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Annual Planning & Revenue Share Rhoda Smolow, Organization Department Chair Anita Levy, Revenue Share Project Manager Viviane Kovacs, Annual Plan Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Planning & Revenue Share Rhoda Smolow, Organization Department Chair Anita Levy, Revenue Share Project Manager Viviane Kovacs, Annual Plan Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Planning & Revenue Share Rhoda Smolow, Organization Department Chair Anita Levy, Revenue Share Project Manager Viviane Kovacs, Annual Plan Project Manager Lindy Ettin, Unit Services Director Presidents Training Sunday, July 12, 2015

2 Frequently Occurring Questions Cash On Hand Listing Fundraising Profits as Income Duplicating Expenses on the Activity and Operating Budget Disbursements Units not Requesting Revenue Share Do Not Send in Revenue Share as Fundraising You MUST keep your 3 months usual and customary in your account at all times even when you’re asked to empty your treasury

3 Changes to the Annual Plan should be listed in an attached memo/email Cannot change past quarter income/expenses, only present and/or future income/expenses Changes to previous quarters should be acknowledged in the evaluation tab Evaluation Tab Mandatory to complete and should include details about event/activity. The more specific your activity description, the easier it will be to evaluate. Quarterly Requests MUST BE Reviewed by Resource Chair BEFORE Sending to National Frequently Occurring Questions

4 New Policies Disbursements: Identify how much money you are disbursing or spending on each chapter/group. Even if you have centralized banking or the units no longer have accounts, indicate how much you're spending on their behalf (ex mailings, bulletins, etc). Credit Card Fees: Should be treated as an administrative expense and listed in the operating budget under banking fees. Consider it the cost of doing business. Cards and Certificates: NO INCOME SHOULD BE LISTED. Small purchases for Hadassah cards and certs are an operating expense. Larger certs are considered fundraising income and the certs are purchased from and $ sent directly from National. Parlor Meetings: If coordinated through the major gifts officer and Development Division, expenses to be covered by Development.

5 2016 Unit Goals, National Goals and New Priorities New cover page to include goals and priorities National Goals from 2015 remain the same Still required to align Unit Goals with National Goals and ensure they are within the new Organizational Priorities Sample on the following page


7 2016 Revenue Share Allocation Funding Model has given us better insight into how the Regions are doing business Able to identify where we are getting best ROI (Return On Investment) Ensures that Units receive operating funds in a fair and equitable way Going Forward: Do not have the 2016 total revenue share budget at this time Based on our data, revenue share has not incentivized Grassroots Fundraising Need to determine how the revenue share funds will be allocated in future Changes to the revenue share formula may occur

8 Guidelines for Allowable Revenue Share Expenses: Regions Travel to units by Presidents and Area Advisors Conferences/Meetings/Trainings: Includes travel to the conferences/meetings for members of the Region Boards Consider hosting conferences/meetings via webinar to save on travel expenses Includes hotel rooms (double occupancy) for members of the Region Boards if overnight stay is required Participants should be paying a reasonable couvert to cover some of the expenses Speakers Administrative expenses in approved offices (utilities, internet connections, supplies, mailings, conference calls etc.) At the discretion of Region, subvent members to Conferences & Convention Those subvented should be required to follow guidelines set by Presidents Discretionary funds for Presidents use Attendance at community or coalition partner events that include Hadassah in the program or on the agenda

9 Guidelines for Allowable Revenue Share Expenses: Chapter/Group Chapter/Group Board Meetings/Trainings/Events Chapter/Group Trainings Chapter administrative expenses in approved offices (utilities, internet connections, mailings etc.) At the discretion of Chapters/Group and in consultation with Region leadership, subvent members to Conferences/Convention In order to receive Revenue Share Chapters/Groups can: Submit an annual plan/operating budget – (Blueprint training materials) Bank statement Have a meeting or conference call with the R/BC President/Treasurer If the Chapter/Group is not requesting Revenue Share, why? Do they have a bank account? Are they fully self sustaining? Are they using fundraising money to cover their expenses?


11 Warm Up Activity Spot the errors! Review the Annual Plan in front of you and identify the errors on each page Circle the problems you find You have 5 minutes GO!

12 How did you do? We identified 17 errors, how about you?

13 Group Activity Each group has at least one representative from each geographic area: Close Knit, Far Flung, Mid Flung (Big Chapters are in Close Knit) The resource chairs at your table are the facilitator and recorder Using the scenario provided, create an Annual Plan based on the given geography, demographics, leadership and fundraising health status of your unit You have 15 minutes to write an annual plan with up to five activities Your operating budget is provided based on your geography

14 Conclusion How did you do? As each group presents their plan, make note of things that you would improve on or change If you’d like to make a comment about the plan, pick a hat from the table that represents your evaluation style to share your feedback Are you: Viviane: Looking at the activities and details? Anita: Looking the numbers and budgets? Rhoda and Lindy: Looking at how each activity aligns with National’s goals/priorities?

15 Involving the Executive Board in your Annual Plan Determine Direction & Focus Identify Goals for your unit Align Goals with National Goals & Strategies Develop Annual Plan Respond to Changes & Challenges Develop Board Leadership

16 Develop Activity Determine Direction & Focus Engage Board & Chairs Answer Questions Determine Direction & Focus Engage Board & Chairs Answer Questions Evaluate Which goals were met? What changes do we make? Evaluate Which goals were met? What changes do we make? Response/Changes Result Responsive Planning Develop Board Leadership

17 Translates To: Activities Goals Budget in Annual Plan Vice Presidents Fundraising Membership Education Leadership Organization Vice Presidents Fundraising Membership Education Leadership Organization Event Chairs Committees Event Chairs Committees ENGAGE Develop Activity Activity Type Fundraiser Program Communications Leadership Development Set Goals Outreach Fundraising Membership Education Leadership Development Determine Resources Needed Volunteer Financial Staff Develop Activity Activity Type Fundraiser Program Communications Leadership Development Set Goals Outreach Fundraising Membership Education Leadership Development Determine Resources Needed Volunteer Financial Staff

18 Respond to Changes & Challenges Identify challenges in meeting Annual Plan Goals Brainstorm ways to respond to the challenges Executive Board selects response strategy Implement response strategy/strategies Incorporate strategy into the Annual Plan

19 Develop Board Leadership Prepare Hadassah for transition for meeting new challenges Set the vision Plan for the future Evaluate and decide where and when to spend time, money, volunteer resources and staff resources

20 They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. -- Andy Warhol Luisa Ellenbogen

21 Thank You

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