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CPR for Pets Small Animal Management 130.4(c)2D.

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Presentation on theme: "CPR for Pets Small Animal Management 130.4(c)2D."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPR for Pets Small Animal Management 130.4(c)2D


3 Today We Will Describe 3 reasons why an animal may need CPR Recite the ABC’s of CPR Role-play a scenario where CPR is needed utilizing dummy dog

4 What is CPR? Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation It is an emergency procedure for when someone is not breathing and their heart has stopped

5 Reasons for CPR Obstructed airway (choking) Shock Poisoning Prolonged seizure Coma Head injury Electric shock Sudden cessation of heart activity and breathing

6 Steps for CPR A- Airway B- Breathing C- Circulation

7 Airway Place animal on its right side Check to see if the animal is breathing by looking for rise and fall of chest Open mouth and pull out tongue to check for obstructions Remove any obstructions SAFETY!- Be sure dog is unresponsive and use caution or you may get bitten

8 Breathing Cup one or both hand’s around dog snout closing their mouth Give one breath to determine if air is going into lungs

9 Checking Pulse Apply pressure with two fingers to the animal’s femoral artery – Inside of the animal’s back leg

10 Circulation Pull the animals elbow to locate where the heart is Large dogs – Use two hands over each other for compressions Small dogs/cats – Cup one hand over chest Compress 1/3 of chest Apply 5 compressions for every breath


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