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Community Planning Training 1-1. Community Plan Implementation Training 1- 1-3 Community Planning Training 1-2.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Planning Training 1-1. Community Plan Implementation Training 1- 1-3 Community Planning Training 1-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Planning Training 1-1

2 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- 1-3 Community Planning Training 1-2

3 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-3

4 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-4 The goal of the Community Planning Training is to provide Community Board members with the skills to develop a focused Community Action Plan.

5 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Participants will be able to: Explain how the Community Planning Training fits into the Communities That Care system. Identify the steps for completing a Community Action Plan. Identify resources needed to complete the plan. Identify the next steps for the Community Board. Community Planning Training 1-5

6 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-6

7 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-7

8 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- LUNCH Wrap-up and evaluations Overview Developing Community-Level Outcomes Selecting and Investigating Programs, Policies and Practices Developing Participant and Implementation Outcomes Welcome and Introductions Community Planning Training 1-8

9 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-9 Everyone gets a chance to speak. Everyone listens when someone has the floor. (No side conversations.) One person talks at a time and doesn’t get interrupted. Respect others’ perspectives and ideas. (No put-downs.) Start and end on time.

10 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-10 Description of how Key Leaders, youth and community members have been involved to date Community risk and resources assessments: processes and results Key accomplishments Key challenges/issues in the planning process

11 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Public health approach Demonstrated predictors: — Risk factors — Protective factors organized by the Social Development Strategy (SDS) Tested, effective prevention strategies Community Planning Training 1-11

12 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-17 Community Planning Training 1-12 The goal… Healthy behaviors for all children and youth Start with… Healthy beliefs & clear standards …in families, schools, communities and peer groups Build… Bonding Attachment Commitment …to families, schools, communities and peer groups And by nurturing… Individual characteristics By providing… By providing… By providing… Opportunities Skills Recognition …in families, schools, communities and peer groups

13 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Exist in all areas of influence Predict multiple problem behaviors Exist throughout development Have consistent effects across races, cultures and socioeconomic status Can be buffered by protective factors Community Planning Training 1-13

14 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Media portrayals of violence Availability of drugs Availability of firearms Community laws and norms favorable toward drug use, firearms and crime Transitions and mobility Low neighborhood attachment and community disorganization Extreme economic deprivation Community Planning Training 1-14

15 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Family history of the problem behavior Family management problems Family conflict Favorable parental attitudes and involvement in the problem behavior Community Planning Training 1-15

16 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Academic failure beginning in late elementary school Lack of commitment to school Community Planning Training 1-16

17 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-16 Community Planning Training 1-17 Early and persistent antisocial behavior Constitutional factors Rebelliousness Friends who engage in the problem behavior Favorable attitudes toward the problem behavior Early initiation of the problem behavior Gang involvement

18 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Programs, policies or practices that have demonstrated effectiveness in: reducing specific risk factors and enhancing protective factors reducing problem behaviors. Community Planning Training 1-18

19 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-19 Strategies and programs, policies or practices shown to effectively address risk and protective factors. Family focus School focus Community-based youth programs Community focus

20 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-20 Create community-level outcomes. Investigate potential programs, policies and practices. Select programs, policies and practices. Create program- level outcomes. Plan to evaluate. Create a written Community Action Plan.

21 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Build on the results of the community assessment – Address priority risk factors – Build on community strengths and resources – Address resource gaps, issues and barriers Achieve community-level outcomes Use research on effective prevention strategies to guide selection and implementation of programs, policies and practices Engage the community and Key Leaders in planning and evaluation. Community Planning Training 1-21

22 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Decrease in problem behaviors Changes in participant knowledge, attitudes, skills or behavior Program implementation fidelity Community Planning Training 1-22 Increase in protective factors Decrease in risk factors

23 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- (10 to 15 years) Community Planning Training 1-23 Increase in protective factors Decrease in risk factors Decrease in problem behaviors Changes in participant knowledge, attitudes, skills or behavior Program implementation fidelity (3 to 10 years) (6 months to 2 years) (1 to 4 years)

24 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Gives clear direction toward achieving community vision Provides built-in evaluation measures and accountability Required by many grant makers Community Planning Training 1-24

25 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Incorporating tested, effective strategies into existing services Expanding existing tested, effective programs, policies and practices Implementing new tested, effective prevention programs, policies and practices Systems-change strategies. Community Planning Training 1-25

26 Community Plan Implementation Training 1- Community Planning Training 1-26

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