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1 Gov 2.0: Business Transformation for EPA Enterprise Architecture Implemented in Web 2.0 Wikis Brand Niemann Senior Enterprise Architect Enterprise Architecture.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Gov 2.0: Business Transformation for EPA Enterprise Architecture Implemented in Web 2.0 Wikis Brand Niemann Senior Enterprise Architect Enterprise Architecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Gov 2.0: Business Transformation for EPA Enterprise Architecture Implemented in Web 2.0 Wikis Brand Niemann Senior Enterprise Architect Enterprise Architecture Team U.S. Environmental Protection Agency April 25, 2008

2 2 Gov 2.0 Business Transformation TransformBeforeAfterActivity (Wiki)Wiki EPA EAMultiple Silos (1) Web 2.0 Wiki (2) Inventory & Refresh OMB FEA Paper Documents & CD-ROMs Web 2.0 Wiki (2) Submission & Assessment Transition Briefing Books and Slides Web 2.0 Wiki (2) Harvard Seminar (3) Wiki Wiki

3 3 Gov 2.0 Business Transformation Three Objectives: –(1) Transform the way we do EPA Enterprise Architecture (EA). –(2) Transform the way we deliver the EPA EA to the OMB/Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office (FEA PMO) and to our partners.FEA PMO –(3) Transform the way we communicate the EPA EA to the Transition Team. Footnotes: –(1) Email, Share drive, QuickPlace, Intranet Web Site, WebArt, etc. –(2) An Application Integration Platform and an Application Development Platform. Also a DRM 2.0 - compliant data architecture & implementation.DRM 2.0 –(3) In support of Leadership and Strategic Management for Chief Information Officers, June 16-18, 2008, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.Leadership and Strategic Management for Chief Information Officers

4 4 Overview 1. FedTech Interview: February 2008 2. Google Searches for EPA and EPA Enterprise Architecture 3. EPA’s Internal Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information 4. Business Transformation for EPA Enterprise Architecture 5. Inventory and Refresh 6. Evolving Solution 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis

5 5 1. FedTech Interview: February 2008 FedTech Editor in Chief Lee Copeland spoke with O’Neill about her goals and initiatives:FedTech –One of Molly O’Neill’s top priorities is making government more collaborative and more responsive to the public, so she’s looking at how Web 2.0 technologies can help. If government agencies don’t learn to use these tools, she says, “we’re going to be left behind; we’re going to be on Page 18 of the search engines.” In the coming months, O’Neill hopes to improve access to data — both for the public and for internal users — and to lead the Environmental Protection Agency toward delivering more services that the public wants. And she’s planning to ask the taxpayers what they want and need through a national dialogue.

6 6 1. FedTech Interview: February 2008 FedTech Editor in Chief Lee Copeland spoke with O’Neill about her goals and initiatives:FedTech –FedTech: In terms of enterprise architecture, what are you looking for? Someone with a lot of network infrastructure expertise? What things were especially important to you? –O’Neill: Specifically, people who can work with other people in the EPA to understand and plan out their systems and relate it to how it fits into the enterprise architecture — actually, the customer service piece of that. A lot of federal agencies, and the EPA is no different, do really well with writing plans for what enterprise architecture looks for, but equating that down to a business level is where we sometimes struggle, so talking the language of IT enterprise architecture at a business level is a real skill. Does that make sense to you? –FedTech: Yes, it does, because you have a lot of big ambitious plans, but you need someone who can talk to different folks in the business unit and understand their practical needs and then bring that knowledge into something that’s operational. –O’Neill: Right!

7 7 2. Google Search: EPA

8 8 2. Google Search: EPA Enterprise Architecture

9 9 3. EPA’s Internal Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information

10 10 3. The National Dialogue Jam Session: Categories Challenges: What Has to Change? Content: What information do customers want? Customers: Who should we serve better? Guest Bloggers: See Slides 12-15 Partners: Who can help us work better? Road Map: How Do We Get There? Site Information: Employees are invited to use this site to identify and share their best resources, tools, and ideas for improving access to EPA’s environmental information. Technical Feedback: Blog or Website Trends: What Are the Trends and Drivers for Information Access? Uncategorized: Photos from RTP Jam Session on Thursday April 3, 2008 Vision: Where Do We Want to Go? What Works: What Is Working for EPA and Others? What's Hot: What We Learned Note: These categories worked for the National Dialogue but not for organizing EPA content!

