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Auburn University – Auburn, AL AL A April 10-11, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Auburn University – Auburn, AL AL A April 10-11, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Auburn University – Auburn, AL AL A April 10-11, 2015

2  Auburn University ◦ AL A President ◦ AL A Chief Adviser  Tau Beta Pi Officials ◦ District Directors ◦ Engineering Futures Facilitators ◦ Advisors 2

3  Introduction to Tau Beta Pi (Ellen)7-7:15  DICE: District Directors – University Center (Andrea)7:15-8:15  Project Introduction (Andrea)8:15-8:30  Scavenger Hunt (Auburn)8:30-? 3

4  All events held in Shelby Center7-3  Breakfast (All)7-8:30  Ice Breaker (Andrea)8:30-9  Business Breakout sessions:9-11:30 ◦ Chapter Officer Sessions Shelby Center  Effective Presentation Skills (Graduating Seniors) (Ellen)  Highlights of Reporting (Eligibility / Election / Catalog Cards / Final Action) (Rebecca)  Finances (Rebecca)  On-line Systems (Rebecca)  Reverse Calendar (Andrea) ◦ Advisors / Alumni – Alan Passman, EC Member, Shelby Center   Group Photo 11:30-12 4

5  All events held in Shelby Center9-3  Introduction of Alumni 11:45 - 12  Lunch with Alumni (All)12-1  Executive Council (Alan Passman)1-1:30  Meeting: Shelby Center1:30-3 ◦ Chapter Project Presentations (Andrea) ◦ Discussion of location of next District Conference (Ellen)  Wrap-Up and Expense Reports, Shelby Center Auditorium (Ellen)3-3:30  Dinner To Be Determined6ish 5


7 Collegiate Chapters Executive Council District DirectorsHeadquarters

8 Collegiate Chapters Alumnus Chapters Executive Council District Directors Director of Engineering Futures Director of Fellowships Director of Rituals Headquarters Convention

9  16 Districts

10 Andrea Gass(270) 816-2576 Dee Anne Stirm (Outgoing)(228) 341-1329 Ellen Styles(256) 658-9878


12 District Interactive Chapter Exchange

13  Chapter conducts initiations to draw a MEMBERSHIP base from which to draw leaders.  Under dedicated LEADERSHIP, members perform activities that align with TBP goals.  Successful ACTIVITY becomes tradition and establishing positive public relations.  Positive IMAGE attracts more potential members. 13

14  Break into groups to discuss the 4 parts of the Growth Cycle  If you have multiple members from your chapter, split up to different groups  Discuss some of the issues on the next slide with your group  Make a poster and present in one of these ways: ◦ Accent ◦ Skit ◦ Dance ◦ Rap 14  Bonus points for doing multiple activities!

15 15 Typical Membership Issues  How to determine eligibility?  How to determine exemplary character?  Initiation rates are low  Member participation is low  Trouble communicating the benefits of membership effectively Typical Leadership Issues  Members unwilling to serve as officers  Officer enthusiasm and motivation  Trouble with officer transitionsPoor communications  Lack of support from chapter advisors  Lack of support from department, college or university  Lack of support from or communication with national headquarters and national officials Typical Activities Issues  How to develop good projects?  How to fund projects and activities?  How to increase member participation?  How to publicize activities? Typical Image Issues  What is Tau Beta Pi?  Chapter/society name recognition  Chapter visibility on campus  Chapter visibility in the community  Public knowledge and understanding of TBP

16  Awards ◦ Cash Award for Chapter  Rules ◦ A chapter can present ONE project of their choosing (project must be completed) ◦ Your chapter chooses the project to present. This is open-ended and based on the judging criteria. ◦ You have 2 minutes to present on Saturday afternoon after lunch. ◦ District Directors will be the judges with a TBP official acting as a tie breaker. ◦ The awards will be credited to the Chapter Accounts by Headquarters.  Criteria ◦ Focus on the values of Tau Beta Pi ◦ Member Involvement – 25% ◦ Advancing Image of TBP – 25% ◦ Fostering Liberal Culture – 25% ◦ Providing leadership development opportunities – 15% ◦ Other considerations : Chapter Project Report, Was this part of your ICE plan – 10% 16



19  President  Vice-President  Recording Secretary  Corresponding Secretary  Treasurer *Blue words denote Constitution/ Bylaw descriptions 19

