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Turtle see, turtle do Lesson 1 – Welcome to LOGO.

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Presentation on theme: "Turtle see, turtle do Lesson 1 – Welcome to LOGO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turtle see, turtle do Lesson 1 – Welcome to LOGO

2 Starter 1.Write your name at the top of the piece of paper. 2.Put a heading ‘Drawing Shapes’ 3.Write out a list of instructions to draw the following shapes: a)Square b)Triangle c)Circle e.g. Circle: 1. Go to the centre of the page 2. Move the pen or pencil about 5 cm away from the centre

3 To do Copying our work to the Shared Pool Drawing squares and octagons Drawing other shapes

4 Copying our work 1.Go to Start > My Documents 2.Right-click on ‘Project’ and rename it to ‘Project [your first and last name]’ 3.Copy it 4.Go to Start > My Computer > RMShared 5.Go to ICT > ICT Shared Pool > 8CRMM 6.Paste it

5 Drawing squares and octagons Go to Start > Internet Go to Departments > Information Technology, Lessons > Year 8 Click on GameGirl > Lesson 1 Click on ‘Drawing Shapes’ underneath Activity 1

6 LOGO Keywords FORWARD n RIGHT n REPEAT n [instr] HOME CLEARSCREEN Moves the turtle n spaces forward Turns the turtle right n degrees Repeats the instructions in [instr] n times Returns the turtle to the centre i.e. home Clears the screen

7 Saving our work 1.Right-click on the commander window 2.Select ‘Select All’ 3.Right-click again and select ‘Copy’ 4.Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad 5.Right-click in the window and select ‘Paste’ 6.Go to File > Save As 7.Click on My Documents and create a new folder called ‘GameGirl’ 8.Double-click on it and change the Save As type to ‘All Files’ 9.Save the file as ‘Lesson 1 – Drawing Shapes.lgo’


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