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1 San Diego’s Regional Planning Agency Regional Metadata Inventory Tool Presented at the San Diego Regional GIS Council meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "1 San Diego’s Regional Planning Agency Regional Metadata Inventory Tool Presented at the San Diego Regional GIS Council meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 San Diego’s Regional Planning Agency Regional Metadata Inventory Tool Presented at the San Diego Regional GIS Council meeting on July 7, 2010

2 2 Regional Metadata Inventory Tool: What does it do? l Maintains geospatial metadata l Allows users to: –Create or upload metadata –Search for layers based on keywords l For San Diego region (as of right now)

3 3 Regional Metadata Inventory Tool: Why was it built? l For the San Diego Regional Geospatial Information Network (SDREGIN) Strategic Plan l Useful for the Data Inventory and Data Gap Analysis l Helped consultant with the collection and analysis of over 500 metadata documents

4 4 Metadata Standards l FGDC-STD-001 June 1998 l More info at

5 5 Metadata Standards for SanGIS l All data submitted to SanGIS must include metadata l Detailed instructions on creating metadata using ArcCatalog

6 6 Metadata Workflow Create or Import Metadata Set Permissions for Sensitive Data Review Metadata Elements Publish!

7 7 l Account required l User can search metadata l User can create/upload metadata l User responsible for publishing uploaded metadata l User can determine security settings for sensitive layers Metadata Tool Features: User Accounts

8 8 l Create empty metadata fields for layer l Automatically fills in contact information l Checks for compliance with FGDC Metadata Tool Features: Create Metadata

9 9 l Use ArcCatalog to export metadata to XML l Use FGDC CSDGM (XML) format Metadata Tool Features: Import Metadata

10 10 l Browse for exported XML file l File gets uploaded as an unpublished layer Metadata Tool Features: Import Metadata

11 11 l Make sure all required elements have information l Select “Save & Publish” Metadata Tool Features: Publish!

12 12 Metadata Tool Features: Publish! l Missing elements are reported as errors l Must me corrected before publishing

13 13 l User’s home page shows published and unpublished layers Metadata Tool Features: Publish!

14 14 l Users can search published metadata with options Metadata Tool Features: Search

15 15 l A user can request to view metadata for a sensitive layer Metadata Tool Features: Sensitive Layers

16 16 Regional Metadata Inventory Tool: Open Discussion l Any questions or comments l Ideas for a workflow and schedule l Ideas for maintaining accuracy and timeliness

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