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United Nations Statistics Division Registry of national Classifications.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations Statistics Division Registry of national Classifications."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations Statistics Division Registry of national Classifications

2 History  Since 2000, UNSD has collected information on national classifications To provide users with an overview of “who is using what” To have a measure of the acceptance of the international classifications

3 Scope  Currently information from 118 countries, about 422 classifications is available (current and previous)  Focus is on activity and product classifications Information on classifications of expenditure according to purpose and classifications of occupation was also provided by some countries

4 Data collection  Information about these classifications was collected almost exclusively in connection with classification workshops  No separate update schedule exists

5 New template  Key information remains the same  Information grouped in main categories: 1. General information 2. Classification structure 3. Relationship to international standards 4. Classification uses 5. Implementation / revision status 6. Supporting documents 7. Capacity building 8. Contact information 9. Other comments

6 New template  UNSD will continue to collect information about activity, product and expenditure classifications  Information will be used to assess implementation of international classifications  Is this format suitable for collecting information about other types of classifications?

7 Questions  1. Does the Expert Group agree to the overall layout and content of the questionnaire template? a. Is the current set of questions suitable to address different types of classifications?  2. Should any additional information be included? a. Are more detailed questions necessary to describe differences from the international classification?  3. Can the Expert Group suggest suitable forms of distribution and follow up for this type of questionnaire? a. Can other institutions be involved? b. Should there be a fixed schedule for collecting this type of information?

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