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University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire What Do Students & Households Think About Global Warming Issues? Student Researchers: Isaac Borofka-Webb, Drew Christensen,

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Presentation on theme: "University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire What Do Students & Households Think About Global Warming Issues? Student Researchers: Isaac Borofka-Webb, Drew Christensen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire What Do Students & Households Think About Global Warming Issues? Student Researchers: Isaac Borofka-Webb, Drew Christensen, Joy Larson, Ben Ponkratz and Matthew Sackmann Faculty Researcher: Eric Jamelske Department of Economics University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Chippewa Valley Center for Economic Research & Development

2 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Overview  The Project  The Survey  The Sample  The Results  Public Awareness  Future Work  Q & A




6 Global Warming OR ????

7 January 2010 February 2010, Washington DC

8 Late April 2010 Eau Claire, WI

9 The Project & The Survey  How much do people really know about global warming?  Survey of households and students.  What do residents of the Chippewa Valley think?  What do UWEC Students think?

10 The Project & The Survey  Is global warming really happening?  Why is it happening?  Is it anthropogenic?  Should we be concerned?  What should we do?





15 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire The Sample  292 households submitted a completed on-line survey. -Postcard mailing and news media  412 UW-Eau Claire students surveyed by paper and pencil in economics, geography, and chemistry classes.  704 total respondents.

16 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire The Sample  Student sample was 54% female and 46% male  Household sample was 45% female and 55% male.  In terms of age 93% of students were 18-24 compared to only 13% of household respondents.  The remaining age distribution for households was 20% age 25-44, 50% age 45-64 and 17% over age 65.

17 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire The Sample  Most households reported annual income between $40,000-$75,000.  12% earned less than $20,000.  17% earned over $100,000.  Students were not asked about their income (they are poor).

18 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire The First Question


20 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Global Warming Not Real  The remaining questions are about the causes of global warming and what we should do to address it.  40 household respondents said GW is not happening.  New N = 252  10 student respondents said GW is not happening.  New N = 402  These respondents were not asked further questions.

21 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Cause of Global Warming


23 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Cause of Global Warming


25 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Re-Cap  Nearly all had an opinion regarding global warming.  Public opinion somewhat divergent.  A majority felt mostly human caused.  Non-trivial amount of skepticism toward anthropogenic cause.  Majority blame manufacturing most.  Some uncertainty regarding most responsible sector.

26 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire What Should We Do


28 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire What Should We Do


30 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire What Should We Do


32 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire What Should We Do


34 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Re-Cap  Of those that believe global warming is real, general consensus that action should be led by government.  Majority also support international agreement to reduce carbon emissions (even without China and India).  Economy is most important current issue. -Environment is a distant 4th.  Vast majority of reported little/no familiarity with the current US legislative proposals (especially students).

35 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Alternative Strategies/Policies










45 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Re-Cap  Wind and solar perceived to be most effective alternative sources of energy.  Nuclear and ethanol less so.  Carbon tax, and cap & trade policies also not thought to be very effective strategies.  Much uncertainty regarding effectiveness of alternatives/strategies, especially cap and trade, carbon capture, carbon tax and nuclear.

46 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire What Should We Do?  Divergent opinions regarding if global warming is real and how concerned we should be.  Uncertainty & divergent opinions regarding global warming causes.  Consensus regarding need for government involvement, but uncertainty and divergent opinions regarding what alternatives and policy strategies would be most effective.  Little to no familiarity with current legislative proposals.  Need for increased public awareness!

47 What Should We Do


49 What Should We Do?


51 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Public Awareness (Science)  How much global warming science should people know?  Temperature is rising.  Climate models predicted this rise.  GHGs trap heat.  World Fossil Economy.  Warming will have consequences, some possibly severe.

52 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Public Awareness (Science)  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).   The United States Environmental Protection Agency   The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration   Goddard Institute for Space Studies 

53 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Public Awareness (Legislation)  How much global warming politics should people know?  Alternative sources, cap and trade, taxes, subsidies  Waxman-Markey Bill, Kerry-Boxer Bill  Montreal Protocol  Rio de Janeiro, Kyoto, Copenhagen, Cancun  Wisconsin Policy

54 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Public Awareness (Legislation)  International sources  United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change -  National sources  Henry Waxman House Webpage (Waxman-Markey) -  John Kerry Senate Webpage (Boxer-Kerry) -  State sources  Clean Energy Wisconsin -

55 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Public Awareness (Energy Alternatives)  Wind  US Department of Energy -  Wind Power in Wisconsin -  Solar  US Department of Energy, Nuclear  Nuclear Energy Institute,

56 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Public Awareness (Energy Alternatives)  Ethanol  American Coalition for Ethanol -  Hybrid vehicles  Electric Drive Transportation Association -  Commuter/high-speed rail  Midwest High Speed Rail Association -

57 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Public Awareness (Policy Strategies)  Carbon Capture  Carbon Capture Project,  Carbon Tax  Carbon Tax Center -  Cap & Trade  Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative,  Environmental Protection Agency -








65 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire The Economic Way of Thinking Can Help  People respond to incentives  How did we get here?  People respond to incentives  How can we change course?  Politics and Ignorance  Will we change course?  Taking the pulse of the world regarding GLOBAL WARMING! Yale 360 Survey:

66 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire The Economic Way of Thinking Can Help What is YOUR solution? “There are no solutions, there are only trade-offs.”

67 Questions & Discussion

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