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1 Before your AGM Begins! Meeting Preparation for the Board members  Be Prepared: Meet in advance as a group to assess the Agenda and formulate answers.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Before your AGM Begins! Meeting Preparation for the Board members  Be Prepared: Meet in advance as a group to assess the Agenda and formulate answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Before your AGM Begins! Meeting Preparation for the Board members  Be Prepared: Meet in advance as a group to assess the Agenda and formulate answers to possible questions (the Treasurer and the Auditor should pay particular attention to this point).  Be familiar with the Standing Orders (see notes below)

2 2 Before your AGM Begins!: Set the scene (the right location)  Pick an appropriate venue: A successful AGM separates the social and business aspect of meetings (see notes below).  Appropriate seating: All seating should be arranged to allow a clear view of the top table and the board members (nobody to hide behind pillars!).  Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee at the top table: Any person who will address the meeting should be seated at the top of the room.

3 3 Welcome to the XXXXXXXXXX XXXX Credit Union AGM Type date and Location here

4 4 Type over this text to add names here

5 5 AGM Agenda 1. The acceptance by the Board of Directors of the authorised representatives of members that are not natural persons 2. Ascertainment that a quorum is present 3.Adoption of Standing Orders 4. Minutes of Previous AGM 5.Report of the Directors 6.Treasurer’s Report, consideration of accounts & approval of treasurer’s honorarium 7.Auditor’s Report 8. Supervisory Committee Report 9.Declaration of dividend and rebate of interest (if any) 10. Credit Committee 11.Credit Control Committee 12.Membership Committee; 13.Planning & Development committee 14.Education committee 15.Report of any sub-committee 16.Nominating committee 17.Amendments to Standard Rules arising from BDM 18.Appointment of tellers 19.Election of auditor 20.Election to fill vacancies on the Supervisory Committee 21.Election to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors 22. AOB 23.Announcement of election results 24.Adjournment or close of meeting

6 6 CREDIT UNION INVOCATION Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

7 7 ACHAINÍ AN CHOMHAIR CHREIDMHEASA A Thiarna, déan díom uirlís de Do shíocháin Áit a bhfuil fuath, lig dom grá a chur; áit a bhfuil dochair déanta, pardúin; áit a bhfuil amhras, creideamh; áit a bhfuil éadóchas, dóchas; áit a bhfuil dorchadas, solas; agus áit a bhfuil brón, áthas. A Mháistir Dhiaga, deonaigh nach niarraim chomh mór sólás a fháil le sólás a thabhairt; a bheith tuigthe chomh mór le tuigsint a bheith agam; grá a fháil le grá a thabhairt; óir is ó bheith ag tabhairt a fhaighimíd; is ó phardún a thabhairt a fhaighimíd pardún, agus is trí bhás a fháil a saolaítear sinn don bheatha shíorraí.

8 8 First 3 Items on the Agenda 1. The acceptance by the board of directors of the authorised representatives of members that are not natural persons. 2. Ascertainment that a quorum is present. 3. Adoption of Standing Orders.

9 9 4. The Minutes of the Last AGM read by (add name here), Secretary  The Secretary must read the minutes in full at the AGM.  Note: Any highlights or points placed here are not a replacement for the reading of the minutes.

10 10 5. Report of the Board of Directors  You may choose to place highlights or headings here.

11 11 6. Treasurer’s Report presented by (name)  Report of the treasurer, consideration of accounts and approval of treasurer’s honorarium

12 12 7. Auditor’s Report  Prepared by XXX XXXXXX, senior partner, Snatchit, Grabitt & Runn & Co.

13 13 INCOME200X200Y Interest on Members Loans Other Interest Receivable & SimilarSchedule 1 Net Interest Income Other IncomeSchedule 2 Total Income EXPENDITURE Salaries Other Management ExpensesSchedule 3 Depreciation Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts Bad Debts Recovered Total Expenditure 7. Auditor’s Report: Income & Expenditure Account 30 September 200X page 1

14 14 200X200Y Total Expenditure Less Income over Expenditure ADD Undistributed surplus 01 October 200Y Dividend Under/Over-provided for last year LESS Transfer to Statutory Reserve Transfer to General Bad Debt Reserve Transfer to Building Reserve Transfer to Development Reserve Proposed Dividend Proposed Loan Interest Rebate Undistributed Surplus 30 September 200X 7. Auditor’s Report: Income & Expenditure Account 30 September 200X page 2

