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B1a4.5. Objectives: All pupils learn the stages in the development of new drugs. All will discover why drug testing is so important Starter; Why do some.

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Presentation on theme: "B1a4.5. Objectives: All pupils learn the stages in the development of new drugs. All will discover why drug testing is so important Starter; Why do some."— Presentation transcript:

1 B1a4.5

2 Objectives: All pupils learn the stages in the development of new drugs. All will discover why drug testing is so important Starter; Why do some people argue against animal testing? Why do others think animal testing is essential? What do you think?

3 Objectives: All pupils learn the stages in the development of new drugs. All will discover why drug testing is so important You are designing a new medicine. What are the key expectations? How will you judge whether it is successful or not?

4 Scientists expect a new medicine to be: Effective Safe Stable Successfully taken into and removed from the body Objectives: All pupils learn the stages in the development of new drugs. All will discover why drug testing is so important Can you explain what each of these statements mean?

5 Objectives: All pupils learn the stages in the development of new drugs. All will discover why drug testing is so important Page 70 shows a flow diagram which demonstrates the stages in the development of a new drug. Use the Title ‘Developing New Medicines’ Draw a simplified version of this flow chart giving each box a short heading (not more than 6 words) This can be done using the worksheet which gives an outline.

6 Objectives: All pupils learn the stages in the development of new drugs. All will discover why drug testing is so important Lets read the thalidomide story.

7 Objectives: All pupils learn the stages in the development of new drugs. All will discover why drug testing is so important Use the Thalidomide time line sheet to transfer this story to you books. Please now complete the summary questions Plenary: Look at the key points. What arguments might you use to persuade an animal rights protester that animal testing might be necessary.

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