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Stress… in School Zachery Tyson Alan Wilson Mattie Vorder Bruegge Allyssa Like.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress… in School Zachery Tyson Alan Wilson Mattie Vorder Bruegge Allyssa Like."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress… in School Zachery Tyson Alan Wilson Mattie Vorder Bruegge Allyssa Like

2 Definition of stress Merriam-Webster: Merriam-Webster: a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation a state of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium a state of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium Free Medical Dictionary: Free Medical Dictionary: an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures; term used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. stressor has been used for the stimulus that provokes a stress response. recurrent disagreement btw researchers about definition of stress in humans. Is it primarily an external response that can be measured by changes in glandular secretions, skin reactions, and other physical functions, or is it an internal interpretation of, or reaction to, a stressor; or is it both? an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures; term used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. stressor has been used for the stimulus that provokes a stress response. recurrent disagreement btw researchers about definition of stress in humans. Is it primarily an external response that can be measured by changes in glandular secretions, skin reactions, and other physical functions, or is it an internal interpretation of, or reaction to, a stressor; or is it both?

3 Types of stress Hypo-stress Hypo-stress Bored people suffer; generally work in an unchallenging job and perform the same task everyday; Bored people suffer; generally work in an unchallenging job and perform the same task everyday; feel constantly unmotivated and unhappy; decreases productivity of people - gain weight causes lack of motivation and feelings of loneliness. feel constantly unmotivated and unhappy; decreases productivity of people - gain weight causes lack of motivation and feelings of loneliness. If not diagnosed, can lead to turn depression & other conditions If not diagnosed, can lead to turn depression & other conditions

4 Eustress (Good Stress) Eustress (Good Stress) positive - increases creativity, physical performance, enthusiasm and energy positive - increases creativity, physical performance, enthusiasm and energy Some events and experiences motivate people and increase their productivity. Some events and experiences motivate people and increase their productivity. Ex. when an athlete about to run, eustress occurs Ex. when an athlete about to run, eustress occurs Distress Distress Negative; results from Negative; results from death of a loved one death of a loved one family problems family problems chronic illnesses chronic illnesses heavy work heavy work financial problems. financial problems. leads to chronic stress leads to chronic stress symptoms are high blood pressure, loss interest in appearance, eating disorders, serious heart problems symptoms are high blood pressure, loss interest in appearance, eating disorders, serious heart problems

5 Acute Stress Acute Stress intense type intense type Stress - reaction of body to threat; reaction - sudden response to threat Stress - reaction of body to threat; reaction - sudden response to threat Short term stressors: Danger, noise, infection Short term stressors: Danger, noise, infection Hyper-stress Hyper-stress opposite of hypo stress; negative stress opposite of hypo stress; negative stress Overload or overwork – cause Overload or overwork – cause


7 Chronic Stress Chronic Stress worst type, difficult to treat. worst type, difficult to treat. increases blood pressure and heart rate increases blood pressure and heart rate Family problems, marriage difficulties, job stress, loneliness – causes Family problems, marriage difficulties, job stress, loneliness – causes Teen Stress Teen Stress Work stress Work stress Oxidative Stress Oxidative Stress Job Stress Job Stress Post Traumatic Stress Post Traumatic Stress Emotional Stress Emotional Stress

8 Causes of Stress Health Health Emotional Issues Emotional Issues Relationships (lack of friendship or support) Relationships (lack of friendship or support) Major life changes Major life changes Death of loved one Death of loved one Losing job Losing job Getting married Getting married Moving Moving Especially: TIME MANAGEMENT & WORKLOAD

9 Social and job issues Surroundings (overpopulation, crime, pollution, noise) Surroundings (overpopulation, crime, pollution, noise) Social situation (being poor, feeling lonely, discrimination – race, gender, age, sexual orientation) Social situation (being poor, feeling lonely, discrimination – race, gender, age, sexual orientation) Job – unhappy with work, job too demanding Job – unhappy with work, job too demanding Unemployment Unemployment

10 Effects of Stress leading cause of coronary artery diseases, cancer, accidents and respiratory diseases leading cause of coronary artery diseases, cancer, accidents and respiratory diseases Aggravates following illnesses: Hypertension, insomnia, diabetes, herpes, multiple sclerosis, etc. Aggravates following illnesses: Hypertension, insomnia, diabetes, herpes, multiple sclerosis, etc. short term effects: poor concentration, irritability, anger, and poor judgment. short term effects: poor concentration, irritability, anger, and poor judgment.

