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The Urinary System Chapter 9. dia- Meaning: through between apart complete.

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Presentation on theme: "The Urinary System Chapter 9. dia- Meaning: through between apart complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Urinary System Chapter 9

2 dia- Meaning: through between apart complete

3 Cyst/o, Vesic/o cyst sac of fluid Meaning urinary bladder Primary function is to store urine until it is excreted

4 Nephr/o Meaning kidney – Primary functions are to filter the blood to remove waste products maintain electrolyte concentrations and remove excess water to maintain the fluid volume in the body – Located retroperitoneally with one on each side of the vertebral column below the diaphragm

5 Nephr/o Nephrons are the functional units of the kidneys. They form urine by the processes of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion.

6 glomerul/o Meaning glomerulus – Found in each nephron – A cluster of capillaries surrounded by a membrane called the Bowman’s capsule (plural, glomeruli)

7 lith/o Meaning stone -lithiasis – Presence of stones Calculus – Abnormal mineral deposit – Vary in size from small sand like granules up to the size of marbles – Named for the organ or tissue where they are located Nephrolithiasis – Kidney stones

8 -pexy Meaning surgical fixation Nephropexy – Surgical fixation of a floating kidney

9 pyel/o Meaning renal pelvis Bowl of kidney Major structure-Renal Pelvis – Primary function is to collect urine produced by the kidneys.

10 ren/o Meaning kidney

11 -tripsy Meaning to crush Lithotripsy – The destruction of a kidney stone with the use of ultrasonic waves traveling through water – Also known as extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy or ESWL (extracorporeal means situated or occurring outside the body)

12 ureter/o Meaning ureter Major structures- Ureters – Primary function Transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

13 urethr/o Meaning urethra Major structures-Urethra – Primary function Transports urine from the bladder through the urethral meatus where it is excreted from the body.

14 Meaning urination, voiding, or micturition Urea – Major waste product of protein metabolism Urine – Liquid waste products and urea to be excreted Urochrome – The pigment that gives urine its normal yellow-amber or straw color. – Color can be influenced by normal factors such as the amount of liquid consumed or by diseases and medications. -uria, Urin/o

15 homeostasis A state of equilibrium that produces a constant internal environment throughout the body Home/o – sameness -stasis – control

16 -cele Meaning hernia tumor Swelling Cystocele Hernia or the bladder through the vaginal wall

17 -ectasis Refers to stretching dilation enlargement of Ureterectasis – Distention of a ureter

18 -lysis Meaning breakdown separation setting free destruction Loosening Nephrolysis – The freeing of a kidney from adhesions (Adhesions are a band of fibers that hold structures together abnormally)

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