20  Vision for growth  Meetings – schedule and run  Convention/Conference – attend and organize travel  Inductions/Initiations – participate  HQ – national contact  Hold other officers accountable 20

21  Inductions/Initiations – send letters to inductees, participate in rituals  Banquet – event planner  Chair of Program Committee  Advancement of technical and professional education of active members ◦ Enrichment events ◦ E-Week events ◦ STEM events 21

22  Keep roll and record books  Keep minutes of meetings 22  Keep names/addresses updated  Send in Reports ◦ Eligibility ◦ Election (ensure catalog cards are completed) ◦ Final Action  Update Chapter Bylaws when amended  Send in IRS 900 forms

23  Complete paperwork for bank accounts ◦ Transferring account to a different name upon officer election  Collect fees and provide reimbursements  Develop a budget ◦ Fundraising ideas  Send initiation fees to HQ  Bookkeeping – Keep TBP out of the red! 23

24  Convention Representative  Initiation Chair  Student Council Representative  Webmaster  Projects/Outreach/Community Service Chair 24

25 Reporting Schedule: Simulated School Year 25

26  Make running your chapter fun and easy  Familiarize incoming officers with the following: ◦ Communication with HQ throughout the year ◦ Required forms used to communicate with HQ ◦ Purpose and use of each form  Simulate all TBP yearly activities to train new officers 26

27  Time divided into months ◦ Each month has forms and activities associated ◦ Forms submitted in time allotted (postmarked by due date) ◦ Activities discussed as a group  Incoming and outgoing officers share information and experience  All chapters aim for Secretary’s Commendation Awards 27

28 July to August

29  Purpose: To establish Convention travel and attendance plans ◦ Due: September 8 ◦ Online report (p. 22-23)  Additional Information: ◦ Constitution requires 1 voting delegate ◦ Additional students = non-voting delegates ◦ Each person attending Convention has own travel plan ◦ Does not count towards a Secretary’s Commendation 29

30 September to October

31  Purpose: reference for chapter contacts ◦ Due: October 15 ◦ Online report (p. 27-28)  Additional Information: ◦ VERY important!! ◦ All contact information taken from this report!! ◦ Counts toward a Secretary’s Commendation  If anything changes, inform HQ immediately!! 31

32  Purpose: Preserve copy of signatures and is a legal requirement for membership reports ◦ Due: October 15 ◦ Paper report (p. 29-30; form is available online to print)  Additional Information: ◦ MUST submit hard copy ◦ Signed by Chapter President, Corresponding Secretary, and Chief Advisor 32

33 October 29 -31, 2015 Providence, Rhode Island

34  Summary of Convention business  Outgoing officers share experiences  Bringing non-voting delegates ◦ How to pay for them? ◦ Two all expenses paid for District 6  Bringing advisors ◦ One all expenses paid for District 6 34

35  Purpose: Confirm voting delegate ◦ Bottom due: 2 weeks after officer election (by June 1; p. 44-45) ◦ Top due: bring to Convention registration (p. 24) ◦ Paper report (form is mailed or available online to print)  Additional Information: ◦ Counts toward a Secretary’s Commendation 35

36  Purpose: Get your money back! ◦ Due: 2 weeks after Convention, October 18 ◦ Paper report (form is emailed or available online to print)  Additional Information: ◦ Required, even if $0 ◦ Signed by Delegate AND Chief Advisor ◦ Counts toward a Secretary’s Commendation ◦ Voting delegate (100% coverage) and non-voting delegate (20% coverage) have separate expense reports 36

37  Purpose: Ratification of amendments ◦ Due: POSTMARKED by April 1 ◦ Paper report (p. 33; form is mailed or available online to print) ◦ Six amendments for 2012 ballot (p.33-A to 33-C)  Additional Information ◦ Sent snail-mail after convention ◦ Your chapter must meet the quorum to have a valid ballot (3/4 of the active members) ◦ Counts towards Secretary’s Commendation ◦ No extensions are given 37

38  Quorum Requirements: ◦ For a valid ballot, 3/4 of active members must vote ◦ Of that, 3/4 must be affirmative for chapter to vote in favor  Comprised of ACTIVE members ◦ ACTIVE is term determined by each chapter ◦ Members may be declared INACTIVE  To declare any member inactive: ◦ Approval of 5/7 of your advisory board  This is NOT a chapter or officer decision alone!!  Advisory Board: President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, 4 Advisors ◦ Inactive members can become active again by approval of the advisory board ◦ Often used for members on co-op assignments ◦ Inactive member is still a member, but is ineligible for any benefits (scholarships, graduation insignia, etc.) 38

