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Shapes and Designs Unit Project By Julia Buniak. Characteristics of a Triangle Number of Sides and Angles - 3 Angle Sum- 180˚ Different versions of Shapes-

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Presentation on theme: "Shapes and Designs Unit Project By Julia Buniak. Characteristics of a Triangle Number of Sides and Angles - 3 Angle Sum- 180˚ Different versions of Shapes-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shapes and Designs Unit Project By Julia Buniak

2 Characteristics of a Triangle Number of Sides and Angles - 3 Angle Sum- 180˚ Different versions of Shapes- Equilateral, Isosceles, Scalene, or Right Triangle. Interior angles of an equilateral triangle- 60˚ This is a picture of an equilateral Triangle. This is a picture of right and an isosceles triangle. This is a scalene triangle.

3 Characteristics of a Quadrilateral Numbers of Sides and Angles- 4 Angle Sum- 360˚ Different versions of shapes- Squares, Rectangles, or Parallelograms. Interior angles of a Square- 90˚ This is picture of a Square. This is a rectangle. This is a picture of a parallelogram.

4 Characteristics of a Pentagon Number of Sides and Angles- 5 Angle Sum- 540˚ Different versions of shapes- Regular and Irregular Pentagon. Interior angles of Regular pentagon- 108˚ This is a picture of a Regular pentagon. This is a picture of an irregular pentagon.

5 Characteristics of a Hexagon Number of sides and Angles- 6 Angle Sum- 720˚ Different versions of shapes- regular and irregular hexagons. Interior angles of regular Hexagon- 120˚ This is a regular hexagon. This is a picture of an irregular hexagon.

6 Characteristics of a Heptagon Number of Sides and Angles- 7 Angle Sum- 900˚ Different versions of shapes- regular and irregular heptagons. Interior angles of Regular Heptagon- 128.5˚ This is a regular Heptagon. This is an irregular heptagon.

7 Characteristics of an Octagon Number of Sides and Angles- 8 Angle Sum- 1080˚ Different versions of shapes- regular and irregular octagon. Interior angles of Regular Octagon- 135˚ This is a regular octagon. This is an irregular octagon.

8 Relationships  What they have in common. They are all polygons. They all have at least one line of symmetry (if they are regular polygons). As their number of sides increase the angle sum increases by 180˚.

9 Relationships  What they don’t have in common. They don’t all have equal side lengths. They don’t have all the same angle measures or angle sum. They don’t have the same number of sides.

10 Pictures of Triangle on my kitchen chair.

11 Facts About Triangles 3 sides and 3 angles 180˚ angle sum A triangle with 3 sides lengths and angles the same measure is an equilateral triangle. A triangle with 2 sides lengths and angles the same measure is an isosceles triangle. A triangle with no side lengths and angles the same measure is a scalene triangle. An equilateral triangle can tile a surface.

12 This is a rectangle on my hallway closet door. This is the real door that is also a rectangle.

13 Facts about Quadrilaterals 4 sides 360˚ angle sum A quadrilateral with all sides the same length and all angles 90˚ is a square. A quadrilateral with all angles 90˚ but has 2 congruent sides is a rectangle. A quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides is a parallelogram. A square can tile a surface.

14 Pictures of the U.S. Pentagon.

15 Facts about Pentagons. 5 sides and 5 angles 540˚ angle sum Pentagons are found in the U.S. pentagon. Pentagons cannot tile a surface.

16 . These are hexagons on my brother’s backpack. This is my brother’s actual backpack.

17 Facts of a Hexagon A regular hexagon can tile a surface. 6 sides and 6 angles. 720˚ angle sum The largest shape that can fit in to a hexagon is a square.

18 Picture of a Heptagon Medicine Box.

19 Facts about a Heptagon A regular Heptagon cannot tile a surface. 7 sides and angles. Has 5 triangles inside of a regular heptagon. 900˚ angle sum Has 14 diagonals in regular heptagon.

20 Stops signs that are Octagons.

21 Facts About Octagons A regular Octagon cannot tile a surface. 1080˚ angle sum. 8 sides and 8 angles. A regular octagon has 20 diagonals. A regular octagon has 6 triangles.

22 Thanks For Watching!

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