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Alisa Artis Women with Vision. Explain your overall vision board/presentation. What does it mean to you? What inspired your selections?  This vision.

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Presentation on theme: "Alisa Artis Women with Vision. Explain your overall vision board/presentation. What does it mean to you? What inspired your selections?  This vision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alisa Artis Women with Vision

2 Explain your overall vision board/presentation. What does it mean to you? What inspired your selections?  This vision board has been created to demonstrate exactly what I desire out of life. I am very clear about the things I would like to accomplish as well as the things I would like to have.  The images will help me transform the desires into reality.  I was inspired to include the following pages as these are all short term goals I would like to accomplish within the next five years.

3 How do you plan on making this a part of your future? How will you incorporate your vision board/ presentation in your life? How will you be reminded of what your vision is?  I plan on making this a part of my future by making it a reality. I would like to become the best person that God wants me to be.  I will keep a copy on my computer and a copy in my room to look at to remind me of my goals and to keep me on track.

4 How has the process (For My Journey) impacted your vision board? Has what you envisioned now differ from what you may have envisioned prior to the process?  The Journey has allowed me to see a clearer bigger picture of my life and where I want to go. My faith has gotten stronger. I now believe in myself and know that all things are possible through prayer & faith.  What I have envisioned now differs prior to the Journey because I had given up and accepted what my life is. I now have more of a desire to accomplish my goals.

5  A greater connection with God  Complete my Masters Degree  Debt free  Travel more  Great diverse High School and basketball opportunity for my son  Remodel my home  Marriage

6 It is important for me to stay connected to God. Through prayer, meditating & reading God’s word.

7  I would to complete my Masters Degree in Guidance Counseling from Bowie State University by 2014.

8  My desire is to become debt free. I have a lot of debt and it can be stressful. I don’t want to live check to check and unable to save money.

9  My desire is to relax & travel. I want to see places I’ve never been.

10 My son Ashton is a blessing from God.  My prayer is for Ashton to be a man of God, to get a college degree, play basketball & have a family.

11  I would like to redecorate my home and make it gorgeous.

12  I have never been married and would like to share my life & love with a man of God.


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