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Strategaeth TG ar gyfer y Gymraeg Dr Jeremy Evas Lowri Wynne Williams Llandrindod 24.6.05.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategaeth TG ar gyfer y Gymraeg Dr Jeremy Evas Lowri Wynne Williams Llandrindod 24.6.05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategaeth TG ar gyfer y Gymraeg Dr Jeremy Evas Lowri Wynne Williams Llandrindod 24.6.05

2 Beth sydd ar gael yn barod? Egwyddorion cyfrifiadura ar gyfer ieithoedd bychain Technoleg a chyfieithu: sut mae gwneud eich bywyd yn haws

3 Egwyddorion Hawdd ei ddefnyddio Technoleg gyfarwydd Newid iaith Sylw manwl Ddylai defnyddio’ch iaith gostio dim oll i’r defnyddiwr





8 Rhaid iddo fod yn hawdd ei ddeall



11 Rhaid iddo fod yn gyfarwydd

12 Saesneg/English

13 Cymraeg/Welsh

14 Català

15 Bahasa Indonesia

16 Basgeg/Basque

17 Nynorsk

18 Newid iaith a rhannu peiriannau



21 Sylw manwl...

22 Ŵ Ŷ



25 Rhaid iddo fod yn ddi-dâl



28 Y Strategaeth ei hun

29 Lleoleiddio rhaglenni eraill Arolygon o wefannau sector cyhoeddus Cyfieithu gyda chyfrifiadur Rheoli Terminoleg

30 1Introduction5 1.1Intended Audience5 1.2‘Bilingual’ Software5 1.3Scope of Applicability5 1.4Review and Publication6 1.5Standards and Guidelines7 1.6Terminology7 1.7Document Structure8 1.8Further Information8 2Localisation – Guidelines, Issues and Management9 2.1Definition of ‘Localisation’9 2.2Reasons for Localisation9 2.2.1The Law9 2.2.2Bilingualism in Wales Today10 2.2.3Business Opportunity10 2.3Project Management of Bilingual Software and Web System Development10 2.3.1Requirements Management10 2.3.2Testing & Quality Control11 2.4Translation & Linguistic Quality11 2.4.1Consistency and Use of Standard Resources11 2.4.2Working with Translators12 2.4.3Outsourcing Translation12 3Locales, Alphabets and Character Sets12 3.1Locales12 3.1.1Locale Naming12 3.1.2Using a Locale12 3.1.3Differences Between British English and British Welsh Locales12 3.1.4Minimising Impact of Locale Differences12 3.2Alphabets12 3.2.1Character vs Letter Counts12 3.2.2Sort Order12 3.2.3Combining Alphabets & Sorting12 3.3Character Sets12 3.3.1Explicit Specification of Character set12 3.3.2Encoding of non-ANSI Characters12 3.3.3User Input12 3.3.4Choice of Font12 4Architecture and Design12 4.1Language Choice12 4.2Storing Language Preference12 4.2.1Application Level Profiles12 4.2.2Operating Platform Profiles12 4.2.3Limiting Preference Scope12 4.3Identifying Initial Language12 4.4Domain Names12 4.5Consistent Presence of Chosen Language12 4.5.1Handling Absence of Language Elements12 4.5.2Identifying Inconsistency12 4.6User Interface Structures12 4.6.1Parallel/Mixed Text (Level 1)12 4.6.2Parallel Mirroring (Level 2)12 4.6.3Local Resource (Level 3)12 4.6.4Central Resource (Level 4)12 4.7Translation and Content Support Tools12 4.8Error and Event-Driven Messages12 4.9Integration with Language Support Tools12 5User Interface12 5.1Language12 5.1.1Quality of Language12 5.1.2Abbreviations12 5.1.3Policies, Disclaimers and other Legal Text12 5.1.4Simultaneous Deployment12 5.1.5Monolingual Content12 5.2Design & Layout12 5.2.1Parity of Design Quality12 5.2.2Mixed Language Interface12 5.2.3Anchor Components12 5.2.4Prominence of Information with a Language Context12 5.2.5Grammar Neutrality12 5.2.6Labels & Placeholders12 5.2.7Images, Graphics and Icons12 5.3Common Functionality12 5.3.1Initial Language Choice12 5.3.2Language Selection12 5.3.3Searching12 5.4Accessibility12 5.5Graphical User Interface (GUI)12 5.6User Assistance12 5.7Installers12 6Outputs12 6.1General Guidance12 6.2Monolingual or Bilingual12 6.3Layout and Format12 6.3.1Mixed/Parallel Text12 6.3.2Sequential Text12 6.3.3Alternating Pages12 6.3.4Separate Objects12 6.4Mail Merge12 6.5Character Set12 6.6Reports12 6.7Emails12 6.7.1Subject Line12 6.7.2Subject Line Modifiers12 6.7.3Disclaimers and other text12 6.7.4Attachments12 6.7.5Email Address Domain Names12 6.7.6Reply Name and Address12 7Data Management12 7.1General Guidance12 7.2Identifying Bilingual Data12 7.3Managing Bilingual Data12 7.4Handling Third Party Data12 7.5Enumerated Data Items12 7.6Mandatory, Optional or Inappropriate12 7.7Data Capture12 7.7.1Automated Data Entry/Procurement12 7.7.2Manual Data Entry12 7.7.3Encouraging Bilingual Data Entry12 7.7.4Providing Data Objects12 7.8Data Storage12 7.8.1Character Sets12 7.8.2Sort Orders12 7.8.3Normalisation12 7.8.4Enumerated Items12 7.8.5Analysis12 7.9Data Display12 7.10Data Transmission and Interfaces12 7.11Meta-Data12 7.11.1Creating Meta-Data12 7.11.2Managing Meta-Data12 7.11.3Using Meta-Data12 7.12Postal Addresses12 8e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF)12 8.1General Note on English Language Items of Enumerated Data12 8.2e-Government Metadata Standard (e-GMS)12 8.3Government Data Standards Catalogue (GDSC)12 8.4Technical Standards Catalogue (TSC) & e-Services Development Framework (e-SDF)12 9Resources & Bibliography12 9.1Character Sets12 9.2Language Resources12 9.2.1Canolfan Bedwyr12 9.3Welsh Language Board12 9.4Localisation & Multilingual Computing12 9.5e-Government Standards & Guidelines:12 9.6Other12

31 Marciau diacritig a Gwefannau Technoleg Llais Rheoli llif gwaith cyfieithu Cyfieithu Peirianyddol MT, SR, TTS

32 Cof cyfieithu: y ffordd ymlaen?



35 “Ar y cyfan, canfuodd yr arolwg nad oes llawer o aelodau a chyfeillion CCC yn gyfarwydd â meddalwedd cof cyfieithu. Nid ydynt yn gweld yr angen ar hyn o bryd o ran cwsmeriaid yn gofyn amdano” Hefyd...... Mae’r galw am hyfforddiant ar greu a defnyddio cof cyfieithu yn aruthrol











46 “The main objective of TM should be to improve the quality of text. Speed should be a side benefit” Panel trafod yr ITI (Cynhadledd 2003, Warwick )

47 Crynodeb Cof Cyfieithu Angen hyfforddiant cyson Cysondeb terminoleg Ansawdd y cyfieithiad Dileu diflastod ac ailadrodd Posibiliadau rhannu cofion cyfieithu rhwng cyfieithwyr Angen manteisio i’r eithaf ar dechnoleg o bob math er budd y Gymraeg

48 yn fawr iawn diolch

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