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FHC Cat Dissection The Thoracic Cavity.

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Presentation on theme: "FHC Cat Dissection The Thoracic Cavity."— Presentation transcript:

1 FHC Cat Dissection The Thoracic Cavity

2 Where To Make The Cut

3 After You’ve Cut Around The Sternum….

4 Parietal Pleura

5 Visceral Pleura

6 Mediastinum

7 R & L Main Bronchi Right Bronchus

8 Pulmonary Artery Pulmonary Artery

9 Pulmonary Vein

10 Branch of Pulmonary Artery & Vein
Remove a piece of lung tissue (from anywhere!) and search for a branch of both the pulmonary artery (blue) or vein (red) cut in cross section!

11 Branch of Pulmonary Artery

12 Branch of Pulmonary Vein

13 Bronchiole Search through the piece of cat lung that you just removed and check for an empty duct with white walls. This would be a branch of the bronchus - a bronchiole!

14 Larynx Thyroid Cartilage Cricoid Cartilage

15 Hyoid Bone

16 Vocal Cords (Larynx Cut)

17 •The glottis is the space between
the vocal cords.

18 The Thyroid Glands Thyroid Gland

19 Trachea •The tracheal cartilages are reddish- brown.

20 Esophagus •The best way to find the esophagus is to
look behind the trachea!

21 Parietal Pericardium Parietal Pericardium

22 Visceral Pericardium Visceral Pericardium

23 Phrenic Nerve - Right Right Phrenic Nerve
The right phrenic nerve is attached to the thoracic post cava.

24 The left phrenic nerve is embedded in the pleural folds that
Phrenic Nerve - Left The left phrenic nerve is embedded in the pleural folds that lead to the diaphragm.

25 Thymus Gland

26 HAP Coloring •Color the arterial system of the cat red to receive 10 points. •Color the venous system of the cat blue to receive 10 points. •The coloring sheets are in your dissection instructions.

27 Major Veins (Blue) of the Upper Thoracic Cavity
FHC Cat Dissection Major Veins (Blue) of the Upper Thoracic Cavity

28 Precava

29 Azygos Vein Azygos Vein

30 Intercostal Veins

31 R & L Brachiocephalic Veins
•Both are short and branch quickly!

32 R & L External Jugular Veins

33 R& L Subclavian Vein Left Subclavian Vein Right Subclavian Vein

34 Axillary Vein L Axillary Vein R Axillary Vein

35 Brachial Vein

36 Right Subscapular Vein
R & L Subscapular Veins Left subscapular Vein Right Subscapular Vein

37 Internal Thoracic Vein (AKA The Mammary Vein)

38 Major Arteries (Red!) of the Upper Thoracic Cavity
FHC Cat Dissection Major Arteries (Red!) of the Upper Thoracic Cavity

39 Brachiocephalic Artery (AKA Innominate Artery)

40 Aortic Arch Aortic Arch

41 R & L Common Carotid Artery
The nerves adhering to the carotid arteries are the vagus nerves.

42 Right Subclavian Artery (#2)

43 Right Subclavian Artery - Again
R & L Common Carotid Arteries

44 External Carotid Artery

45 Lingual Artery

46 Right Thyrocervical Artery

47 Axillary Artery Left Axillary Artery Right Axillary Artery

48 Brachial Artery

49 Left Subscapular Artery (#11)
Note: The Subscapular artery might emerge from the top OR the bottom of the axillary artery. In either case, it leads directly to the scapular undersurface.

50 Right Subscapular Artery

51 Left Subclavian Artery

52 Intercostal Arteries

53 Remove The Left Lung

54 Thoracic Aorta

55 Aorta Passes Through The Diaphragm

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