11 Suicide Three-quarters (73%) of 804 teachers and lecturers believe children are under more pressure now than 10 years ago, with testing and exams, and family break-up causing the most distress; Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) Three-quarters (73%) of 804 teachers and lecturers believe children are under more pressure now than 10 years ago, with testing and exams, and family break-up causing the most distress; Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) manifestations of stress include: manifestations of stress include: crying (reported by 76% of respondents) crying (reported by 76% of respondents) withdrawal (70%) withdrawal (70%) aggression on students(68%) aggression on students(68%) verbal abuse (64%) verbal abuse (64%) bullying other pupils (53%) bullying other pupils (53%) fighting (48%). fighting (48%).

12 ATL's survey: 72% of teachers said their school has a policy to identify pupils with problems, and 74% have a counsellor; 18% of teachers thought support services well co- ordinated. ATL's survey: 72% of teachers said their school has a policy to identify pupils with problems, and 74% have a counsellor; 18% of teachers thought support services well co- ordinated. stress cause prevalence: stress cause prevalence: testing and exams (89%) testing and exams (89%) family break-ups (68%) family break-ups (68%) peer and family pressure(51%) also the main causes of problems peer and family pressure(51%) also the main causes of problems cyber-bullying (38%) cyber-bullying (38%) physical or verbal bullying (26%). physical or verbal bullying (26%).

13 Stress in Teachers Lack/inadequate instructional materials, teaching resources Lack/inadequate instructional materials, teaching resources Facility inadequacy – materials, resources, Facility inadequacy – materials, resources, heating/cooling, lighting, media facilities, noise, room structure heating/cooling, lighting, media facilities, noise, room structure Poor classroom working conditions (small room, many students) Poor classroom working conditions (small room, many students) Financial issues – salaries, budgets, promotions Financial issues – salaries, budgets, promotions Decreased job mobility Decreased job mobility

14 Classroom distractions Classroom distractions Conflict between amount of time to teach and curriculum Conflict between amount of time to teach and curriculum Teachers roles: teacher, mother/father, coach, counselor … Teachers roles: teacher, mother/father, coach, counselor … Heavy workload – no relaxation, less time Heavy workload – no relaxation, less time High-Stakes Assessment Testing High-Stakes Assessment Testing Responsible to: Responsible to: Administration/Board Objectives & Policies Administration/Board Objectives & Policies students, parents, school administration/board students, parents, school administration/board Physical and Mental abuse by student Physical and Mental abuse by student


16 Stress Tips for Teachers Relaxation Relaxation meditation meditation Yoga Yoga Breathing Breathing read a book – helps unwind read a book – helps unwind Listen to music Listen to music Happy hour w/ friends Happy hour w/ friends Organizational Method Organizational Method Calendars Calendars Daily routines: helps w/ sleep cycle and energy Daily routines: helps w/ sleep cycle and energy Use substitutes Use substitutes Set realistic goals – help find balance Set realistic goals – help find balance

17 Educational methods Educational methods Don’t check emails – unnecessary stress if not extremely important Don’t check emails – unnecessary stress if not extremely important Teacher conventions/workshops – connect w/ other educators & be on “cutting edge” of career Teacher conventions/workshops – connect w/ other educators & be on “cutting edge” of career Student assistance (peer helping) Student assistance (peer helping) Get to know parents Get to know parents Back to college: higher degrees & night classes Back to college: higher degrees & night classes Personal Methods Personal Methods Anger management (stress balls help!) Anger management (stress balls help!) Chocolate – boosts endorphins in brain Chocolate – boosts endorphins in brain Volunteer/community service Volunteer/community service

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