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The Cover Letter Prepared by Anita De Iure. Accompanies Resume: n Sent by mail n Sent by fax n Sent by e-mail.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cover Letter Prepared by Anita De Iure. Accompanies Resume: n Sent by mail n Sent by fax n Sent by e-mail."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cover Letter Prepared by Anita De Iure

2 Accompanies Resume: n Sent by mail n Sent by fax n Sent by e-mail

3 A good cover letter n Demonstrates your writing and communication skills n Shows you have done your research about the field and the employer n Summarizes your skills and training relevant to the position n Communicates your enthusiasm for the position and the employer

4 Tips n One page in length n Neat, precise, and free of errors n Always addressed to a specific individual, not to a department n Use same letterhead as resume (if sent by mail) n If necessary, call to get the name of the person

5 Parts of a Letter n Letterhead (includes your name, address, phone, e-mail) n Date n 4 to 6 blank lines n Inside address n Salutation (to a specific person) n Paragraphs n Complementary closing n 4 to 6 blank lines for you to sign your name n Typed name

6 Three Parts n Opening: spark the employer’s interest n Middle: one or two paragraphs to market yourself n Closing: state clearly what happens next

7 First Paragraph n State your reason for writing n Identify the position for which you are applying n Indicate how your heard about the opening n State why you are interested in working for this specific employer

8 Sample Text n My teacher, Anita DeIure, suggested I contact you concerning.. n …regarding our conversation yesterday/last week... n The National Post of February 21 contained an article about n Mr. James Warner informed me …. n Your company interests me because n I would like to apply for….

9 Middle Paragraphs n State your capacity to succeed in a specific field n Emphasize your key qualifications n Tie in pertinent information n Remember: resume states what you have done; letter should integrate this with what you have learned n Include a final sentence that summarizes the strength of your candidacy

10 Sample Text n My experience in accounting includes… n As a junior clerk, I would… n I have worked at developing n My course work in Word and Excel exposed me to n I am confident that I have demonstrated… n These experiences make me an ideal candidate for.. n My qualifications are based on a combination of … n As a student, I have developed and applied skills...

11 Final Paragraph n Provide employer with additional information n Emphasize your career objective n In most cases, indicate that you will call the employer n Include contact information

12 Sample Text n Enclosed is my resume… n I am interested in discussing… n I will contact you… to arrange an interview… n I will be in Toronto during… n You may reach me after 4 p.m. on weekdays at …

13 Thank You Letters n A statement of appreciation for time spent with you n Mention of specific topics discussed n Mention of any follow-up requested n Pertinent information not covered in the interview n Re-affirmation of your interest in and qualifications for the position n A final thank you

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