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© 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 37 Asymmetric Information.

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1 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 37 Asymmetric Information

2 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2 Information in Competitive Markets u In purely competitive markets all agents are fully informed about traded commodities and other aspects of the market. u What about markets for medical services, or insurance, or used cars?

3 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 3 Asymmetric Information in Markets u A doctor knows more about medical services than does the buyer. u An insurance buyer knows more about his riskiness than does the seller. u A used car’s owner knows more about it than does a potential buyer.

4 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 4 Asymmetric Information in Markets u Markets with one side or the other imperfectly informed are markets with imperfect information. u Imperfectly informed markets with one side better informed than the other are markets with asymmetric information.

5 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 5 Asymmetric Information in Markets u In what ways can asymmetric information affect the functioning of a market? u Four applications will be considered:  adverse selection  signaling  moral hazard  incentives contracting.

6 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 6 Adverse Selection u Consider a used car market. u Two types of cars; “lemons” and “peaches”. u Each lemon seller will accept $1,000; a buyer will pay at most $1,200. u Each peach seller will accept $2,000; a buyer will pay at most $2,400.

7 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 7 Adverse Selection u If every buyer can tell a peach from a lemon, then lemons sell for between $1,000 and $1,200, and peaches sell for between $2,000 and $2,400. u Gains-to-trade are generated when buyers are well informed.

8 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 8 Adverse Selection u Suppose no buyer can tell a peach from a lemon before buying. u What is the most a buyer will pay for any car?

9 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 9 Adverse Selection u Let q be the fraction of peaches. u 1 - q is the fraction of lemons. u Expected value to a buyer of any car is at most

10 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 10 Adverse Selection u Suppose EV > $2000. u Every seller can negotiate a price between $2000 and $EV (no matter if the car is a lemon or a peach). u All sellers gain from being in the market.

11 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 11 Adverse Selection u Suppose EV < $2000. u A peach seller cannot negotiate a price above $2000 and will exit the market. u So all buyers know that remaining sellers own lemons only. u Buyers will pay at most $1200 and only lemons are sold.

12 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 12 Adverse Selection u Hence “too many” lemons “crowd out” the peaches from the market. u Gains-to-trade are reduced since no peaches are traded. u The presence of the lemons inflicts an external cost on buyers and peach owners.

13 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 13 Adverse Selection u How many lemons can be in the market without crowding out the peaches? u Buyers will pay $2000 for a car only if

14 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 14 Adverse Selection u How many lemons can be in the market without crowding out the peaches? u Buyers will pay $2000 for a car only if u So if over one-third of all cars are lemons, then only lemons are traded.

15 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 15 Adverse Selection u A market equilibrium in which both types of cars are traded and cannot be distinguished by the buyers is a pooling equilibrium. u A market equilibrium in which only one of the two types of cars is traded, or both are traded but can be distinguished by the buyers, is a separating equilibrium.

16 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 16 Adverse Selection u What if there is more than two types of cars? u Suppose that  car quality is Uniformly distributed between $1000 and $2000  any car that a seller values at $x is valued by a buyer at $(x+300). u Which cars will be traded?

17 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 17 Adverse Selection Seller values 10002000

18 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 18 Adverse Selection 100020001500 Seller values

19 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 19 Adverse Selection 100020001500 The expected value of any car to a buyer is $1500 + $300 = $1800. Seller values

20 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 20 Adverse Selection 100020001500 The expected value of any car to a buyer is $1500 + $300 = $1800. So sellers who value their cars at more than $1800 exit the market. Seller values

21 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 21 Adverse Selection 10001800 The distribution of values of cars remaining on offer Seller values

22 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 22 Adverse Selection 100018001400 Seller values

23 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 23 Adverse Selection 100018001400 The expected value of any remaining car to a buyer is $1400 + $300 = $1700. Seller values

24 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 24 Adverse Selection 100018001400 The expected value of any remaining car to a buyer is $1400 + $300 = $1700. So now sellers who value their cars between $1700 and $1800 exit the market. Seller values

25 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 25 Adverse Selection u Where does this unraveling of the market end? u Let v H be the highest seller value of any car remaining in the market. u The expected seller value of a car is

26 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 26 Adverse Selection u So a buyer will pay at most

27 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 27 Adverse Selection u So a buyer will pay at most u This must be the price which the seller of the highest value car remaining in the market will just accept; i.e.