39 ~September to ~December

40  Eligibility  Election  Initiation  Final Action Eligibility Election Initiation Final Action Initiation Approval From Headquarters 40

41  Purpose: to report all students eligible for membership ◦ Due: within first 5 weeks of semester start ◦ Online report (p. 5-9)  Additional Information: ◦ Top 1/8 of juniors, top 1/5 of seniors  Round GPA up (if there is a tie for GPA, include everyone!) ◦ Transfer students  Must be in 3rd semester at your school (or second election with 5/7 vote of advisory board) ◦ Watch for “true” junior / senior ranking ◦ Students with approved postponements  May be initiated (or postponed) at the next initiation without being scholastically eligible again ◦ Start the process as EARLY as possible! Order materials (invitations, bent castings) Eligibility Election Initiation Final Action 41

42  Full Name (first, middle initial, last, title)  Month & year of expected graduation  Curriculum  Have they been previously elected?  Are they a present member?  Refer to p. 9  Additional Information: ◦ Do NOT modify the fields of the spreadsheet Eligibility Election Initiation Final Action 42

43  Contact HQ  Paper Report (p. 10-11)  Additional Information: ◦ Completed 50% of degree requirements AND ◦ Top 1/5 of graduate class  If rank cannot be determined, you may have a faculty member testify to the outstanding quality of the student’s graduate work Eligibility Election Initiation Final Action 43

44  Engineers in the workforce who merit distinction for their achievements  Contact HQ  Paper report (p. 10-11; can be emailed)  Additional Information: ◦ Earned either:  Engineering degree and 10 years experience ◦ OR  Non-engineering degree and 15 years experience as a practicing engineer (includes teaching or administration of engineering colleges) ◦ Should be an example in character and professionalism to undergraduates, an asset to TBP ◦ Consider Deans, supportive faculty and industry participants ◦ Use as a pool of potential chapter advisors Eligibility Election Initiation Final Action 44

45  Purpose: Report results of election ◦ Due:  At least two weeks before Initiation  At least four weeks before to have keys and certificates ◦ Online report (p. 12-18)  Part of the membership criteria is to have exemplary character ◦ Ways to determine character?  Reasons why candidate is not elected (p.15) Eligibility Election Initiation Final Action 45

46  Purpose: Capture contact information of approved Electees ◦ Due: with Report of Election before Initiation Approval ◦ Online report (p. 17)  Link is now emailed directly to approved Electees for filling out contact information and submission 46

47  Receive email or verbal approval from Headquarters ◦ Call 1-800-TAU-BETA if unsure ◦ Receipt of eligibility or election report is NOT approval! ◦ READ ENTIRE APPROVAL LETTER!!  May be only tentative approval  If not fixed = UNAPPROVED!! ◦ Refer to p. 19  Do NOT hold an initiation without approval NO UNAPPROVED INITIATIONS!! Eligibility Election Initiation Final Action 47

48  Must receive HQ approval before conducting initiation  Planning in advance  Dealing with unexpected issues  Chapters share elements of a successful initiation  Refer to p. 19-A for 10 most common problems and solutions Eligibility Election Initiation Final Action 48

49  Purpose: initiation results ◦ Due: immediately after Initiation (Within 2 weeks) ◦ Online report (p. 20-21) ◦ Fax or email copy of roll book signatures, and please print names next to signatuers!  Additional Information: ◦ Initiates are not official members until the complete report and signature sheet are received by National Headquarters ◦ Send fees ($39 / initiate) within two weeks  Effective August 1, 2014  $45/initiate Eligibility Election Initiation Final Action 49

50  Hold a second initiation at your chapter or contact another chapter to initiate with them ◦ Notify HQ  Postpone them until next semester ◦ Advisory Board must approve ◦ Notice of approved postponements is emailed by Chief Advisor or via formal letter to HQ ◦ Refer to p.21-A  Ask other chapters! ◦ Electees may be initiated at another chapter ◦ Initiate is still a member of their own alma mater ◦ Notify HQ or DD 50

