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Keith M. Wilson Director, Education Service NASAA Mid-Winter Conference February 14, 2011.

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1 Keith M. Wilson Director, Education Service NASAA Mid-Winter Conference February 14, 2011

2 Education Service February 2011 2 VA Education Beneficiaries Participants in VA Education Programs by Fiscal Year (in thousands)

3 Education Service February 2011 3 Post-9/11 GI Bill Status Update Issued over $8.2 billion in Post-9/11 GI Bill payments to over 442,180 Veterans and their educational institutions. VA paid over 337,000 individuals during the Fall semester. Processed enrollments in 13 days Through February 7, received Spring enrollments for over 301,000 students; over approx 250,000 paid. Processing enrollments in 18 days Processing delays due to inclement weather

4 Education Service February 2011 4 Legislative Changes: PL 111-377 Simplifies Tuition and Fee payments Pays all in-state public school costs (including Masters/PhDs)  Net Charges Caps private school costs at $17,500 –  Individual state caps no longer needed Yellow Ribbon Program still applies above $17,500 Housing Allowance Payments Prorates Housing Allowance to training time Pays Housing Allowance for those solely in distance learning  Half the National average of $1348 Allows Vocational Rehabilitation participants to elect the higher Housing Allowance offered by Post-9/11 GI Bill if otherwise eligible  Anticipated increase in Voc Rehab of 20% in 2012 Adjusts Housing Allowance Rates in August instead of January

5 Education Service February 2011 5 Legislative Changes: PL 111-377 Expands coverage to Non-College Degree, On-the-Job Training, Apprenticeship, and Flight programs Prohibits paying education benefits between terms (“interval pay” or “break pay”) Applies to ALL VA education programs, not just the Post-9/11 GI Bill Students will no longer continue to receive benefits for short breaks between terms (e.g., the Dec-Jan winter holiday) Significant outreach effort underway to notify all students

6 Education Service February 2011 6 Legislative Changes: PL 111-377 SEC. 203. Approval of Courses: Deems certain programs of education approved for VA based on other accreditation Allows VA to better utilize the SAAs  Improved oversight functions  Better alignment of resources with areas of concern VA in discussions with SAAs regarding implementation VA will continue working SAAs to forge an improved relationship based on the provisions of SEC. 203.

7 Education Service February 2011 7 IT Accomplishments As of Dec 2010, VA deployed 4 of 5 planned Long Term Solution (LTS) releases LTS currently automates core components of internal Post-9/11 GI Bill claim processing, including calculation and outgoing payments  44% efficiency improvement PL 111-377 impacts VA’s deployment of enhancements to the LTS system. Fully automated processing of some supplemental claims delayed Efficiencies due to LTS automation will not be achieved in 2012

8 Education Service February 2011 8 Things We’re Working On IT Development New Regulations Training for Schools Realignment of SAA Duties Improved Debt Collection Process Improved communication Better letters Info Self-Service for students 

9 Education Service February 2011 9 Things We’re Looking At Certification of Enrollment Yearly Certifications Two step process  Enrollment cert with $0 tuition and fees –Include net charges, if known Amended enrollment certification for net charges Housing allowance and books stipend paid based on initial enrollment cert Beneficiaries receive payment immediately Improve timeliness

10 Education Service February 2011 10 Things We’re Looking At (Contd) Communication Choosing the Right School for You  Not just how to apply for benefits and get paid  Provides veterans with information and resources to aid them in making the best decision to meet their educational needs.

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