing utensil

2 REMINDERS!!!! Vocab homework! Make sure your NAME is on it! We are also doing a food drive from Nov. 5-14 th ! The food will stay here at ENHS and benefit students who have needs! I have details on my Edmodo!

3 Vocab List #8: Read the sentences – based on the underlined word, which is your vocab word, what do you think the meaning is? Write down a word from the list in each box of your handout, then use the dictionary to look it up! You want to fill in ALL the boxes!!! –You must push the gas if you want the car to accelerate! –My sister is my best confidant because I can always tell her anything and know she won’t tell anyone else! –Your deliberate kick of the other team’s goalie is a flagrant foul, and you will be thrown out of the game. –We are going to practice our acting skills by learning how to improvise when we are given a part we’ve never played. –Your only limitations are the ones you put on yourself. –Going to the store and getting gas in my truck are mundane tasks that I have to do every week. –I waited to buy my tickets until the most opportune time because I wanted the best prices possible. –Sherlock Holmes said he never had to speculate about his theories because he always knew he was right.

4 Suspense Unit Test What do I study? –Study the handouts that we used as we read the pieces from the text. –Each story/article/poem had a corresponding handout – you want to focus on the ideas that were discussed, as well as the plot of the story, etc. –There is going to be an essay component, and I have given you ideas! What do I need to know? –“Most Dangerous Game” – Plot, characterization – what made the men act the way they did? –Privacy Articles – information in the article, as well as each author’s POV, bias, what ways are bias detected and what is a fact vs. opinion? –Know what is included in a gothic novel is, and what suspense is! (You have handouts over both!) –Edgar Allan Poe ~ Know the key facts about his life and how they relate to the poems and stories that he wrote! (i.e. loss, death, revenge, helplessness) –“Cask” – Study the packet – it shows you what you need to know!

5 Suspense Unit Test What do I need to know? –Iceman/Sculptures Articles – know the information, as well as the text features that are used to give information! –“Raven” – know the literary elements and their examples, as well as the speaker’s attitude and state of mind. You will also need to know what the Raven is a metaphor about and how do the characters in both the poem and the “Cask” compare to each other mentally? –“Incident in a Rose Garden” – know the plot, as well as the universal themes that we discussed. You also need to know character motivation and the symbolism, as well as how the “Raven” and “Incident” are similar! –“Open Window” – know the plot, as well as the tone and author’s purpose! Test next THURSDAY!!!! It will be worth 100 points in the test category, so it will definitely impact your grade!

6 The Holocaust: Today we are starting a new unit that will go along with the novel we will be starting. We will be reading the autobiographical novel titled Night, by Holocaust survivor, Elie Weisel. I have met Mr. Weisel, and he is a very inspirational man to many, as well as myself! When I met him, I asked the question many often do, which was, “How could people follow Hitler if they knew he was doing horrible things to others?” Elie told me that to understand the why, you had to understand the how! Today, we are going to begin a movie that addresses HOW Hitler could get so many people to go along with his plans!

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