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Chelan PUD Commission Update. Waterfront Planning Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Chelan PUD Commission Update. Waterfront Planning Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chelan PUD Commission Update

2 Waterfront Planning Process

3 Public Desires More access to the water

4 Add adjacent commercial activities

5 Opportunities for residential Opportunities for residential

6 Comments about desired development We should seek development that: Provides visual access to water Includes distinctive features Provides opportunities to mix park and commercial activities Doesn’t compromise the loop trail’s function and experience Doesn’t lose intimate atmosphere of riverfront parks

7 Waterfront Development Concept

8 Waterfront Mixed Use District Yes No

9 Blank Wall Limitations Encouraging interesting streetscapes No blank walls

10 Park Interface Existing frontage on Orondo Proposed frontage Proposed Riverside Drive Proposed frontage

11 Benefits of Implementation

12 Infrastructure Improvements –IAC Grant received to design and permit new moorage at the Orondo Avenue Boat Basin –The City Council is moving forward to relocate our public works operations from the waterfront

13 Infrastructure Improvements In April, a Growth Management grant was received to define centerline for the development of Riverside Drive

14 Riverside Drive Process Public meeting held May 2004

15 Riverside Drive process Focus group meetings were held May through July to obtain additional public input Open House held in July to review alternatives City Council meeting held in July to select a preferred alternative

16 Riverside Drive Process August – Washington State Transportation Improvement Board grant submitted for the design and construction of Riverside Drive November 11 – TIB decision Timeline if successful: –Summer 2005 – Design (new public process) –2006 – Right of Way acquisition –2007 – Earliest construction

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