15 15 ASSETS200X200Y Cash and Balances at Bank Deposits and Investments Loans to Members Less: Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts Tangible Fixed Assets Prepayments and Accrued Income Total Assets LIABILITIES Bank Overdraft Proposed Dividend Proposed Loan Interest Rebate Other Liabilities, Creditors, Accruals & Charges MEMBER RESOURCES Member Shares Statutory Reserve Other Reserves TOTAL LIABILITIES 7. Auditor’s Report: Balance Sheet 30 September 200X page 1

16 16 ASSETS200X200Y Cash and Balances at Bank Deposits and Investments Loans to Members Less: Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts Tangible Fixed Assets Prepayments and Accrued Income Total Assets LIABILITIES Bank Overdraft Proposed Dividend Proposed Loan Interest Rebate Other Liabilities, Creditors, Accruals & Charges MEMBER RESOURCES Member Shares Statutory Reserve Other Reserves TOTAL LIABILITIES 7. Auditor’s Report: Balance Sheet 30 September 200X page 2

17 17 Schedule 1200X200Y Other Interest Receivable and Similar Income Investment Income Deposit Income Total Per income & Expenditure Account Schedule 2 Other Income ECCU Claims Experience Refund Foreign Exchange Income Entrance Fees Sundry Income Total Per income & Expenditure Account 7. Auditor’s Report: Schedules 1 and 2

18 18 Schedule 3200X200Y Other Management Expenses Treasurers Honorarium Rent and Rates Lighting, Heating & Cleaning Security Repairs and Renewals Printing and Stationery Postage and Telephone Donations and Sponsorship Promotion and Advertising Training Costs Convention Expenses Chapter Expenses AGM Expenses Travel & Subsistence 7. Auditor’s Report: Schedule 3 Page 1

19 19 Schedule 3200X200Y Other Management Expenses Bank Charges Audit Fee General Insurance Legal & Professional Fees Share and Loan Insurance Computer Maintenance Share and Loan Insurance Bad Debts Written Off Miscellaneous Expenses ILCU Funding Social Event Other Total Per Income & Expenditure Account 7. Auditor’s Report: Schedule 3 Page 2

20 20 200X200Y Opening Cash & Investments RECEIPTS Member Shares Members Loans Repaid Members Loan Received Investment Interest Earned Bad Debts Recovered Other Receipts (Increase)/Decrease in Prepayments TOTAL 7. Auditor’s Report: Cash Flow Statement page 1

21 21 200X200Y DISBURSEMENTS Members Shares Withdrawn Members Loans Granted Dividends Paid Loan Interest Rebate Paid Operating Expenses Fixed Assets Purchased Other Disbursements (Increase)/Decrease in Other Liabilities Accruals and Charges TOTAL Closing Cash and Investments 7. Auditor’s Report: Cash Flow Statement page 2

22 22 200X200Y Capital Investment Management Ongoing Fund 5 Year Fund 7 Year Fund Other TOTAL 7. Auditor’s Report: Deposits and Investments

23 23 7. Auditor’s Report Highlights  Bullet points go here

24 24 8. Report of the Supervisory Committee  Highlights/summary here Names of the members of the Supervisory Committee go here

25 25 9. Declaration of Dividend & Rebate of Interest  The Dividend for this year is X.XX%  The Rebate of Interest for this year is X.XX%

26 26 10. Report of the Credit Committee  Highlights Names of the members of the Credit Committee go here

27 27 11. Report of the Credit Control Committee  Highlights Names of the members of the Credit Control Committee go here

28 28 12. Report of the Membership Committee  Highlights Names of the members of the Membership Committee go here

29 29 13. Report of the Planning & Development Committee  Highlights Names of the members of the P & D Committee go here

30 30 14. Report of the Education Committee  Highlights Names of the members of the Education Committee go here

31 31 15. Report of the XXX Sub-Committee  Highlights Names of the members of the XXX Sub-Committee go here

32 32 16. Report of the Nominating Committee  Highlights Names of the members of the Nominating Committee go here

33 33 17. Amendments to Standard Rules arising from BDM

34 34 Elections 18. Appointment of Tellers 19. Election of Auditor (List the name(s) of the candidate(s) here) 20. Election to fill vacancies on the Supervisory Committee (List the names of the candidates here) 21. Election to fill vacancies on the Board (List the names of the candidates here)

35 35 22. Any Other Business  List items here

36 36 23. Announcement of Election Results  The Auditor  Election to fill vacancies on the Supervisory Committee  Election to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors

37 37 24. Adjournment or close of the meeting Thank you for your participation and support. We look forward to another successful year of service in our community. Slán Abhaile

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