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3 Some facts about smoking
1. During the 1990’s, 21 million people died as a result of smoking cigarettes. 2. A quarter of young people who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day will die prematurely as a result of smoking. 3. In the UK, smoking causes deaths a year. 4. 13 people die every hour from illnesses related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease. 5. Every year about 200 people are killed and 2000 people are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking.

4 SPEAKING Make an interview. The topics may cover:
Why do people smoke cigarettes? Where do people smoke? Where can’t people smoke? Is there any anti-smoking advertising in China? Smoking is harmful. Then why doesn’t the government ban it? Has anyone been to your school to talk about the dangers of smoking? Are your friends and family mainly smokers or non-smokers? What is the public attitude to smoking in the place where you live? Do you think you will be a smoker when you leave school and start work?

5 SPEECH/PRESENTATION Suppose you are mayor of the city and you are going to take some steps to control smoking. What will you do? Your speech may cover: harms of smoking advantages of giving up smoking rules and laws your advice/suggestions






11 READING-ARTICLE 1 What is the topic of this short paragraph? A drug addict and his story Dangerous activities of teenagers The dangers of using cocaine

12 WORDS AND PHRASES 1. used to be [be used to do] [used to do/be]
[be/get used to (doing) sth]

13 2. drug addict A: person who is unable to stop taking drugs, alcohol, etc e.g. a heroin addict 有海洛因毒瘾的人. B: person who is strongly interested in sth : e.g. a chess, TV, football addict 棋迷﹑ 电视迷﹑ 足球迷. [addicted]adj ~ (to sth) unable to stop taking or using sth as a habit : e.g. become addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc 对麻醉药﹑ 酒﹑ 烟等上瘾了 [addictive] adj causing addiction 使人上瘾的: addictive drugs 使人上瘾的麻醉药物 * Coffee is addictive in a mild way. 咖啡能稍微使人上瘾. [addiction]

14 3. offer [offer sb sth; offer sth to sb] [provide sb with sth; provide sth for sb] [supply sth to sb; sth sb with sth]

15 READING-ARTICLE 2 What is the topic of this short paragraph? A drug addict and his story Dangerous activities of teenagers The dangers of using cocaine

16 WORDS AND PHRASES 1. some ……, others ……
e.g. On weekends, some people enjoy themselves at home, others continue to work.

17 2. in danger (of) e.g. Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if …… e.g. Ships out in this storm are in great danger. 轮船在这种风暴中出航要冒极大风险 [out of danger] e.g. She was very ill, but is now out of danger她病重, 但现已脱险

18 3. share sth with sb e.g. Tom enjoys sharing his happiness with others.

19 Part 1 1. become addicted to 2. allow sb to do be allowed to do

20 Part 2 1. in great pain

21 Part 3 1. break into e.g. Last night some burglars broke into my house and stole away some money. [break in] e.g. The professor was just about to give his lecture when a student broke in. 2. drug dealer

22 Part 4 1. Using cocaine increases…… 2. heart attacks

23 Part 5 1. by the time e.g. By the time he was 14 years, he had composed many pieces of music of the piano, the violin and the orchestra. e.g. I’ll finish paying for my house by the time I retire.

24 Part 6 1. take one’s advice [follow one’s advice]
[give sb some/a piece of advice] e.g. If I had taken his advice, I would not have made such a stupid mistake. e.g. You’d better turn to Professor Dickerson; he might give you some advice.

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