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Pollutants in Europe: what, where and how much European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Data 11 th May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Pollutants in Europe: what, where and how much European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Data 11 th May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pollutants in Europe: what, where and how much European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Data 11 th May 2010

2 Getting common emissions data European PRTR in the international context What is E-PRTR - Quick facts on data collection - Activities and substances Tracking pollution across EU Future steps Content of the presentation

3 Enhance discussion on comparable emissions data Which goals have PRTR registers? Cover significant releases from industrial point sources and diffuse source Annual multi-media dataflow What can increase PRTR data comparability and use? Data review on quality, completeness and consistency with other emission data Streamlining reporting requirements, review of scope (thresholds, pollutants, activities) Easy data access Which input can TFEIP provide to foster comparative analysis? Exchange concrete suggestions to review more PRTR data from an inventory work perspective (data availability, changes in emission factors/methodologies, etc) Suggest changes in reporting requirements/data format to improve data use, enhance data comparability and avoid double reporting

4 UN-ECE Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers under the Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters  23 Parties (18 EU MS + Albania, Croatia, Norway, Switzerland) + EU  Entered into force October 2009  Data available as of 2012 (reference year 2010)  86 pollutants Regulation (EC) 166/2006 establishing the European PRTR  Based on previous register EPER and IPPC Directive  27 EU Member States + Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland  Data available as of 2009 (reference year 2007)  91 pollutants * * Hexabromobiphenyl, Octylphenols, Fluoranthene, Isodrin, Benzo(g,h,i)perylene + 86 Where data are collected - internationally

5 International framework for data access OECD Task Force on PRTR – Portal

6 What is PRTR? A Process: Annual XML Data flow + Data validation and Review A Product: Publicly database accessible on-line A Tool: Knowledge and participation on environmental matters Data is submitted to reporting countries by 31 March (year-2) Data is validated at EU level (semi-automatic) and reviewed prior to publication Data goes on-line before the summer

7 Quick facts: Scope Who has to report? Each facility ≥ Capacity threshold (Annex I) One or more E-PRTR economic activities Exceeding capacity threshold ≥ Release/transfer threshold (Annex II) Exceeding off-site transfers waste thresholds and/or Exceeding pollutant releases specific thresholds 65 activities in 9 sectors: Energy Production and processing of metals Mineral industry Chemical industry * Waste and waste water management Paper and wood production and processing Intensive livestock production and Aquaculture Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector Other activities. * No thresholds 91 pollutants in 7 groups: Greenhouse gases Other gases Heavy metals Pesticides Chlorinated organic substances Other organic substances Inorganic substances.

8 Quick facts: Reporting format Voluntary Data – optional  Production volume  Nº of installations  Nº of operating hours/year  Nº of employees  Website or Information box Mandatory Data – confidentiality  Facility specific data (ID, company name and geographical coordinates)  Releases to air / water / soil for each pollutant exceeding the threshold value  Off-site transfers of waste and of pollutants in waste-water exceeding the threshold value  Accidental releases

9 Quick facts: Data validation and review

10 Tracking emissions at EU level Aggregated data by Sector, Pollutant, Transfer By Area, Region and River Basin By Time Series Data review in cooperation with ETCs and EEA Stage I (outliers, increase/decrease overtime and geo checks) – first half 2010 Stage II (potential inconsistency with other datasets) – second half 2010: E-PRTR with sectoral emissions under CLRTAP and UNFCCC E-PRTR with waste statistics (Eurostat) E-PRTR with UWWTPs

11 Data overview - by area/ GHGs

12 Data overview - area comparison /SF 6

13 Data overview by time series – Hg in air

14 Future step: where do we see the potentials Synergies between bottom-up and top down approach: - improve quality of data in emission inventories - streamlining reporting requirements Dialogue on data quality and completeness with experts, research community and various task forces (TFEIP, WISE, etc) Detailed analysis for some pollutants (e.g. POPs, Hg, F gases, ODS) and sub-activities depending on emission inventory data availability Engage NGOs and Industry association in the final stage of the data review

15 Thank you Dania Cristofaro DG Environment - Directorate C Industry Unit C3 Industrial emissions

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