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System Level Preliminary Design Review Friday, January 15, 2010 10:30am – 12:00pm.

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Presentation on theme: "System Level Preliminary Design Review Friday, January 15, 2010 10:30am – 12:00pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 System Level Preliminary Design Review Friday, January 15, 2010 10:30am – 12:00pm

2  Dept of Mechanical Engineering  Christopher Brol (Team Lead)  Aaron Dibble  Ian Donahue  Kevin Molocznik  Dept of Industrial Engineering  Neal McKimpson

3  WHO estimates more than 3 billion people rely on biomass fuels  NGO partnership with Haiti Outreach-Pwoje Espwa  Funded by EPA P3 Energy Research Grant  Develop a biomass stove with focus on improved combustion efficiency Image ref: Than, Ker. "Haiti Earthquake, Deforestation Heighten Landslide Risk." National Geographic Daily News. N.p., Jan.-Feb. 2010. Web. 14 Jan. 2010..

4  Mission  Develop a stove design that has been optimized in such a way that it will see a significant reduction in fuel consumption and reduction in emissions, in comparison with current stoves  Considerable application of engineering principles in fluid mechanics and heat transfer

5 Subsystem #2 Combustion Process Kevin Molocznik Subsystem #1 Structural Design Aaron Dibble Subsystem #3 Thermo/Fluids Analysis Ian Donahue Subsystem #4 Sustainability Neal McKimpson Project Manager Chris Brol

6 Customer Need #ImportanceDescriptionComments/Status CN114%The stove reduces hazardous emissions CN212%The stove consumes 1/2 the fuel of traditional stovesNeed benchmark CN312%The stove accomodates Haitian vendor cookwareApprox. range of pot sizes CN410%The stove reduces the boiling/cooking time of traditional stovesNeed benchmark CN59%The stove is stable during operation CN69%The stove is affordable to Haitian vendors CN78%The stove is simple and intuitive to use CN87%The stove conforms to Haitian cooking standards CN95%The outer surface of the stove is cool-to-touch CN104%The stove can be manufactured using local materials CN114%The stove can be maintained/repaired using readily available resources CN124%The stove is as durable as traditional stoves CN131%The stove can be transported like a traditional vendor stoveMultiple pieces? CN14< 1%The user can control the heat/flame intensityInterface w/ P10462

7 Engr. Spec. #Source Specification (description)Unit of MeasureMarginal ValueIdeal ValueComments/Status ES1CN10, CN11Number of total pieces# Minimize ES2CN10, CN11Number of removable components# Minimize ES3CN6Cost of final system$ MinimizePayment plan is possible ES4 Size of final stovem, m2, m3 ES5CN3Range of pot sizesm8in-18in Applicable to vendor pot sizes ES6 Airflow through stoveccm Maximize ES7 Pressure rise through stovePa How to test/define this? ES8 Temperature difference through stove°C Finite element analysis ES9CN12Lifetime of stoveyears>3Maximize ES10 Pieces of documentation# Maximize ES11 Range of heat outputJ Interface w/ P10451 ES12 Ambient operating temperature°C ES13CN4, CN8Time to cook typical Haitian mealmin:sec Defined from Haiti contacts ES14CN4, CN8Minimum required run time for the stovemin:sec ES15CN1Hazardous emissions (particulates)mg1000-20001500Interface w/ P10451 ES16CN1Emissions (CO 2, CO)mg0-500250Interface w/ P10451 ES17CN1Hazardous emissions (hydrocarbons)mg Interface w/ P10451 ES18CN1NO x emissionsmg Interface w/ P10451 ES19CN4, CN8Average startup/prep. Timemin:sec ES20CN5Side-force to tip stoveN Maximize ES21CN5Top/load force to collapse/destabilizeN Maximize ES22CN9Maximum temperature of outside surface during operation°C Minimize ES23CN2Fuel consumptionkg MinimizeInterface w/ P10451 (WBT, CCT) ES24CN13System portabilityY/N ES25 Size of fan and thermo-electric modulem, m2, m3 Interface w/ P10462 ES26 Overall stove sustainabilityeco-points MinimizeEnvironmental impact of materials & process

