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USArray Year 10 IRIS CoCom Meeting Chicago April 9-10, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "USArray Year 10 IRIS CoCom Meeting Chicago April 9-10, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 USArray Year 10 IRIS CoCom Meeting Chicago April 9-10, 2012

2 USArray Year 10 Basics Final year of five year award Scope All originally scope will be complete Many activities above and beyond originally scope will be complete Schedule All field activities are on schedule Cost savings in early years has been replanned for last two years Budget Funding – FY12 reduced funded – at FY11 level – FY13: expectation is funding at FY11 level 2

3 3 FY09 fully funded Last 20% via ARRA funds FY10 fully funded Supplement of $197,579 for EarthScope Science Plan Workshop Remainder applied to ESNM in 2011 Cascadia Initiative supplement $2.5 M in ARRA funds Covers all costs through FY13 (4 years) FY11 fully funded $163,639 supplement for 2011 ESNM FY12 funded at FY11 level FY13 funding: funded at? $811k received in forward funding Funding Summary - EAR-0733069 - USArray O&M

4 Current Activities Completed cost review with NSF in January Will submit Change Order 34 to “re-baseline” – Propose to use revised spend plan through end of award Propose to submit CO35 for increased scope – Collaboration on integrated web services with COOPEUS / EPOS European efforts PBO submitting similar re-baseline CO, plus several COs that add scope 4

5 USArray Rebaseline 5 CO34 proposes to rebaseline the remainder of Year 4 and Year 5, per table below Financials presented every quarter Will use new, comprehensive CSSR format – A view of things to come?

6 USArray, by WBS Element 6 Most tasks spend slightly less than originally planned

7 Instrumentation Services: FY13-14 IRIS CoCom Meeting Chicago April 9-10, 2012

8 Status Mostly: Salary for IS management team – Note: some are fractionally supported from other awards (USArray, Polar, GLISN, etc.) Small amounts for travel, M&S, Pubs & Printing Revised downwards from previous projections – Mostly due to lower than expected salary for Fowler – Delayed hiring (all planned hiring now complete) Note that this will change substantially for FY14-18 due to inclusion of full salaries

9 Instrumentation Services: FY14-18 IRIS CoCom Meeting Chicago April 9-10, 2012

10 WBS 3.1 – IS Management Same structure as at present – Salaries, travel, M&S, Pubs and printing Salaries will include 100% of IS managers – Some fine tuning of this required

11 WBS 3.1.7 - Magnetotellurics Scoped a slightly more ambitious plan than asked Should achieve three significant “footprints” Proposed structure and activities are essentially the same as today – But – may need to trade some field work against buying replacement equipment – No sensors replaced in nine years (running the same 20 instruments the whole time) 11

12 WBS 3.1.7 – Magnetotellurics – New Initiatives Presented two concepts for new initiatives at last BoD meeting – Full-48 Expanding the MT TA to cover the full 70 x 70 km grid in the lower 48 Cost: ~ double the base MT budget (additional ~$600-700K / year) – Prototype Alaska transect A road-based transect of up to MTsite in Alaska Setting stage for post-2018 MT activities Cost: ~$150-170K / year BoD meeting takeaways – These new initiatives are non-starters 12

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