11 11 3. The National Dialogue Jam Session: What We Learned People had mixed opinions about what OEI’s number one information management priority should be for the next 2 to 3 years: –Improving internal data and resource sharing: 27% –Helping people find what they want on EPA’s site: 20% –Making EPA’s data downloadable and usable: 13% –Explaining what the information means: 13% –Using new technologies for collaboration: 13% –Other: 14% Note: Over the course of three days they received over 300 comments from more than 100 people.

12 12 3. The National Dialogue Jam Session: What We Learned Individual Comments (excerpts): –Learning makes me happy…..: April 4th, 2008 by Molly O'Neill –We need to evaluate some of these new Web 2.0 tools (in this case blogging) for usability on collaborative efforts. And, we need experience in how to manage the content. –Changing the Course: April 4th, 2008 by Jerry Johnston –I would like to turn the tables on this discussion a bit and ask people to think about how we might take advantage of these same technologies to help us make improvements in the many datasets we hold and make available. And the best news is that many of the most important advancements might come without an additional price tag – we can achieve a lot through simple changes to what we are already doing.

13 13 3. The National Dialogue Jam Session: What We Learned Individual Comments (excerpts): –Machines and People: April 4th, 2008 by Mike Flynn –Wow, I’m impressed with all the great comments! I’m pleased to see folks identify the public as the top group we need to better serve. Sometimes I think we forget that we are public servants. –Many of our folks across the Agency play a critical role in “connecting the dots” and help people get to and understand the information and tools they need. What are your thoughts about the EPA information corps for the future?

14 14 3. The National Dialogue Jam Session: What We Learned Individual Comments (excerpts): –Demand vs. Supply: April 4th, 2008 by Web Man –Another approach would be to develop a more federated environmental resource that crosses all Federal Agencies. –Embracing New Tools and Technologies April 2nd, 2008 by Myra Galbreath –I think we all agree and are poised to help with this and we look forward to the challenge of adopting new collaborative tools and technologies for the Agency. –One area of particular interest to me is what tools or methods are available, or becoming available, that EPA should embrace and adopt to help people gain access to information?

15 15 3. The National Dialogue Jam Session: What We Learned Individual Comments (excerpts): –Our Collective Strength: April 2nd, 2008 by Andrew Battin –One area of particular interest to me is how terminology and metadata can improve the ability to discover and ultimately access information? What are we doing across OEI in these areas and how can we leverage these activities together? –Get Me to the Data: April 2nd, 2008 by Mike Flynn –The information world is changing fast, and quite simply, we either change in response to the times or we’ll be left behind.

16 16 3. The National Dialogue Jam Session: Some Web 2.0 Solutions Improving internal data and resource sharing: –EPA use of Web 2.0 Wikis for Gov 2.0. Helping people find what they want on EPA’s site: –Repurposing Selected EPA Content into a Web 2.0 Wiki to Get the Wikipedia – Google Effect! Making EPA’s data downloadable and usable: –See! Explaining what the information means: –Combine the data and the metadata (DRM 2.0/Web 2.0 and DRM 3.0/Web 3.0) Using new technologies for collaboration: –EPA use of Web 2.0 Wikis for Business Transformation in Enterprise Architecture, Data Architecture, Geospatial Line of Business, E-Rulemaking, etc. Note: These also address the Individual Comments.

17 17 3. The Wikipedia – Google Effect!

18 18 4. Business Transformation for EPA Enterprise Architecture Goals: –To become more than a planning activity; –To become more than a compliance-driven activity; –To know better what we know; –To use that to be more transparent and collaborative; –To use that to manage for greater impact in 2008-2009; and –To even build our own agile enterprise mashups for information sharing and integration. Method: Look at everything you produce and how you document it to see how it can be improved (email, attachments, documents, Web sites, collaboration spaces, meetings, reports, etc.)

