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Title Consultation on the 7 th replenishment of IFAD’s resources Geographic distribution Consultation on the 7th replenishment of IFAD’s resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Consultation on the 7 th replenishment of IFAD’s resources Geographic distribution Consultation on the 7th replenishment of IFAD’s resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Consultation on the 7 th replenishment of IFAD’s resources Geographic distribution Consultation on the 7th replenishment of IFAD’s resources

2 July 2005 - Third session of the Consultation on the 7 th replenishment of IFAD’s resources Presentation outline Background How the procedures work Comparative information Our statistics Opportunities for wider geographic reach

3 July 2005 - Third session of the Consultation on the 7 th replenishment of IFAD’s resources Background The principle of geographic distribution is enshrined in Article 6, Section 8 (e) of the Agreement Establishing IFAD It is further articulated in the Human Resources Policy approved by the Executive Board on 9 September 2004, as follows: “Paramount in the appointment of staff, consideration shall be given to the necessity of securing the highest levels of competence, technical ability and integrity available, and to do so by ensuring competition among candidates. The recruitment of professional staff will result in selection of the individual judged to be the best person for the position, taking into account the criteria of equitable geographic distribution and gender balance. IFAD believes that such diversity contributes to its intellectual strength and effectiveness. The President’s appointment decisions shall be final.”

4 July 2005 - Third session of the Consultation on the 7 th replenishment of IFAD’s resources How the procedures work Advertisement - international Screening and long list by HR– applications of candidates from Member States of IFAD Shortlist - prepared by the recruiting division Candidates are invited for interview Interviews are conducted and candidates ranked by merit. Usually there is a clear rank Recommendations are made to the Appointment Board Appointment Board makes the selection decision

5 July 2005 - Third session of the Consultation on the 7 th replenishment of IFAD’s resources Comparative information International Financial Institutions have general statements of gender and diversity and quotas are not allocated. WFP has no formal quotas and have a policy to attain geographic and diversity considerations in the professional category with a target of 40% from economically developing countries. FAO has a methodology on geographic distribution based on that used in the United Nations. 65% of their professional staff is from OECD IFAD has 145 posts compared to a total of 164 Member States. 171.5 posts at the General Support Level are filled by sourcing from the local market.

6 July 2005 - Third session of the Consultation on the 7 th replenishment of IFAD’s resources Our statistics TypeOECD Countries % Non OECD Countries % Total Regular Budget5941100 Consultants, extra- budgetary and Chapter X 4951100

7 July 2005 - Third session of the Consultation on the 7 th replenishment of IFAD’s resources Opportunities for wider geographic reach Proactive regional advertising and recruitment to fill 20 positions resulting from retirements from 2005 to 2010 Gender mainstreaming – 44% of our professional staff are women. Various support provided (paternity, day care, WLB, BF and involvement of Gender Team) Enhanced APO Programme for capacity building –21 APO’s from non OECD countries for a trial period of three years –Propose that the Executive Board set up a multi- donor Trust Fund to which it is hoped that OECD and non-OECD countries will contribute –Estimated investment of USD 3 200 000 –APO’s will have opportunity to apply for vacant posts subject to availability of positions and to competition with external candidates –Our retention to date is 24 staff (20%) out of a total of 121 APO’s engaged since 1978

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