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It started with a click…. 1 2 3 4 5 the Penguin guide to (digitally) falling in love…

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Presentation on theme: "It started with a click…. 1 2 3 4 5 the Penguin guide to (digitally) falling in love…"— Presentation transcript:

1 It started with a click…

2 1

3 2

4 3

5 4

6 5 the Penguin guide to (digitally) falling in love…

7 THE PRINCIPLES BE ATTRACTIVE Focus on discoverability, prioritise metadata & SEO BE FLIRTATIOUS Create social objects and sharable content ENGINEER A MEANINGFUL ENCOUNTER Include a (light to start with) data collection mechanic in your engagement

8 MAKE TIME FOR DATES Make time for data – create user journeys that build customer profiles using both explicit preferences and implicit behavioural data LISTEN TO THEM Analyse the data – invest in insight systems and expertise SURPRISE AND DELIGHT THEM Create delightful content that triggers further interaction / data collection / purchase GIVE THEM A BOOST – MAKE THEM LOOK GOOD Positively position your brand to enhance readers’ social currency

9 THE PITFALLS DON’T BE A STALKER Ensure you have a proper contact management strategy in place, invest in a CRM system and expertise. DON’T PLAY HARD-TO-GET Resource and prioritise best practise community management.

10 9 Thank you

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