51 51

52 ~January to ~April

53  Purpose: Notify HQ of new officers & advisors ◦ Due: Within two weeks of election ◦ Online report (p. 31-32) ◦ Remember submission of Bottom Portion of Convention Credentials too  Additional Information: ◦ How to get members interested in being officers? ◦ Additional officers and committee chairs ◦ Chapters share officer election process ◦ Voting process ◦ Verify when your advisors’ terms end and update info as necessary 53

54  Purpose: Verify who are the chapter’s advisors ◦ Due: included with officer elections ◦ Online report (p. 31-32)  Additional Information: ◦ Four advisors per chapter with staggered terms ◦ Valid advisors count towards Secretary ’ s Commendation  Encouraging advisor activity  Replacing inactive advisors  Who can be an advisor? 54

55  Allow new Executive Board to shadow current officers  Report of Eligibility (skip)  Report of Election (skip)  E-Cards (skip)  Report of Final Action (skip)  Copy of Roll Book Signatures (skip) 55

56  Senior Year Scholarships ◦ $2K, Deadline: April 1  Graduate Fellowships ◦ $10K, Deadline: February 1  Laureate Award ◦ $2.5K, Deadline: April 1  Outstanding Advisor Award ◦ Plaque, $1K and $1K to Dean’s discretionary fund ◦ Deadline: April 1  McDonald Mentor Award ◦ Medal, $1K and $1K to nominating chapter ◦ Deadline: April 1  Distinguished Alumnus Award ◦ Plaque and $2K named scholarship ◦ Deadline: February 1  Educational Loan Fund ◦ Up to $2.5K loan  Student Assistance Fund ◦ Grants for financially in-need student members 56

57  Engineering Futures ◦ Free professional development at your chapter  K-12 Mindset ◦ Grants to engage K-12 students for STEM  Greater Interest in Government ◦ Grants to engage government themed projects  Secretary’s Commendation ◦ Recognition for prompt and accurate reporting  Chapter Project Awards ◦ R.C. Matthews Outstanding Chapter ◦ R.H. Nagel Most Improved Chapter ◦ J.D. Froula Most Improved Membership  District Award ◦ $250 to District Conference host chapter ◦ D6 Chapter Project Award (judged on TBP values)  $500 to First Place  $250 to Second Place 57

58 ~April - ~May

59  Purpose: inform HQ of the Chapter’s financial status ◦ Due: June 1 ◦ Online report (p. 35-36) 59  Purpose: Retain IRS tax status or all chapter income would have to be reported and taxed ◦ Due: 15 th day of the fifth month following the close of the Chapter’s previous Fiscal Year (see your chapter’s bylaws) ◦ Online report (p. 37)  Additional Information: ◦ Financial Report and 990-N count towards your Secretary’s Commendation ◦ Must forward 990-N confirmation email from the IRS to at HQ

60  Purpose: inform HQ of chapter health ◦ Due: June 1 ◦ Online report (p. 38-41)  Additional Information: ◦ Required for a Secretary’s Commendation 60

61  Purpose: inform HQ of chapter activities and provide information for next year’s officers ◦ Due: June 1 ◦ Mail or email report compilation (p. 42-43; pdf preferred!)  Additional Information: ◦ Project reports are used to determine Project Awards at Convention ◦ Not submitting project reports counted on the Chapter Survey disqualifies you from receiving the Secretary’s Commendation ◦ Award recipients’ Project Reports are available at (Chapters >> Chapter website>>Resources) 61

62  Why do we do projects/activities?  What projects do you have success with?  How do you encourage participation in chapter projects?  Types of projects to consider ◦ Community Service ◦ College or Institution Support ◦ K-12 ◦ Social / Fundraising 62

63  Have fun leading your chapter!  Have fun with activities!  Submit reports on time!  Aim for awards and recognition!  Take your chapter to the Next Level!  Utilize your District Directors to your advantage! 63

64 Online Reporting 64

65 65

66 66

67 67

68 68


70 1. Suggest hotel – double beds, distance from campus, accommodations 2. Menu – Friday dinner, Saturday lunch 3. Book rooms on campus 4. Get volunteers to work hotel check- in 5. Set up welcome packets – schedule, campus map, “things to do”, pens 6. Tours – campus, industry, fun 7. Communicate with DD’s 70

71  Talk with your chapter  Do you want to host?  What weekends are bad? ◦ Spring break ◦ Midterms ◦ E-Day ◦ Easter ◦ Other??

72  Give 2-3 minutes why your chapter should host.  Chapter Considerations ◦ Willing and available leaders to help ◦ Location ◦ Accommodations

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