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Electronic Resource Usage Statistics in ERM By Sue Kendall – Head of Collection Development, San Jose State University Rae Ann Stahl – Technical Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Resource Usage Statistics in ERM By Sue Kendall – Head of Collection Development, San Jose State University Rae Ann Stahl – Technical Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Resource Usage Statistics in ERM By Sue Kendall – Head of Collection Development, San Jose State University Rae Ann Stahl – Technical Services Manager, San Jose State University November 6, 2009

2 SJSU’s Project Our Goals –All electronic database usage statistics in ERM –Become more systematic about collecting and analyzing usage statistics –Up-to-date usage statistics available year round

3 Jan 2008 - Subscribed to Scholarly Stats –Administered our database usage statistics from COUNTER compliant vendors –Delivered our usage statistics via SUSHI into Millennium’s ERM system SJSU’s Project

4 Feb/Apr 2008 – ERM set-up –To harvest usage statistics using ERM’s SUSHI feature, we used the following guides in CSDirect SUSHI Standard and Electronic Resource Management FAQ Millennium Guide #107126 Automatically Importing User Statistics –We created an alternative option for non-COUNTER usage statistics

5 SJSU’s Project Aug 2008 – Trained Subject Liaisons –The following slides will show the presentation that we gave to all SJSU subject liaisons

6 How can a librarian review database usage statistics?

7 Definitions ERM – Electronic Resources Management COUNTER - Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources –“Librarians are able to compare usage statistics from different vendors; derive useful metrics such as cost-per-use; make better- informed purchasing decisions; plan infrastructure more effectively.”

8 Login - Username: milerm - Password: xxxx

9 Enter Initials and Password - Initials: sjsu - Password: xxxx

10 Database Search - Enter name of electronic resource

11 Initial Display Screen - Click the Usage Statistics Tab

12 Export Statistics - Choose date range and click Export

13 Usage Statistics File - Cost Per Use, Sort, Save

14 Sorted by 2009 Usage

15 Non-COUNTER Usage Statistics Not all databases have COUNTER usage statistics available to import into ERM - Examples: CSA, Alexander Street Press, Newsbank Our IT department created an internal storage space - Non-COUNTER usage statistics linked to ERM

16 Database without imported statistics - No date ranges - Click on View

17 Non-COUNTER Usage Statistics - Right click on Non-COUNTER URL - Open URL

18 Usage Statistics for CSA Databases - Non-COUNTER statistics come in a variety of formats

19 How was this ERM usage statistics project implemented?

20 Database Renewal Emails - Sample instructions Usage statistics for [ex. Academic Search Premier] can be accessed through Millennium’s ERM system. Open the Millennium icon on your desktop. Login Username: milerm Login Password: xxxx Initials: sjsu Password: xxxx Click on the Usage Statistics tab and then the Export box. Or Click on View at the top of the screen. Open the URL next to Non-COUNTER Usage Statistics by right-clicking on the URL and choosing Open URL.

21 Why librarians need standardized usage statistics Renewal time Is database being used? Does the usage justify the cost? Accreditation time Subject Departments need library resource statistics Adding usage can show faculty/student use of library resources

22 Why librarians need standardized usage statistics Questions to ask: If database is not high in usage statistics –Is database high on subject resources page? –Is database highlighted in instruction? –Is interface difficult to use? –Are there comparable databases?

23 Why librarians need standardized usage statistics If database use is high –Should librarian consider additional database(s)? If journal use within the database is high –Should librarian investigate if There are embargo issues What options are available

24 Where are we today? Almost all electronic resources in ERM have usage statistics Liaisons use ERM throughout the year Gives liaisons credibility to be able to cite statistics

25 Future Enhancements Enhanced License Records COUNTER E-book Usage Statistics Usage Analysis, Title Overlap


27 Thank you

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