19 19 5. Inventory and Refresh 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site 5.2 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site 5.3 EPA's Enterprise Architecture QuickPlace 5.4 Conclusion

20 20 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site

21 21 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site Categories: –Home Page: Only a Graphic. –Enterprise Architecture: Nine Subtopics. –Governance: Five Subtopics. –Site Map: A Web 2.0 Wiki automatically generates and updates this! –Contacts: A Web 2.0 Wiki allows comments on every page and email alerts and RSS feeds for every page (see example).

22 22 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site Enterprise Architecture Sub-Topics: –About EA: Five Sub-Sub-topics –Enterprise Architecture Coordination Workgroup (EAWG): All these file attachments can be authored directly in the Wiki and commented upon there! –EA Policy, Procedure, and Guidance: Probably want fully digital versions of these in the Wiki (see example 2120.3!) –Enterprise Architecture Reports and Presentations: Same comment as above. –Federal Laws and Guidance: Just links. –Reference Models: Just links. –Related Links: Just links. –WebArt: EPA Architecture Repository and Tool: Could/should be integrated with the Web 2.0 Wiki –Enterprise Architecture Archives: Could/should be integrated with the Web 2.0 Wiki.

23 23 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site About EA: Five Sub-Sub-topics: –What is an EA? –Why create an EA? –How will individual EPA organizations benefit from an EA? –What is EPA's approach to EA? –EA Conceptual Framework Descriptions

24 24 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site Governance Subtopics: –IT Capital Planning (CPIC) –IT Human Capital Development –IT Policies, Directives and Guidance –IT Security –Information Management Officers (IMOs) and Senior Budget Officers (SBOs) Note: Address this later.

25 25 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site

26 26 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site

27 27 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site

28 28 5.1 EPA's Enterprise Architecture Web Site

29 29 5.2 EPA's Enterprise Architecture WebART

30 30 5.2 EPA's Enterprise Architecture WebART About Enterprise Architecture Links EPA Business –Strategic Plan –Environmental Programs –Environmental Information –Organizations –Budget –Business Service Catalog EPA Architecture –Service Component Catalog –Architecture Layers –Redundancies and Gaps Launch Metis Model - Opens a Metis Model Browser to navigate the Architecture visually

31 31 5.2 EPA's Enterprise Architecture WebART Segments: See next slide.

32 32 5.2 EPA's Enterprise Architecture WebART Segments: –Disaster Management and Emergency Response –Environmental Remediation –GEO Segment –OW - Office of Water –Office of Environmental Information (OEI) –Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) –Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response –Research and Science Architecture –Waste Management

33 33 5.2 EPA's Enterprise Architecture WebART Taxonomies: No result! Data Assets: See next slide. See next slide.

34 34 5.2 EPA's Enterprise Architecture WebART The below links provide lists for the entities modeled in the repository. Click on an object-type to view the corresponding report matrix. –Lots are blank! Partner Data Asset (just one): –Emergency Notifications Coast Guard

35 35 5.2 EPA's Enterprise Architecture WebART

36 36 5.3 EPA's Enterprise Architecture QuickPlace

37 37 5.3 EPA's Enterprise Architecture QuickPlace Welcome to the Enterprise Architecture Quickplace FY2008 EA Self- Assessment Status Report About Enterprise Architecture* EA Home Page* 2008 EPA EA Self Assessment Documents FEA Practice Guidance* Data Architecture* Reference Models* WebART* Q3 Quarterly Milestone Documents to OMB EPA IT Tools (IP) EPA Solution Architecture Training Course EA Outreach 2008 Documents for Review* 2007 Documents for Review (BPMN) Presentations Index Library Solution Architecture Business Case Integration Milestones (2007) Calendar Tasks Members Discussion * Links to Original Source or Duplicates Same Elsewhere.

38 38 5.3 EPA's Enterprise Architecture QuickPlace

39 39 5.4 Conclusion Lots of different files formats in lots of different categories in multiple places that are not all accessible to everyone that needs them. Asked to help with a new taxonomy, but also need an application integration platform and an application development platform. A Web 2.0 Wiki deals with the above two points by allowing users to realize more value from existing systems and human resources by supporting IT in exposing legacy systems and other applications through the Wiki!

