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Yachting Club CERN YCC Insurance 2012-13 Haude Morel YCC Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Yachting Club CERN YCC Insurance 2012-13 Haude Morel YCC Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yachting Club CERN YCC Insurance 2012-13 Haude Morel YCC Committee

2 What happened this year ? -Renewing 5-years contracts started in 2008 and some in 2009 (“new” Surprise Mamma Mia, RS 500…) -End of windsurf boards insurance contracts as they were transferred to BA5 at the end of 2012 -Signature of sponsoring contract with Nationale Suisse : 4 000 CHF for 2013-14 -Signature of agreement for -20% insurance prices for YCC members with Nationale Suisse -Accidents and thefts follow-up (Suivi de sinistres) YCC Insurance 2013

3 What happened this year ? -Marking YCC main sails at the logo Nationale Suisse as defined in former (2012) sponsorship agreement -Reimbursement of Protection de bonus car insurance to drivers who help towing YCC boats with their car -In April every year, I ask Nationale Suisse for : A « RC (responsabilité civile) club » (CHF 5 000 000) insurance certificate for the police about organizing internal regattas A CASCO insurance certificate for YCC boats participating in external regattas. YCC Insurance 2013

4 To do list for 2013 - Budget sponsoring 2013-14 to be used to mark three main sails (Gibsea and 2 other Ynglings / this winter) + purchase of a new keel boat (later) YCC Insurance 2013

5 Insurance coverage 2012 : The new boats insurance includes : RC (2 000 000 CHF) CASCO complet (fully comprehensive), external regattas, dégâts naturels (natural damages) Accidents : recovery costs, death (40 000 CHF), disability (80 000 CHF) Reminder : The ISO, 2 Laser2 and old Yngling are only insured RC YCC Insurance 2013

6 What to do in case of accident YCC members should report every incident / damage to me as soon as possible (not only via logbook) And in general : See General Infos and web page « maintenance, accidents » for more info Contact me if any question : THANK YOU ! YCC Insurance 2013

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