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Mojca Skalar Komljanc and Mojca Globokar Slovenian Technology Agency – TIA May 2010 Technology co-operation possibilities with Slovenia.

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Presentation on theme: "Mojca Skalar Komljanc and Mojca Globokar Slovenian Technology Agency – TIA May 2010 Technology co-operation possibilities with Slovenia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mojca Skalar Komljanc and Mojca Globokar Slovenian Technology Agency – TIA May 2010 Technology co-operation possibilities with Slovenia

2 Parliamentary democratic republic Independent since 1991 EU and NATO member since 2004 EURO (€) since 2007 2 million inhabitants Area: 20,273 km² Language: Slovene Capital: Ljubljana (pop. 300.000) Slovenia – quick facts

3 Main industries: electrical engineering and electronics, automotive industry, pharmaceuticals and life science, chemical industry, business services, financial sector. Main markets: Germany, Italy, Croatia, Austria, France Slovenian economy

4 R&D investment in Slovenia (structure in 2008) Should be (year 2008): GDP: 37.162 M EUR R&D Investment: 1.115 M EUR (3%) Private: 744 M EUR (2%) Public: 371 M EUR (1%) Source: SURS In reality (year 2008): GDP: 37.162 M EUR R&D Investment: 617 M EUR (1,66%) Private: 387,5 M EUR (1,05%) Public: 229 M EUR (0,51%) Source: SURS Lisbon agenda Still behind Lisbon agenda

5 European Innovation Scoreboard Source: EC, 2009 SI - Innovation Follower

6 Main mission of TIA: - Support of innovation and technology development activities - Service for companies (R&D, innovation and technology point of view) MVZT (Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology) MORS (Ministry of Defence) MG (Ministry of Economy) SVR (Government Office for Growth) SVLR (Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy) International projects (European Commission) Companies (Associations, GZS - Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Technology platforms, Clusters,...) Policy makers, Financers Users, Economy Independent expert organisation What is TIA?

7 Programs of TIA Production, marketing Initial production Basic research Industrial R&D Experimental R&D (Prototyping) Young researchers (MR) Strategic R&D projects (SRRP) R&D&I projects (RIP) Technology for security and peace (TP MIR) Comercialisation of knowledge (Valor) Support of national innovation system (INO)

8  STARNETREGIO - joint EU funded project, development of maritime clusters in Italy, Slovenia and Croatia.  GLOVAL – joint EU funded project, research of global value chains and the role of national incentives on their development.  KBB – bilateral project Slovenia – Styria (Austria) – development of “Technology Brokerage” services  TARGET – joint EU funded project, research of targeted R&D policies  FLAME - Future Laboratory for the Diffusion and Application of Innovation in Materials Science and Engineering International cooperation

9 Current projects at TIA

10 Technology Platforms Number of members in 2009: 711 companies, 100 RO, 82 faculties TP I-Techmed : Innovative and Supporting Technology in Medicine More thah 65 members from 7 countries; open structure Workgroups: - Biomedical Engineering - Biopharmacy - eHealth and Telemedicine - Nanotechnologies for medical applications - Health Tourism - Space medicine Contact: mr. Ljubiša Malbašič -

11 Chamber of Commerce Association of Informatics and Telecommunications (e-Health) Members: ITC companies Main tasks: -Representing interests of members towards national and international actors and bodies. - Promotion of members and their activities. - Searching for international business opportunities, networking, matching. Contact: mr. Dušan Zupančič ( Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenija)

12 Bilateral cooperation (SLO – HU) OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME (OP) SLOVENIA-HUNGARY 2007-2010 2nd Open Call for Proposals in the frame of the OP published on 21 May 2010 open until 30 September 2010 The subject: co-financing of operations from the ERD Fund (14.699.991,54 EUR) Activity Fields: Regional Development Cooperation Preventative Health Care Environment Protection and Management Efficient Energy Use …

13 Public Agency for Technology of the Republic of Slovenia (TIA) Dunajska 22 1511 Ljubljana Slovenia E-mail: Internet: More info

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