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CCCApply California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office CCCApply A A Updated: 10/18/2004 BOG Fee Waiver.

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Presentation on theme: "CCCApply California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office CCCApply A A Updated: 10/18/2004 BOG Fee Waiver."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCCApply California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office CCCApply A A Updated: 10/18/2004 BOG Fee Waiver

2 Presentation Topics FA in CCCApply 2007 Changes Application Walkthrough Implementation Costs and Contacts A A

3 Financial Aid Features in CCCApply Flags, Forms and FA Track 3 Ways to the BOG Fee Waiver A A

4 Facilitating Financial Aid in CCCApply  Includes questions about financial needs and interests that alert the applicant to the possibility of financial assistance  Sets a financial aid referral flag that can be used by colleges to download financial aid prospects or to initiate communication with students at the first contact with the college.  Offers to connect the applicant to the online FAFSA federal aid application form and fills it out with relevant data  Determines eligibility and offers to connect the applicant to the AB540 Tuition Waiver  Presents a Financial Aid track with helpful resources, information and links, including FAFSA and BOG Fee Waiver  Offers to connect the applicant to the BOG Fee Waiver form and pre- populates it out with relevant data A A

5 Financial Aid Referral Flag in CCCApply  Financial aid referral flag set if applicant indicates interest in any of the following: Financial help to attend college Scholarship information Information on federal, state and college financial aid programs EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs and Services) CalWorks Veteran’s services (veteran or veteran’s dependent) Applicant is receiving TANF, SSI, or General Assistance  Financial aid download includes: Minimally, the applicant’s name, address, phone number, email address, and responses to financial-aid-related questions Complete electronic application, if desired B B

6 Financial Aid Links at End of Application

7 CCCApply Financial Aid Track A A

8 Financial Aid page A A

9 BOG Fee Waiver Choice page A A

10 Three Ways to Get to the Fee Waiver  At the end of the CCCApply application for Admission on the Links and Opportunities page  From the Financial Aid Track of the CCCApply home page  Direct link from the College website

11 College Direct Link to BOG Waiver

12 BOG Fee Waiver Features and Functions Features Algorithms 2006/7 Changes A A

13 BOG Waiver Features BOG Waiver is a complete and independent application  Includes Application Manager, Control Center, user support  Customizable introduction, instructions, logo, contact info  Downloads customizable in content and scheduling  Can create business rules and customized email messages  BOG Waiver form, questions, answers and flags are standard  Dedicated design team under the Steering Committee A A

14 Control Center Home Page B B

15 BOG Fee Waiver Features  Only one application can be filed per year per user per college  Built-in algorithms to generate Eligibility and Dependency status flags  Presents questions and instructions based on dependency status and data provided Includes special prompts for Registered Domestic Partnerships  E-Sign electronic signature  Allows applicant to print out the full form upon submission  Thanks to smart processing, much easier to use than the paper form A A

16 2005/6 Paper Form

17 2005/6 Online Form in CCCApply

18 Pre-populating Data  Data from Xap student account and from CCCApply are used to pre-populate some answers Name, SSN, Email, Daytime telephone, Current Address, Birth-date Marital status is NOT pre-populated (different code values)  No answers are generated in the online application Applicant must answer all questions, including: Total income Marital status and married as of today Birth-date and over 18 question All answers are cross-checked for errors This ensures that the right wrong answer gets corrected and no legal issues are created

19 Dependency Status Description  Data field called BOGW-Dependency Code “I” = “Independent” Code “D” = Dependent  Used for smart formatting For dependent applicants, parental questions and prompts show, and only parental income column For independent applicants the parental questions and prompts do not show and only student/spouse income column  Used to make certain answers required or optional

20 Dependency Status Calculation  Code “I” = “Independent” If “yes” to any of Born before Jan 1 198x (25 years ago) Married (or registered domestic partner) as of today Dependents living with you Orphan or ward of the state Veteran of US Armed Forces Or “no” to both Claimed on parents tax filing Living with parents  Code “D” = Dependent All others

21 Eligibility Method  Data field called “BOGW Eligibility” Code “A” = Method A only Code “B” = Method B only Code “M” = Multiple Methods (A and B) Code “N” = None; Not Eligible  Used to make certain answers required or optional For example, Method B income questions not required when eligibility for A is set on (however, part B is still available for the applicant to fill out)  Calculated internally using two invisible flags, one for A, one for B, but result is just one eligibility outcome

22 Eligibility Method A  Method A Eligibility set on if “yes” to any: Receiving TANF Receiving SSI-SSP Receiving general assistance Receiving above assistance from parents Certified veteran of the national guard Medal of honor recipient or 911 victim Law enforcement or firefighter killed in the line of duty As of 2006-7: Veterans and national guard split out to 2 fields As of 2006-7: Medal of Honor and 911 Victims split out to 2 fields  Otherwise not eligible under Method A

23 Eligibility Method B  Method B Eligibility set on if total income exceeds the cap for the number in household per the income table for the tax year used for the application  Number in household and income amounts are used to index the table corresponding to the dependency status  Otherwise not eligible under Method B

24 Eligibility Method B Income Table  Income Requirement Changes (Method B Eligibility) For 2007-2008, the income table for Method B eligibility determination is:  Family Size2006 Income 1$14,700 2$19,800 3$24,900 4$30,000 5$35,100 6$40,200 7$45,300 8$50,400 Each additional person (+1)+$5,100

25 2006/7 Changes  Total Income amount limited to $999,999 to align with FAFSA limitation.  Second address line added to align with CCCApply applications for admission (regular and international)  Various text changes to questions/prompts/help  Updated Data Dictionary A A

26 BOG Fee Waiver Walkthrough Application Manager Introduction and District apps Application and Errors Submission A A

27 BOGW Walkthrough

28 BOG Fee Waiver Implementation Subscription Online Resources Contacts A A

29 BOG Waiver Subscription  $2,000 per year annual operation with 2% appreciation (No more 3-year contracts for BOG Fee Waiver)  Not eligible for application discounts (small college, multi-college)  No setup fee (covered by CCCApply)  Must subscribe to CCCApply to get the BOG Waiver “Cable plus HBO and Showtime” model  CCCApply Suite bundle discount 10% CCCApply Standard + International + Spanish + BOG Fee Waiver A A

30 Online Information Resources  CCCApply web site,  Test web site Explore and test new features under development  Project web site  Data Dictionaries Detailed document describing all data collected and generated Includes data formats, input rules, data usage, constraints Describes requirements and algorithms for residency determination, financial aid, AB540 waiver eligibility Separate documents for CCCApply and BOG Fee Waiver  QuickStart Guides for implementation Basic steps and information for new implementations A A

31 End slide: Contacts CCCApply Vendor: Ceene Randle, Xap, 310.945.0513, Project Managers: Tish McNamara, 530.295.9080, & Tim Calhoon, 530.965.0634, Chancellor’s Office: Catherine McKenzie, 916.322.0833, Steering Team: Chairperson: Bill Mulrooney, El Camino College, 310.660.3421, A A

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