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Microcomputers in Business.  Instructor: Pat Paulson, Somsen 325 457.5581  Office hours listed on web site  , Office Communicator:

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Presentation on theme: "Microcomputers in Business.  Instructor: Pat Paulson, Somsen 325 457.5581  Office hours listed on web site  , Office Communicator:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microcomputers in Business

2  Instructor: Pat Paulson, Somsen 325 457.5581  Office hours listed on web site  E-mail, Office Communicator:  Grading in D2L:  Course Web site:  Check web sites periodically for updates! PgP MIS 202 2

3  Course1 web site contains all class info!  Face to Face  Class in Somsen 301  Online-synchronous  View live with Adobe ConnectAdobe Connect  Online-asynchronous  View class recordings with TegrityTegrity  Use in any combination PgP MIS 202 3

4  Laptop  External Monitor  Adobe Connect –web conferencing  Tegrity-class recordings  Headset PgP MIS 202 4

5  Attorney  Mechanical Engineer  Operations Manager  Business Systems Consultant  MIS Professor PgP MIS 202 5

6  Course policy and syllabus  Assignments  Hints occasionally  Important announcements PgP MIS 202 6

7  An introduction to some of the more commonly used software packages for business decision-making. Spreadsheet, business graphics, database and integrated software are introduced. PgP MIS 202 7

8  Students will learn what laptops and network resources can do for business  Students will be exposed to a sampling of the latest business program applications  Students will learn the importance of business applications in problem solving PgP MIS 202 8

9  Software familiarization  Appropriate software application  Creating business software ‘toolbox’ PgP MIS 202 9

10  Tegrity, Adobe Connect  DreamweaverOneNote, Word, Outlook, Web Camera  PowerPoint, MovieMaker  Skype, LinkedIn  Excel, Access, MapPoint  Google Docs, Google Earth  VmWare, Zip Files,.ISO images PgP MIS 202 10

11 1. Single application problem solving 2. Multiple application familiarity 3. Multi-application problem solving Goal: when confronted with a business problem be able to create an efficient, effective solution using applications. PgP MIS 202 11

12  Business objective- solve problems  Tools- your mind and computer applications  Methodology  Define problem  Create solution  Implement computer application(s) PgP MIS 202 12

13  No book  MeLB-Microsoft Electronic Learning for Business  200+ courses available (subject to change, no charge)  Atomic Learning  Just in Time videos  Web resources  Software application help files! PgP MIS 202 13

14  Available from Control PanelControl Panel  Dreamweaver CS5  Office Communicator  MapPoint  VMware-Workstation(PC) or Fusion (Mac)  Learn to install software PgP MIS 202 14

15  Available on the Internet, or Web Based  Adobe Connect  Tegrity  Skype  Atomic Learning  Google-Documents, Gmail, Earth, YouTube PgP MIS 202 15

16  Chapter Examples, other files available by selecting  Start>Run then type in: \\store\classes\20135000520\ReadOnly Or \\store\classes\20135001155\ReadOnly \\store\classes\20135001155\ReadOnly  Learn to use VPNVPN PgP MIS 202 16

17  Somsen 301, Adobe Connect or Tegrity  Have laptop, power supply, patch cord every day  Use external monitor  Questions? First use D2L Discussions  Then contact via email or Office Communicator PgP MIS 202 17

18  Active engagement in problem solving  Counts towards grade  Assignments, projects and exams will contain material discussed in class, but not in the textbook  Section 03, 11am- Android Tablet feedback  Attendance: highly recommended-in class or using recordings PgP MIS 362 Intro- 18

19  Exercises and Problems  To focus on and hone required skills  Learn applications by doing  No emailing assignments, no print outs  Late work penalized PgP MIS 202 19

20  Use JIT to ‘learn’ software  Graded, results emailed to student  Questions- use D2L Discussions PgP MIS 202 20

21  Before midterm and final make sure that you have WSU network access and that you can connect to class storage.  Why? Exam files are found here!  Off campus? Remember to check VPN! PgP MIS 202 21

22  Test knowledge of software  Short answer, possibly essay  Hands on problems  Open book, open notes, timed  Online-D2L  No make up exam! PgP MIS 202 22

23  Same format as mid-terms, but 2 hours  Cumulative, test knowledge of business applications  Open book, open notes  Laptop or computer required  In D2L PgP MIS 202 23

24  You are permitted to work together on Assignments, problems. However…  During exams you are on your own, including doing hands-on problems. Therefore…  It behooves you to actually do the work! PgP MIS 202 24

25  Grading is based on:  5%Participation  50%Assignments  20%Midterms (10% each)  25%Final PgP MIS 202 25

26  Based on 100 total points  A 90% or greater  B 80 to 89%  C 70 to 79%  D 60 to 69%  F less than 59% PgP MIS 202 26

27 Late assignments are penalized! No extra credit No make-up exams! Point loss for spelling and grammar Professor Paulson does not give out grades Students earn grades! PgP MIS 202 27

28  Like learning new software applications and problem solving? Consider MIS major or minor  Consider joining MISA  Attend MISA events  Have questions about advising, scholarships, internships, careers, graduate school…  Contact me at your convenience PgP MIS 202 28

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