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Nervous System Disorders. Alzheimer’s Disease Memory Loss Poor Judgement Problems with languageLoss of Initiative Misplaced things Age & Family HistoryAbnormal.

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Presentation on theme: "Nervous System Disorders. Alzheimer’s Disease Memory Loss Poor Judgement Problems with languageLoss of Initiative Misplaced things Age & Family HistoryAbnormal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nervous System Disorders

2 Alzheimer’s Disease Memory Loss Poor Judgement Problems with languageLoss of Initiative Misplaced things Age & Family HistoryAbnormal PRO deposits in brain Certain Genes Environ Factors/Other Risks Mental Status Test Neuropsychological Tests Urinalysis Chest X-Ray Electroencephalalogram (EEG) CT- Scan Blood Work Electrocardiogram (EKG)

3 Multiple Sclerosis A chronic disease of the CNS. Condition can be relatively benign, disabling or devastating. Inflammation of white matter in CNS Destruction of Myelin sheath: results in slow down or blockage of transmitted msgs Diminished or lost function Viruses Environmental Factors Genetic Factors Immune System Factors

4 Stroke When brain cells die because of inadequate blood flow Blood vessel clogs or bursts; brain does Cerebral Thrombosis Cerebral Embolism Cerebral Hemorrhages Subarachnoid Hemorrhages not receive Oxygen; nerve cells cannot function; the part of body no longer functions

5 Cerebral Palsy No 2 or 3 out of 1000 people 2 or 3 years old Yes

6 Parkinson’s Disease A motor system disorder which slowly progresses; degenerative Tremors/trembling Stiffness or rigidity of limbs/trunk Slowness of movement (Bradykinesia) Impaired balance & Coordination 50,000 Specific cause = unknown; researchers believe it is a combination of environment & genetic; DopamineDopamine is a chemical messenger responsible for transmitting signals within the brain that allow for coordination of movement. Loss of dopamine causes neurons to fire without normal control, leaving patients less able to direct or control their movement.

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