40 40 6. Evolving Solution Work with the EA Team (its contractors and stakeholders) and IT Staff to demonstrate in a Web 2.0 Wiki: –Making lots of different files formats in lots of different categories in multiple places more accessible and useful. –Better organization, management, and search of content. –Use as both an application integration platform and an application development platform. The Emergency Management Segment for Data Architecture. Note: I could have said make it work better than everything else in current use!

41 41 6. Evolving Solution Solution Technology Requirements Indicators Crosswalk Template Snapshot (next slide): –Land Quality Management Segment has captured the information flow and interface profile table. Each solution architect could use the information flow in the table to create this diagram as a supporting artifact. My Comment: Even better, the interface could be to an executable application that linked information architecture to data architecture according to slide 43.

42 42 Architecture Development Standards and Guidance 2008 Distinctions – Solution Architecture Solution Technology Requirements Indicators Crosswalk template snapshot This template will be pre-populated with existing information from the Transition Strategy and QTS Milestone Analysis See Handouts

43 43 Architecture Development Standards and Guidance 2008 Distinctions – Solution Architecture Segment System Interface Diagram Template snapshot The following diagram will help show each segment’s IT portfolio, and its dependency upon other segments, as well as the Agency’s set of Enterprise Tools. Defining target information in this way allows the segment architect an opportunity to illustrate areas of reuse, consolidation and retirement in their target architecture. See Handouts

44 44 6. Evolving Solution Business Transformation Framework (see next slide): –Expected Impacts on Technology are (1) Data Optimization, (2) Data Management & Communications, and (3) Metadata Management and External Access and Data Sharing. My Comment: This again could be realized in a real application that provides actual “line of sight” and Emergency Management data and information (see next slides for pilot example).

45 45 Architecture Development Standards and Guidance 2008 Distinctions – Segment Architecture Business Transformation Framework See Handouts

46 46 6. Evolving Solution Integrate Architectures: Data Architecture Pilot: –Enterprise (subject matter expertise and peer review): EPA Report on the Environment –Segment (topics and subtropics): Five Categories and 89 Indicators. –Solutions (data tables and metadata): Standardized and DRM 2.0 Compliant. My Comment: We have really done is now called a Web 2.0/3.0 Enterprise Mashup.

47 47 6. Evolving Solution Web 2.0/3.0 Enterprise Mashups: –Enterprise Mashups are application hybrids combining content and functions from more than one existing source to create powerful Web applications, integrated Web experiences and expanded customer value networks. Mashups are the fastest growing enterprise ecosystem on the Web by far. Mashups are social, role-based, network-centric, complex, distributed and essential to all knowledge-based networks, models and businesses. Source: Open Enterprise 2.0 Mashup Summit - Expanding Customer Value NetworksOpen Enterprise 2.0 Mashup Summit My Comment: So we would like all the Segment Architectures to be “Solutioned” (implemented) in such a way that EPA and its stakeholders can mash them up at will to solve needs that we haven’t yet thought existed.

48 48 6. Evolving Solution Specific Suggestions: –See EPA Data Architecture Pilot:EPA Data Architecture Pilot Enterprise Data Architecture and Implementation: Federated, Faceted, Semantic Search of Both EPA Metadata and Data with Governance, March 26, 2008, Updated April 4, 2008. –See Best Practices:Best Practices Enterprise Mashup: A Practical Guide to Federal Service Oriented Architecture. –Collaborate to Pilot This for Emergency Management (with Joan Karrie) for the next EA Working Group Session.

49 49 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis February 20, 2008, Shift Happens! Briefing for the EPA Enterprise Architecture Team. – 8.ppt 8.ppt – /1_2008 /1_2008 February 22, 2008, Improved Access to EPA Information: Before and After with Web 2.0-Part 1 – 8.ppt 8.ppt – March 6, 2008, The & Update March 10, 2008 – 08.ppt 08.ppt – –

50 50 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis March 8, 2008, Improved Access to EPA Information: Before and After with Web 2.0-Part 2 – 03082008.ppt 03082008.ppt – March 14, 2008, Enterprise Data Architecture and Implementation: We Have What Our CIO Wants! (see Blog: Restricted Access) – –http://epametadata.wik.is

