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M.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 1 MICE report M. Apollonio – University of Oxford.

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1 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 1 MICE report M. Apollonio – University of Oxford

2 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 2 BrunelA. Khan, P. Kyberd, J.J. Nebrensky CCLRC DaresburyA. Moss, M. Poole GlasgowF. J. P. Soler, K. Walaron Lancaster & Cockcroft Accelerator CentreR. Seviour, M. Stables LiverpoolP. Cooke, R. Gamet Imperial College LondonG. Barber, R. Beuselinck, P. Dornan, R. Flack, A. Jamdagni, K. Long, T. Matsushita, D. R. Price, C. Rogers, J. Sedgbeer, M. Takahashi Oxford & John Adams InstituteM. Apollonio, J. H. Cobb, P. Lau, W. Lau, S. Yang CCLRC RALD.E. Baynham, T.W. Bradshaw, M. Courthold, P. Drumm, R. Edgecock, M. Hills, Y. Ivanyushenkov, A. Jones, W.J. Murray, C. Nelson, J.H. Rochford, K. Tilley, K. Walaron SheffieldC. N. Booth, P. Hodgson, L. Howlett, R. Nicholson, P.J. Smith The MICE-UK Collaboration i-MICE = 38 institutions in UK, US, JP, China & Europe

3 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 3 Difference in oscillation rates between conjugate channels: a Neutrino Factory Store ~20 GeV muons in a ring  decays   and e Detectors at few x 1000 km   non zero then e    wrong sign muons at detector and  Leptonic CP violation Need to store 10 21 muons / year Muons are tertiary beams  must ‘cool’ before acceleration

4 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 4 Cooling needed in order to reduce the volume of p.s. initially large due to inherent production mechanisms and cope with physical apertures in the acceleration stages  x ~ 10 cm,   ~ 150+ mr  large normalised emittance,  n In 2D at a focus Cooling is nothing but emittance reduction  2-10 x N  in the accelerator Highly advantageous for a NF, necessary in a  -collider Finite  lifetime (2.2  s) prevents from using traditional techniques  ionization chooling

5 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 5 Section of Cooling Channel + Emittance measurements + PID Design, build, commission & operate realistic section of cooling channel Measure performance in variety of operating modes & beam conditions Results will inform the NF CDR Engineering is challenging MICE in new 200 MeV/c muon beam at RAL

6 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 6 the principle of IONISATION COOLING is simple  Pass muons of ~200 MeV/c through  absorbers  reduce pt and pl  RF replaces pl  beam ‘cooled’  Emittance decreases exponentially:   dE/dX  versus scattering ( X 0 )  low Z absorber material  tight focus (low  function) Figure of Merit = X 0  dE/dX   H 2 is best absorber material

7 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 7 the construction of an IONISATION COOLer is not … MICE has been thought as a developing system  6 steps  progressive developement  2 phases  1 st funded, 2 nd waiting for approval Optimizing resources and allowing an ongoing knowledge of the device PHASE I PHASE II I & II characterise beam III control systematics IV demonstrate cooling V cooling + re-acceleration VI full lattice section

8 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 8 PHASE I (progress) hall, target, beam, tracker & PID (STEP 1) spectrometer (STEP 2) the beam is part of the system...  expected beam October 2007 PID + Tracker after few months

9 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 9 HALL & infrastructure

10 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 10 Need large emittance BEAM target dips into ISIS halo  pions  muons muons captured in SC solenoid (PSI Zurich) beam transport tuneable 140 – 240 MeV/c lead diffuser  emittances of 2, 6, 10 (  ) mm-rad aim is 600 muons / 1 msec ‘spill’ @ 1Hz through MICE extensively studied with linear optics codes + GEANT4 simulations isis structure

11 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 11  dipping target system  titanium blade (1x10x35 mm)  magnetic shuttle  target mechanism successfully installed on ISIS (end of October) [Sheffield]  successful data taking  particle production rates and beam profile  (currently being analysed)  2 shifts at the beginning of November [logistics/detectors by RAL &Glasgow]  a HW problem prevented a second data taking run in December  future:  analyse data  further develop control electronics  full power electronics provided by Daresbury  successfully tested up to 20A, now being modified at Daresbury to allow running at higher currents. stator + sintetico? Loss versus time and depth Edge of pipe

12 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 12 PSI solenoid for  capture & focusing [RAL] Insulation OK Cryogenics in situ (being installed) Commission expected by Q1 ‘07 design of the pion capture system [Liverpool] Beamline Components: all magnets at RAL, detailed engineering

13 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 13  (mm rad) p (MeV/c) 11 66 10  240 200TT G4BL TT G4BL TT G4BL 140 beamline design [RAL, Brunel, IC, Glasgow…] goal: tune optics for the ( ,p) matrix TT: Transport & Turtle G4: G4Beamline (incl new Ckv1) diffuser: z-position basically defined, radius to be optimised design of the diffuser insertion [Oxford] collimator to limit activity in TOF0 study of fringe field effects

14 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 14 each absorber contains 22 litres of Hydrogen hydrogen stored in hydride beds – first bed delivered R&D system being developed – mimic absorber functionality + use as test cryostat for absorbers & eventually for first absorber safety  reviews & ‘HAZOP’s of system  inform design (in progress) HYDROGEN SYSTEM (RAL ED)

