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How to use the Jeopardy Template Copy the presentation to your hard drive. Open up the game board slide, determine the category of questions you want.

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Presentation on theme: "How to use the Jeopardy Template Copy the presentation to your hard drive. Open up the game board slide, determine the category of questions you want."— Presentation transcript:


2 How to use the Jeopardy Template Copy the presentation to your hard drive. Open up the game board slide, determine the category of questions you want to construct and substitute the proper text for each category. Follow the order of the slides to construct questions for each category and put the answers for each question in the following slide. Delete this slide (slide #1) after you are done. Save the file. Note: You may want to substitute the background graphic for your presentation with an image that is more appropriate for your topic.


4 VOCABULARY VOCABULARY 2 Movement of Molecules Osmosis Active Transport Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final JeopardyJeopardy

5 $100 Question from VOCABULARY When molecules pass through a cell membrane without using energy

6 $100 Answer from VOCABULARY What is Passive Transport?

7 $200 Question from VOCABULARY The diffusion of water molecules across a cell membrane.

8 $200 Answer from VOCABULARY What is osmosis?

9 $300 Question from VOCABULARY When molecules pass through a cell membrane using energy.

10 $300 Answer from VOCABULARY What is active transport?

11 $400 Question from VOCABULARY DOUBLE JEOPARDY A compartment formed from a cell membrane during the process of endocytosis and exocytosis.

12 $400 Answer from VOCABULARY What is a vesicle?

13 $500 Question from vocabulary When molecules are spread out evenly throughout a system.

14 $500 Answer from vocabulary What is equilibrium?

15 $100 Question from Vocabulary 2 The process a cell goes through when a large particle enters the cell.

16 $100 Answer from Vocabulary 2 What is endocytosis?

17 $200 Question from Vocabulary 2 The process a cell goes through when a large particle exits the cell.

18 $200 Answer from Vocabulary 2 What is exocytosis?

19 $300 Question from Vocabulary 2 This is a compartment formed when a cell membrane wraps around a particle.

20 $300 Answer from Vocabulary 2 What is a vesicle?

21 $400 Question from Vocabulary 2 When a vesicle breaks off and the particle enters the cell, we call this process what?

22 $400 Answer from Vocabulary 2 What is a endocytosis?

23 $500 Question from Vocabulary 2 Cells need to take in ________ and _______ and get rid of _________.

24 $500 Answer from Vocabulary 2 What is food, water and wastes?

25 $100 Question from Movement of Molecules DOUBLE JEOPARDY Molecules move in and out of cells through this cell part.

26 $100 Answer from Movement of Molecules What is the cell membrane?

27 $200 Question Movement of Molecules This process occurs when molecules pass through a cell membrane WITHOUT using energy.

28 $200 Answer from Movement of Molecules What is Passive Transport?

29 $300 Question from Movement of Molecules This is the main type of Passive Transport.

30 $300 Answer from Movement of Molecules What is diffusion?

31 $400 Question Movement of Molecules During diffusion, molecules naturally move from areas of what concentration to what concentration.

32 $400 Answer Movement of Molecules What is from high concentration to low concentration.

33 $500 Question Movement of Molecules Molecules keep moving into the less crowded areas until this is reached.

34 $500 Answer from Movement of Molecules What is equilibrium.

35 $100 Question from Osmosis Osmosis is the diffusion of what molecule across the cell membrane?

36 $100 Answer from Osmosis What is water.

37 $200 Question from Osmosis DOUBLE JEOPARDY Osmosis is what type of transport?

38 $200 Answer from Osmosis What is passive transport.

39 $300 Question from Osmosis In Osmosis, water molecules move from areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration – true or false.

40 $300 Answer from Osmosis What is false?

41 $400 Question from Osmosis In osmosis, water molecules move in and out of the cell until this is reached.

42 $400 Answer from Osmosis What is equilibrium?

43 $500 Question from Osmosis Osmosis is ONLY the movement of water into and out of the cell. True or False.

44 $500 Answer from Osmosis What is true?

45 $100 Question from Active Transport During active transport, molecules pass through a cell membrane using THIS.

46 $100 Answer from Active Transport What is energy?

47 $200 Question from Active Transport Active transport helps move small molecules such as water, carbon dioxide and oxygen easily across the cell membrane. True or false.

48 $200 Answer from Active Transport What is False?

49 $300 Question from Active Transport During active transport, molecules are moved against the natural flow of diffusion. True or False.

50 $300 Answer from Active Transport What is true.

51 $400 Question from Active Transport During active transport, molecules move from areas of ________concentration to areas of _________ concentration.

52 $400 Answer from Active Transport What are areas of low concentration to areas of high concentration.

53 $500 Question from Active Transport DOUBLE JEOPARDY A Cell must get energy from THIS molecule to move other molecules against the direction of diffusion.

54 $500 Answer from Active Transport WHAT IS ATP?

55 Final Jeopardy What process do these two pictures represent?

56 Final Jeopardy Answer What is passive and active transport !

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