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Drug/Alcohol Jeopardy Game

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1 Drug/Alcohol Jeopardy Game
The group/partners that gets the most points will receive bonus points added into their 3th quarter grade P.S You may NOT use your notes!

2 Drug Jeopardy Let’s see what you know
Alcohol Inhalants Pot or not? Drugs More drugs 100 200 400 600 800 1000

3 Category 1 100 Is alcohol a stimulant or a depressant? Depressant

4 Category 1 200 What is a DUI/DWI?
Driving while intoxicated or driving while under the influence. It is when you get pulled over and caught drinking and driving.

5 Category 1 400 How does alcohol affect your body? Affects your liver
Decreases your reaction time (makes you slower) Kills brain cells Your coordination is off You are more likely to do dangerous and stupid things

6 Category 1 600 _________________ is a series of unpleasant symptoms/feelings one experiences when they stop taking a substance like drugs and alcohol. They might shake, vomit, get paranoid or even angry. Withdrawal

7 Category 1 800 What is BAC stand for and how is it measured? Blood
For one point extra credit tell me what number BAC is bad Blood Alcohol Content Measured by a breathalyzer test is dangerous and illegal

8 Category What is the definition of alcoholism (is the article WASTED) For a bonus point: What increases you chances of becoming an alcoholic greatly? Physical and psychological addiction to alcohol. Having around 4-5 drinks per day/per sitting. Being addicted to drinking alcohol Having a parent with alcoholism will increase your chances of having it

9 Category 2 100 Air fresheners Glue Spray paints/paints Gasoline
Name 3 things people inhale to get high Air fresheners Glue Spray paints/paints Gasoline Other cleaning supplies

10 Category What are some things you can do to avoid breathing in these harmful things? Open a window when painting Go outside to paint Wear a mask over your nose Lock away dangerous chemicals Don’t inhale them on purpose to get high

11 Category 2-300 pts Inhalants
______ can make you lose your sense of smell

12 Category What does SSD stand for? Sudden Sniffers Death

13 Category Name three things that can happen when you use inhalants Sudden death Suffocation Choke on own vomit Rash Breathing can stop Brain damage

14 Category 2 800 Tell me the path that inhalants take in the body
Nose/mouth Lungs Bloodstream Heart, liver, muscles and brain

15 Daily Double A gateway drug means it LEADS you to do other drugs
Marijuana is a “gateway” drug What does gateway drug mean? Explain in full detail for points A gateway drug means it LEADS you to do other drugs

16 Category 3 100 When marijuana is smoked it is called a _______. Joint

17 Category 3 200 What are two other names for Marijuana? Pot Reefer
Mary-Jane Weed

18 Category 3 400 How do you spell ________ M A R I J U N

19 Category 3 600 What are some effects people on marijuana will have?
Makes them have the munchies/hungry Makes them have no motivation to do stuff (like homework) Kills their brain cells Hallucinations Makes them paranoid Relaxation Makes them creative (or so they think)

20 Category 3 800 Marijuana is called a G_ _ _ _ _y drug.
Fill in the blank and explain what that means Gateway Drug It means that once people try marijuana it leads them to try other and more drugs

21 Category What is THC? For an extra point what does THC stand for? For an extra point what plant is marijuana from? The chemical in marijuana that makes you feel relaxed/high Tetra, hydro, cannabis It is from the cannabis plant

22 Category 4 100 How old do you have to be to buy a pack of cigarettes?

23 Category Name 5 reasons why NOT to smoke (reasons why smoking is BAD for you) Bad for lungs Second hand smoke Clothes smell Breath smells Teeth yellow Kills you Because it is addicting

24 Category How long does a crack high last? 15 mins

25 Category 4 600 How can you get AIDS from doing drugs
From needles that were used by other people who have AIDS(heroin needles for instance)

26 Category What plant is marijuana from? The cannibus plant

27 Category A typical smoker spends over $_____dollars per year on cigarettes Approximately $750 or more a year

28 Category 5 100 Another name for this drug is snuff or dip
Many baseball players use this. You can get mouth cancer by using this Chewing tobacco or smokeless tobacco

29 Category 5 200 Users of this drug risk diseases such as HIV/AIDs, Hepatitis B and C from sharing needles What is Heroin

30 Category 5 400 Name one effect that cocaine has on the people who use it Violent, a high that last 30 mins or so, bloody noses, lose of weight,addiction,pregnant women will make their baby addicted to cocaine by smoking it, lose of motivation to do things.

31 Category 5 600 What is the addictive part of cigarettes? Nicotine

32 Category 5 800 What is the difference/similarities between Cocaine and Crack? Cocaine is snorted and crack is crystallized and is smoked. Both are from the same plant

33 Category 5 1000 There are ____ know poisons in cigarettes
Within 25 we will give it to you 200

34 Congratulations you know your stuff 
The End Congratulations you know your stuff 

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