15 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 15 spectrometer solenoid (US) 5 superconducting coils  uniform 4T field over >1 m for sci-fi tracker US (LBL) responsibility + engineering & FEA from Oxford Contracts placed in June 2006 Delivery of first unit (to RAL) november 2007

16 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 16 Low mass Sci-Fi tracker inside solenoid 5 planes x 3 views: 5 th station completed before christmas checked manufactory procedure: OK  start 1 st tracker production 14 station planned (10 + 4 spare) on time for the first beam (fall 07) 350 micron fibres + VLPC readout Cosmic ray tests with 3 planes 4-plane prototype tested at KEK Light yield (~10pe) is OK Production & QC expertise gained Data used as input to simulations  can measure to  = 1/1000 SciFi Tracker (IC/Brunel/Liverpool/US/JP)

17 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 17 PID scope: upstream:  separation (residual  in the beam) TOF0 + TOF1 + CKOV downstream: e/  separation (e from  decay) TOF2 + Calorimeter upstream+downstream TOF1+TOF2: define RF phase of muons (60 ps timing) Q4---5---6 Q7---8---9

18 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 18 PID: Time Of Flight (0,1,2) & Cerenkov basic designs completed (october PID review) TOF0 [Milan]: tested at Frascati (Jul 06) ready to be completed final decision on f.e.el. to be taken TOF1: some components ready not ready to start(funds) TOF2: conceived, but not ready to start CKOV [US,Louvain] dual aerogel radiators aerogel tested @FNAL (summer ’06) reflector R&D (fall ’06) mech. assembly (may ’07) ready to install (summer ’07) funded

19 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 19 e  calorimeter [Rome III, Trieste, UniGe] design needs to be finalized KL e-identifier) Pb-SciFi front end (preshower a la KLOE) sci-fi & lead modules being presently built design for PMT B-shielding in progress tests in B-field soon FEE prototype being tested at CERN funded at 80/90% SW  -identifier) sandwiched layers of scintillator design from UniGe (promising results from sim) same R/O as KL not yet funded availability of the entire system by fall 07 still in question

20 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 20 DAQ DAQ Software Training started in CERN-ALICE group The ALICE DAQ software framework, DATE, will provide the necessary EventBuilder tool: Subevents collected by different processors have to be synchronized and put together before storage Complete Flash ADC/BTF Data analysis: Nov 2006 DAQ Test bench including Event builder: Feb 2007 Order Hardware for Stage 1: March 2007 Move DDAQ system to RAL: July 2007

21 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 21 PHASE II (proposed) Implement additional infrastructure required for cooling section Install magnet PSUs / Expand water system / Incorporate modules into vacuum & control systems Integrate ex-LBNL & CERN amplifiers into RF power system Provide RF power distribution & splitters Procure 6 TH116 tubes Procure 2nd and 3rd Hydrogen systems Management of engineering integration & installation MICE experiment Continue engineering oversight of integration of cooling channel & interfaces, diffuser…. MICE hall Drawing management, define installation tolerances, acceptance tests, support structures, pressure vessel certification, safety …. WP1 – Hall, Infrastructure, & Management of Installation & Integration (ISIS / RAL-ED / DL / Oxford / Lancaster)

22 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 22 WP2 – FOCUS COIL MODULES (Oxford + RAL-ED) Key components of cooling section Two S/C coils inside warm-bore cryostat  focus beam at absorbers Tightly integrated assemblies Based on FS2 conceptual design  Significant evolution of design B ~ 4T on axis; flips sign at centre Large internal & external forces ~200 tons & ~70 tons Cryocoolers used for coils & absorber  save O(£IM) on cryogenic system 470mm

23 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 23 HYDROGEN ABSORBERS (JP/US) Full size LH 2 absorber Tested with H 2 and He Oxford design & FEA of thin windows Absorber body KEK test cryostat

24 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 24 RF – tests on 201.2 MHz unit (FNAL) 16 MV/m nominal gradient reached @ B=0 plans to test the cavity in the presence of B ~ 2T (ready to start)

25 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 25 LBNL – ICST Harbin Collaboration The relevant design calculations have been done Preliminary specifications have been written for the coupling magnet Two designs exist Single coil as shown 3 coil (distributed) design ICST application for funds is being considered Coupling Coils ICST CC design

26 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 26 SOFTWARE … Active software group with regular workshops G4MICE for simulation, reconstruction & analysis – well developed ICOOL (NF tracking code) expertise acquired Specific fast code developed for beam optics

27 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 27 MAGNETICS (OXFORD & RAL-ED) End Coil 2 Fields at cryocoolers Shielding for PID PMTs Shielding in Hall & ISIS control room Many magnetic calculations of entire system including – Forces – Stray fields – Shielding – Quench analysis for entire channel

28 m.apollonioUK Neutrino Factory meeting- RAL - (10/1/2007) 28 the international MICE collaboration  continues its work towards first beam on fall ’07  detector construction, test and commissioning  aiming at having all PHASE I commitments fulfilled  DAQ  complete simulation/analysis of MICE STEP VI in view of PHASE II  aware of funding problems which don’t appear as insurmountable SUMMARIZING…

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