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Don’t Keep ASSE A Secret Participate in the ASSE Member-Get-A-Member and Chapter Challenge by December 31!

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Presentation on theme: "Don’t Keep ASSE A Secret Participate in the ASSE Member-Get-A-Member and Chapter Challenge by December 31!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Don’t Keep ASSE A Secret Participate in the ASSE Member-Get-A-Member and Chapter Challenge by December 31!

2 How it Works: Step 1: Share an ASSE Membership application Hand out membership referral cards Forward an application online at Download the referral email template under the Membership Chair section of Officer Central after logging into

3 How it Works: Step 2: Ask your friend to enter your name as their sponsor and use code 1004CHPCHL on their membership application. Step 3: Enjoy the benefits! Your friend gets a $25 ASSE Gift Certificate and 1 Free Practice Specialty You get an entry to win a trip to Safety 2011 Your chapter gets an entry towards winning $150

4 Prize winners for the 2010 ASSE Member-Get- A-Member and Chapter Challenge will be announced January 12, 2011. Questions? Contact ASSE Headquarters at or 847.699.2929.

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