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Veterinarians: A vital link to human health! Leslie Tengelsen, PhD, DVM, MSU ‘96 Deputy State Epidemiologist Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

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Presentation on theme: "Veterinarians: A vital link to human health! Leslie Tengelsen, PhD, DVM, MSU ‘96 Deputy State Epidemiologist Idaho Department of Health and Welfare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Veterinarians: A vital link to human health! Leslie Tengelsen, PhD, DVM, MSU ‘96 Deputy State Epidemiologist Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

2 How do you get further epidemiology training after vet school?  Masters of Public Health  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Applied Epidemiology



5 Senior Electives in Epidemiology Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

6 Unique 2-year post-graduate program of service and on-the-job training in applied epidemiology Established in 1951 60-80 persons/year

7 EIS Officer Opportunities: 6Applied epidemiology training 6Establish mentorships with world-renowned specialists 6Travel: domestic and international 6Train in computers, biostatistics, database management 6Serve needs of federal and state PH departments 6Present at scientific meetings and publish findings 6Disseminate vital PH information to media and public

8 Who is Accepted into EIS? 6An MD with at least one year post-grad training (75%) 6A DVM (VMD) with an MPH or other public health experience (~10%) 6Other health professionals: PhD, DDS, PA, Nurses, ? (~15%) Basically anyone with a keen interest in Applied Epidemiology can apply…..

9 Examples of Outbreaks involving EIS officers: International: West Nile Fever in Bucharest, Romania Ebola in Zaire Polio in Qinghai Province, China United States: RMSF in Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas EEE virus in Mobile, Alabama (horses,emus,humans) Hantavirus, Four Corners, New Mexico Multidrug resistant S. aureus, dialysis unit, Conn. Unexplained outbreak of appendectomies in Idaho Neonatal death due to TBRF, WA

10 See Handouts for Contact Information

11 Where would you be located in EIS? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  Headquarters: Atlanta, GA, Hyattsville, MD, Ft. Collins CO, San Juan, PR (75%) oNational Center for Infectious Diseases oNational Center for HIV, STD, TB prevention oNational Center for Environmental Health oNational Center for Injury Prevention and Control oNational Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion oNational Center for Health Statistics oNational Center for Occupational Safety and Health oEpidemiology Program oNational Immunization Program oPublic Health Practice Program  State Health Departments (25%)

12 Dr. James Steele, MSU ‘41: The Ultimate PH Veterinarian During his 28 years with the Public Health Service, he established the Veterinary Public Health Division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He also was instrumental in the establishment of veterinary activities within the World Health Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization in the United Nations.

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