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Strong Spartans  Miranda Contreras  Cecilia Sanchez  Melanie Lucy  Mary Noniscan  Sabrina Raji.

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2 Strong Spartans  Miranda Contreras  Cecilia Sanchez  Melanie Lucy  Mary Noniscan  Sabrina Raji

3 Sparta  Athenians and Spartans were friends before the Persian war  Children allowed to live were brought up in severe discipline  Women had rights that Greek women didn’t have  Spartan was very strong

4  Commander of Spartan army.  Born around 520 B.C  Descendent of Hercules  Ruled from 488 to 480 B.C.E  Leonidas claimed Hercules as an ancestor Cecilia Sanchez/Leonidas/King

5 Melanie Lucy/Andromeda/Merchant  Merchants traded olives, olive oil, and grapes  Did not like to trade with other outside their country  Spartan economy relied on farming  Trading was difficult because Spartans did not trade with coins they used heavy iron bars  Merchants were allowed a larger amount of freedom then anyone else for trade

6 Miranda Contreras/Cora/Slave  Most of the slaves were women.  Usually the poorest names had to be slaves.  men were responsible for taking care of the home and children.  women were responsible for carrying out their duties on their own and in the field.  Peroki men were regular men not slaves.

7 Mary Noniscan/Aristotle/Government Official  In the Government I help choose what rules the king Sparta makes  It was in a group of Oligarchy in Sparta so I’m in a group where men help make decisions for the king to agree on  in a group of the council of elders Spartan men at the age of 60 and over were allowed to be a member  I helped Sparta have the most stable government in all of ancient Greece  Most of the members of the government were men

8 Sabrina Raji/Peloponnese/general  Sparta was famous for it’s solders who under went tough training as teenagers  Citizen solders like those of Sparta were called Nopiltes  At the age of seven Spartan boys were sent to train for the army  The boys in the army did not have blankets.  Spartan military members wore scarlet robes

9 The Spartan Chant S-P-A-R-T-A Sparta Sparta Olay! Were the strongest of the bunch and we have a heavy punch. We could beat you in a race, even in Olympic games. Sparta’s army is the best and we can’t be beat. Were the strongest of the bunch and we have a heavy punch. We could beat you in a race even in Olympic games. Sparta’s army is the best and we can’t be beat. S-P-A-R-T-A Sparta Sparta Olay!


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