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 Scott Hanselman Principal Program Manager Community Liaison Microsoft Corporation TL49.

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Presentation on theme: " Scott Hanselman Principal Program Manager Community Liaison Microsoft Corporation TL49."— Presentation transcript:

1  Scott Hanselman Principal Program Manager Community Liaison Microsoft Corporation TL49

2 XX02 YY03 Sessions with Deeper Detail



5  Scott Hanselman






11 Principal Program Manager Community Liaison Microsoft Corporation

12  Scott Hanselman Principal Program Manager Community Liaison Microsoft Corporation

13  Scott Hanselman Principal Program Manager Community Liaison Microsoft Corporation


15 BabySmash Client BabySmash Web BabySmash Web BabySmash Service Reporting Site w/Charts BabySmash “Big *ss Table”? BabySmash “Big *ss Table”? DB JIST: Babies smash, metrics are sent up to the server and the reporting site shows a nice histogram bell curve of what keys are being smashed. Then we take the babies’ money. PayPal FTW! BabySmash Mobile BabySmash Mobile

16 JIST: Babies smash, metrics are sent up to the server and the reporting site shows a nice histogram bell curve of what keys are being smashed. Then we take the babies’ money. PayPal FTW!

17 Get your copy at the AW Booth!

18 WebWeb CoreCore WorkflowWorkflow DataData CommComm ClientClient

19 WebWebCoreCore Work flow DataDataCommComm ClientClient

20 ClientClient

21 ClientClient

22 ClientClient

23 ClientClient PC46 PC07

24 ClientClient

25 ClientClient

26 ClientClient


28  Scott Hanselman

29 CoreCore PC49 TL02

30 public class ExampleClass { public int ExampleMethod(int n) { CodeContract.Requires(n > 0, "n must be greater than 0"); CodeContract.Ensures( CodeContract.Result () >= 0, "Return value must be positive"); //... } public IEnumerable Contents { get; set; } [ContractInvariantMethod] protected void ObjectInvariant() { CodeContract.Invariant( CodeContract.ForAll(Contents, s => s != null)); //... } Contracts come at the beginning of methods. Precondition stating that the input parameter to the method must be greater than 0 for the method to function properly. Postcondition guaranteeing that the result of the method will be positive. Callers can count on this. Developers can provide a string to be displayed when the contract is violated. All object invariants are contained in a single method, which may contain many calls to CodeContract.ObjectInvariant and no other calls. Guarantees that all elements in the IEnumerable are not null.

31 CoreCore

32 CoreCore TL33 TL26 TL44

33  Scott Hanselman




37 DataData

38 Underlying data model - Entity Data Model - Entities  Resources - Associations  Links Operation semantics - Mapping of HTTP methods - GET  retrieve resource - POST  create resource - PUT  update resource - DELETE  delete resource DataData

39 using (NorthwindContext context = new NorthwindContext()) { //--- EF LINQ query with POCO Product var products = from p in context.Products select p; foreach (Product product in products) { //--- Lazy load the Category Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}:{1}", product.ProductName, product.Category.CategoryName)); } POCO & Lazy LoadSQL Methods var people = from e in context.Employees where EdmMethods.Month(e.BirthDate) == EdmMethods.Month(NorthwindContext.MyGetUtcDate()) select e; _______________________________________________________________ _____________________ [EdmFunction("SqlServer", "GETUTCDATE")] public static System.DateTime? MyGetUtcDate() { throw new Exception(); } DataData TL20 TL07

40 DataData TL20 TL07

41  Scott Hanselman

42 CommCommWorkflowWorkflow &

43 Host (.exe, IIS, "Dublin",.NET Services, …) WF Runtime Extensions Tracking Persistence … … Tooling VS Designer VS Debugger Rehosted Designer Workflow Activity Library

44 CommCommWorkflowWorkflow & TL17 TL06 TL21

45 = CLR+BCL

46  Scott Hanselman PC10 Session with Deeper Detail


48 void MultiplyMatrices(int size, double[,] m1, double[,] m2, double[,] result) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { result[i, j] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { result[i, j] += m1[i, k] * m2[k, j]; } } } } CoreCore

49 void MultiplyMatrices(int size, double[,] m1, double[,] m2, double[,] result) { Parallel.For(0, size, i => { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { result[i, j] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { result[i, j] += m1[i, k] * m2[k, j]; } }); } CoreCore

50  Scott Hanselman

51 WebWeb TL54 Sessions with Deeper Detail

52 WebWeb

53 ASP.NET Web Forms Dynamic Data MVC ASP.NET Ajax

54  Scott Hanselman

55 ScriptObject x = win.CreateInstance( "VELatLong",latitude,longitude); ScriptObject pin = (ScriptObject)map.Invoke("AddPushpin", x); pin.Invoke("SetTitle", title); pin.Invoke("SetDescription", description); map.Invoke("SetCenterAndZoom", x, 7); CoreCore

56 dynamic x = win.New.VELatLong(latitude, longitude); var pin = map.AddPushpin(x); pin.SetTitle(title); pin.SetDescription(description); map.SetCenterAndZoom(x, 7); CoreCore TL10 TL44 Sessions with Deeper Detail

57  Scott Hanselman

58 JIST: Babies smash, metrics are sent up to the server and the reporting site shows a nice histogram bell curve of what keys are being smashed. Then we take the babies’ money. PayPal FTW!

59 DataData CommComm WebWeb CoreCore WorkflowWorkflow ClientClient

60 DataData CommComm WebWeb CoreCore WorkflowWorkflow ClientClient

61 DataData CommComm WebWeb CoreCore WorkflowWorkflow ClientClient DataData CommComm CoreCore WorkflowWorkflow ClientClient




65 Please fill out your evaluation for this session at: This session will be available as a recording at:


67 © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.


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