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By Rachel Engels and Grace Connolly. o Believed in Evil spirits o More common in the Countryside FAITH HEALERS.

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Presentation on theme: "By Rachel Engels and Grace Connolly. o Believed in Evil spirits o More common in the Countryside FAITH HEALERS."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Rachel Engels and Grace Connolly

2 o Believed in Evil spirits o More common in the Countryside FAITH HEALERS

3 o Found in large towns and cities o Medicinal supplies o Commercial culture APOTHECARIES

4 o Men o Training o Treated the wealthy o Methods PHYSICIANS

5 o Lady Mary Wortley Montagu o Inoculation-Ottoman Empire o Dangerous o Greatest medical triumph SMALLPOX

6 o Edward Jenner o Experimental method o Disappearance of Smallpox COWPOX

7 o Bacteria o Robert Koch ANTHRAX

8 o Louis Passteur RABIES

9 o The study of Anatomy o Cauterization o Difficulties 1.Painkillers 2.Unsanitary conditions o Antiseptic methods o Dwale SURGEONS

10 o Labor and Delivery o Treated female problems o Setting o Invention of forceps o Madame du Coudray-Manual on the Art of Childbirth MIDWIVES

11 1.Children’s soothing syrups 2.Cough syrup AMUSING PRACTICES

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