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By Alex. Table of contents Page1 food Page2 interesting facts Page3 enemies Page4 babies Page5 desciption Page6 habitat.

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Presentation on theme: "By Alex. Table of contents Page1 food Page2 interesting facts Page3 enemies Page4 babies Page5 desciption Page6 habitat."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Alex

2 Table of contents Page1 food Page2 interesting facts Page3 enemies Page4 babies Page5 desciption Page6 habitat

3 food The snapper eats earthworms, leeches, snails, insects, Crayfish, fiddler, crabs, frogs and toads, basically anything it can capture with its great big jaws, the snapper manages to capture even larger prey such as fish snakes and sometimes water birds.

4 Interesting facts It has a egg tooth. It has a saw tooth. It has a animals in its diet. It’s a large turtle. Its shell is iron strong.

5 Enemies Crow. Hawk. Heroen. Bullfrog. Large fish and snakes.

6 Babies Snapping turtles lay there eggs from early June to mid July. She lay about 20-40 eggs. The eggs is the size of a ping pong ball

7 Description The snapping turtle has a hook. Its muscular limbs, and long tail, saw tooth back edge of its carapace underneath the plastron is much smaller than the carapace, so this turtle cannot protect its self by drawing into its shell.

8 Habitat The snapper spends most of its time in the water eithier flaoting close to the surface, or ling in the mud in shallower water usually, with only eyes and nostrils protruding.

9 Ending comment 1.My ending comment is that: Everybody that hears my project should like it!!

10 Credits Snapping turtle book

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