51 51 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis March 19, 2008, Getting to SOA and Semantic Interoperability for DoD Architectures – 032008.ppt 032008.ppt – ectures_Conference ectures_Conference March 19, 2008, DoDAF 3.0: A Web 2.0 and SOA Mashup! (March ??, 2009) – D03192008.ppt D03192008.ppt – ectures_Conference ectures_Conference March 21, 2008, Improved Access to EPA Information: Before and After with Web 2.0-Part 3 – 08.ppt 08.ppt –

52 52 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis March 26, 2008, Enterprise Data Architecture and Implementation: Federated, Faceted, Semantic Search of Both EPA Metadata and Data with Governance. Slides. (Collaboration with EPA Contractors and Vendors) Updated with CentrifugeSystems to show connection of data architecture with Exploratory Data Analysis (Statistics), Business Intelligence, and GIS (April 5, 2008). – 08.ppt 08.ppt – _Technology_Conference _Technology_Conference March 29, 2008, Data Architecture Subcommittee: A Knowledgebase with Implications for EPA Data Architecture. Slides. (Collaboration with EPA Contractors and Vendors). – 292008.ppt 292008.ppt – _Technology_Conference _Technology_Conference

53 53 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis April 1, 2008, Improved Access to EPA & Interagency Information: Before and After with Web 2.0, FDLC, Kansas City, MO. – FDLC04012008.ppt FDLC04012008.ppt – y_Council_Spring_2008_Meeting y_Council_Spring_2008_Meeting April 1, 2008, EPA's National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information: Before and After with Web 2.0, FDLC, Kansas City, MO: – 04012008.ppt 04012008.ppt – y_Council_Spring_2008_Meeting y_Council_Spring_2008_Meeting

54 54 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis April 1, 2008, Updated April 12, 2008, EPA Data Architecture Wiki: Tutorial – – 04012008.ppt 04012008.ppt –To Nathan Wilkes to Help Mike Pendelton Setup a Wiki April 6, 2008, Improved Access to EPA and Interagency Information: Before and After with Web 2.0 – Part 4 – Part404072008.ppt Part404072008.ppt – 3a_Before_and_After_Web_2.0 3a_Before_and_After_Web_2.0

55 55 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis April 9, 2008, EA Taxonomy for Improved Information Access and Reuse – 008.ppt 008.ppt – April 1, 2008, Improved Access to EPA and Interagency Information: Before and After with Web 2.0 – Part 5 – BNiemannPart504072008.ppt BNiemannPart504072008.ppt – Reversal%3a_Before_and_After_Web_2.0 Reversal%3a_Before_and_After_Web_2.0

56 56 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis April 10, 2008, Enterprise Architecture Working Group Session: Suggestions – 04102008.ppt 04102008.ppt –http://epadatarchitecture.wik.is –Help Emergency Management (Joan Karrie) at next EAWG Meeting. April 14, 2008, A New Enterprise Data Management Strategy for the U.S. Government: Support for the Semantic Web and Semantic Technology: – STC04142008.ppt STC04142008.ppt – mantic_Technology_Conference mantic_Technology_Conference

57 57 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis April 14, 2008, EPA E-Rulemaking: Pilot Application of Blogs in Wikis – 42008_(1).ppt 42008_(1).ppt – April 16, 2008, CIO’s Learning Web 2.0 Wikis: A Tutorial – 2008.ppt 2008.ppt – April 18, 2008, Geospatial Line of Business Wiki: A Tutorial – 008.ppt 008.ppt –

58 58 7. List of Presentations and Web 2.0 Wikis April 25, 2008, Gov 2.0: Business Transformation Though Enterprise Mashups of Enterprise, Segment, and Solutions Architectures Implemented in Web 2.0 Wikis (also Improved Access to EPA, Interagency, and Non- government Information: Before and After with Web 2.0 – Part 6): – ppt ppt – r_Web_2.0 r_Web_2.0 April 25, 2008: Gov 2.0: Business Transformation for EPA Enterprise Architecture Implemented in Web 2.0 Wikis – – April 30-May 1, 2008, 5 th SOA for E-Government Conference Welcome: – – erences/5_2008_April_30-May_1 erences/5_2008_April_30-May_1

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