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Exon Array Analysis Changing the Landscape of Gene Expresson Profiling Tzu L. Phang Ph. D. Department of Medicine Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical.

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1 Exon Array Analysis Changing the Landscape of Gene Expresson Profiling Tzu L. Phang Ph. D. Department of Medicine Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine

2 Alternative Splicing (AS) important regulatory mechanism in gene expression Estimated 70% of all genes undergo AS About 15% of AS known to cause some form of genetic disease.

3 Exon 1.0 ST  5.4 millions, 5  m features  1.4 millions probesets (exon)  3 gene level annotations: Core: 17 K genes RefSeq and full length mRNA Extended: 129 K genes Core + cDNA-based annotation Full: 262 K genes Extended + ab-initio gene predictions HG_U133plus2  1.3 millions, 11  m features  54,000 probeset (gene)

4 Exon Array Analysis Work Flow A positive SI unit indicate higher inclusion rate for the exon in sample 1, or low-expression for the exon in sample 2

5 Results

6 Wide opened areas: Compare different detection methods  ANOSVA, ASAP, GenASAP, SPLICE, etc Develop algorithm to mine the noisy data Cluster genes into similar alternative splice forms  Splicing graphs, modeling approaches, etc Functional impact analysis of alternative splicing Discovery of miRNA (intergenic regions) Impact of SNiP on alternative splicing detection

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