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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY DEVELOPING THE MODEL OF INFORMATION LITERACY Chang-Hyeon Choi Dept. of Public Administration Kwandong."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY DEVELOPING THE MODEL OF INFORMATION LITERACY Chang-Hyeon Choi Dept. of Public Administration Kwandong University 522 Naegok-dong, Kangnung City 210-701, Korea (E-mail: This paper is a part of larger project, and is partially funded by Korean Ministry of Information & Telecommunications. 1

2 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT ABSTRACT As information society emerges, the traditional definition of literacy should also be changed. In the industrial society literacy is categorized into three factors such as prose, document and quantitative literacy according to literature review. The purpose of this paper is to explore and confirm the underlying factors of information literacy, and to develop the model of information literacy measure. Numerous information society related policies have been made, but seldom with the knowledge of the level of information literacy of the nation.. Three factors were confirmed as factors of information literacy. 2

3 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY Economic Impact Research shows a strong connection between literacy and economic performance. Businesses in today's changing economy need workers with increasingly higher skills and more knowledge. Investments in human resource development (education and raining) have greater pay off than capital investments. The number of companies reporting skilled worker shortages more than doubled between 1995 and 1998, from 27 percent to 47 percent. 3

4 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY Traditional Literacy 3 Dimensions 1. Writing Literacy 2. Reading 3. Computational

5 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY LITERATURE REVIEW The concept of information literacy has been used since 1970 ’ s. Horton(1983) Proposed hierarchy of information needs applying need hierarchy theory of Maslow. Existing research touched only on the definition and indicator of Info Lit For example, Presidential Committee on Info Lit ( ‘ 89), SUNY ( ‘ 97), etc. According to, Big Six Skills Approach by Eisenberg & Berkowitz ( ‘ 92), Information literacy 1. task definition, 2. information seeking strategies, 3. location and access, 4. use of information, 5. synthesis, 6. evaluation. 4

6 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY 1.TASK DEFINITION: The first step in the information problem-solving process is to recognize that an information need exists, to define the problem, and to identify the types and amount of information needed. In terms of technology, People will be able to: A. Use desktop conferencing, e-mail, and groupware software on local area networks to communicate with others regarding assignments, tasks, and information problems. 5

7 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY 2. INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGIES: Once the information problem has been formulated, people must consider all possible information sources and develop a plan for searching. People will be able to: A. Assess the value of various types of electronic resources for data gathering, including databases, CD- ROM resources, commercial and Internet online resources, electronic reference works, community and government information electronic resources.* B. Identify and apply specific criteria for evaluating computerized electronic resources. 6

8 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY 3. LOCATION AND ACCESS: After people determine their priorities for information seeking, they must locate information from a variety of resources and access specific information found within individual resources. People will be able to: A. Locate and use appropriate computer resources and technologies available within the media center, including those on the library media center's local area network, (e.g., online catalogs, periodical indexes, full-text sources, multimedia computer stations, CD-ROM stations, online terminals, scanners, digital cameras). 7

9 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY 4.USE OF INFORMATION: After finding potentially useful resources, people must engage (read, view, listen) the information to determine its relevance and then extract the relevant information. People will be able to: A. Connect and operate the computer technology needed to access information, and read the guides and manuals associated with such tasks. B. View,download, decompress and open documents and programs from Internet site and archives.* 8

10 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY 5. SYNTHESIS: People must organize and communicate the results of the information problem-solving effort. People will be able to: A. Classify and group information using a word processor, database or spreadsheet. 9

11 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY 6. EVALUATION: Evaluation focuses on how well the final product meets the original task (effectiveness) and the process of how well people carried out the information problem-solving process (efficiency). People may evaluate their own work and process or be evaluated by others. People will be able to: A. Evaluate electronic presentations in terms of both the content and format. 10

12 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY Research Methodology LISREL Can combine factor analysis and measurement model to treat both latent vars and directly observed vars simultaneously and to estimate error terms of each var. Not only EFA but also CFA

13 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY Results of LISREL 44 questionaire items were developed to measure information literacy (8 subfactors) First Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed According to Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), 3 latent variables were confirmed as dimensions of InfoLit.

14 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY As shown in Figure 1, three factors were confirmed as dimensions of information literacy. AUTO ETHIC CAPTURE STOREPRT NET PCBASIC WORDP SPREADS INFOLIT NETLIT COMLIT 0.30 0.63 0.56 0.32 0.36 0.59 0.34 0.51 1.00 12

15 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY Table 1: Confirmatory Test of Goodness-of-Fit Index (GFI) Table 1: Confirmatory Test of Goodness-of-Fit Index (GFI) 3-Factor Model with measurement errors Model CHI square ProbdfGFIAGFINFIFigure Null1933.21.00020.95.90.94 2- Factor 1933.00019.95.90.94 3-F1933.21.00017.97.93.96 3-F*1933.21.12013.99.98.991 11

16 INFORMATION LITERACY 2000.06.21 KWANDONG UNIVERSITY Conclusions Conclusions To respond effectively to an ever-changing environment, people need more than just a knowledge base. They need techniques for exploring, making connections, and making practical use of information. Information-literate citizens know how to use information to their best advantage at work and in everyday life. The results of this paper can provide useful tools for determining the strategic target group in implementing information – related policy. Changing and evolving construct (Com Lit--Net Lit -- Info Lit) 13

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