8 Reduce Thermal Losses Cook Food Load Fuel Transfer Heat to Pot Burn Fuel Hold Pot Intensity of Heat Generated Control Combustion Rate Clea n Burn Efficient Burn Support Weight of Pot Flame Size Stable to Tipping Conductive Losses Convective Losses Clean Emissions Optimal Air/Fuel Ratio Temperature of Pot Holder Heat FlowMaterials Used Store Fuel Support Weight of Fuel Area Large Enough for Fuel Optimize Air Flow Air Hole Placement

9 Stove Shell Combustion Fuel Air Ignition Heat Emissions Pot Holder Power/Fan/T.E. (P10462) Air Flow Pot Weight Heat Space Constraint Pot

10 IDRisk ItemEffectCause Likelihood Severity Importance Action to Minimize RiskOwner Describe the risk briefly What is the effect on any or all of the project deliverables if the cause actually happens? What are the possible cause(s) of this risk? L*S What action(s) will you take (and by when) to prevent, reduce the impact of, or transfer the risk of this occurring? Who is responsible for following through on mitigation? 1 Project Scope is too largeProject is not completed on timeProject was not properly scoped 224 Coordinate with faculty advisor to determine if scope is too large Chris 2Building materials are too expensive The project does not properly meet budget Requires more expensive materials 326 Design with cheaper building materials being a priority Team 3Can’t integrate with thermo-electrics Can’t produce enough electricity to the fan Can’t produce the ΔT/doesn’t work 236 Coordinate with team 3 to make sure integration is smooth Aaron 4Can’t model flow properly Can’t find optimum hole placement and amountCFD analysis insufficient 212 Seek assistance from faculty to model the airflow properly Ian 5Can’t manufacture within Haitian abilities Tools and skills required are too great The stove is designed to complexly 313 Design the stove to be manufactured as easily as possible Neal 6Materials can’t make it on timeCan’t build/test on schedule Order materials too late or not available 236 Order the materials as soon as they are finalized Team 7Improper coordination with other teams Can’t coordinate electronics and testingDon’t confer with other teams 224 Have constant contact with the other teams through liaisons Aaron 8Can’t meter airflow Aren’t able to adjust the heat of the stoveCan’t slow fan or alter airflow 236 Coordinate with team 3 to reduce fan speed through electronics etc. Ian/Aaron 9Can’t make skirt adjustableThe skirt is not adjustable; fixed Too complex to make skirt adjustable 214 Attempt to find a cheap easy solution to making the skirt adjustable Chris 10Improper air flow amount/locationDon’t produce the proper airflow Don’t do proper testing and analysis 133 Produce many working prototypes early and complete numerous tests Ian 11Stove isn’t large enoughStove is too small to fit their pots Design the stove too small for 24” pot 133 Test prototypes with numerous pots of varying size and shape Team 12Stove isn’t stable enoughStove tips too easily to be useful/safe Stove isn’t secured or stabilized properly 236 Subject stove to varying stability tests design for 150% expected loads Aaron 13Stove doesn’t reduce fuel consumption Fuel consumption isn’t significantly reduced Don’t have complete combustion 236 Alter design early if it is determined to not reduce fuel consumption Kevin 14 Stove significantly alters cooking practices Traditional cooking is altered too muchCooks differently than before 236 Perform numerous tests of prototype and seek the opinions of experts Neal 15Stove doesn’t reduce emissionsEmissions from stove are too harmful Don’t have complete combustion 236 Alter design early if it is determined to not reduce harmful emissions Kevin


12  Greatly reduces emissions  May burn equally as well as TLUD provided charcoal is only fuel used

13  Insulated chimney creates an up-draft to burn hotter and cleaner  Flame/heat control through addition/removal of fuel

14  2 stage combustion  Gasification-to- Combustion  Fan greatly improves combustion

15  Uses fan to push air in from the side  Power-supply and fan could be contained within a housing  Requires insulating material

16  Uses chimney effect to burn up bad emissions  No fan is needed


18  Uses chimney effect to burn up bad emissions  No fan is needed

19  2 stage combustion  Gasification-to- Combustion  Fan greatly improves combustion



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