28 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 28 Adverse Selection Adverse selection drives out all cars valued by sellers at more than $1600.

29 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 29 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u Now each seller can choose the quality, or value, of her product. u Two umbrellas; high-quality and low- quality. u Which will be manufactured and sold?

30 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 30 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u Buyers value a high-quality umbrella at $14 and a low-quality umbrella at $8. u Before buying, no buyer can tell quality. u Marginal production cost of a high- quality umbrella is $11. u Marginal production cost of a low- quality umbrella is $10.

31 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 31 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u Suppose every seller makes only high- quality umbrellas. u Every buyer pays $14 and sellers’ profit per umbrella is $14 - $11 = $3. u But then a seller can make low-quality umbrellas for which buyers still pay $14, so increasing profit to $14 - $10 = $4.

32 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 32 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u There is no market equilibrium in which only high-quality umbrellas are traded. u Is there a market equilibrium in which only low-quality umbrellas are traded?

33 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 33 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u All sellers make only low-quality umbrellas. u Buyers pay at most $8 for an umbrella, while marginal production cost is $10. u There is no market equilibrium in which only low-quality umbrellas are traded.

34 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 34 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u Now we know there is no market equilibrium in which only one type of umbrella is manufactured. u Is there an equilibrium in which both types of umbrella are manufactured?

35 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 35 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u A fraction q of sellers make high- quality umbrellas; 0 < q < 1. u Buyers’ expected value of an umbrella is EV = 14q + 8(1 - q) = 8 + 6q.  High-quality manufacturers must recover the manufacturing cost, EV = 8 + 6q  11  q  1/2.

36 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 36 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u So at least half of the sellers must make high-quality umbrellas for there to be a pooling market equilibrium. u But then a high-quality seller can switch to making low-quality and increase profit by $1 on each umbrella sold.

37 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 37 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u Since all sellers reason this way, the fraction of high-quality sellers will shrink towards zero -- but then buyers will pay only $8. u So there is no equilibrium in which both umbrella types are traded.

38 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 38 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u The market has no equilibrium  with just one umbrella type traded  with both umbrella types traded

39 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 39 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u The market has no equilibrium  with just one umbrella type traded  with both umbrella types traded u so the market has no equilibrium at all.

40 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 40 Adverse Selection with Quality Choice u The market has no equilibrium  with just one umbrella type traded  with both umbrella types traded u so the market has no equilibrium at all. u Adverse selection has destroyed the entire market!

41 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 41 Signaling u Adverse selection is an outcome of an informational deficiency. u What if information can be improved by high-quality sellers signaling credibly that they are high-quality? u E.g. warranties, professional credentials, references from previous clients etc.

42 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 42 Signaling u A labor market has two types of workers; high-ability and low-ability. u A high-ability worker’s marginal product is a H. u A low-ability worker’s marginal product is a L. u a L < a H.

43 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 43 Signaling u A fraction h of all workers are high- ability. u 1 - h is the fraction of low-ability workers.

44 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 44 Signaling u Each worker is paid his expected marginal product. u If firms knew each worker’s type they would  pay each high-ability worker w H = a H  pay each low-ability worker w L = a L.

45 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 45 Signaling u If firms cannot tell workers’ types then every worker is paid the (pooling) wage rate; i.e. the expected marginal product w P = (1 - h)a L + ha H.

46 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 46 Signaling u w P = (1 - h)a L + ha H < a H, the wage rate paid when the firm knows a worker really is high-ability. u So high-ability workers have an incentive to find a credible signal.

47 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 47 Signaling u Workers can acquire “education”. u Education costs a high-ability worker c H per unit u and costs a low-ability worker c L per unit. u c L > c H.

48 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 48 Signaling u Suppose that education has no effect on workers’ productivities; i.e., the cost of education is a deadweight loss.

49 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 49 Signaling u High-ability workers will acquire e H education units if (i) w H - w L = a H - a L > c H e H, and (ii) w H - w L = a H - a L < c L e H.

50 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 50 Signaling u High-ability workers will acquire e H education units if (i) w H - w L = a H - a L > c H e H, and (ii) w H - w L = a H - a L < c L e H. u (i) says acquiring e H units of education benefits high-ability workers.

51 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 51 Signaling u High-ability workers will acquire e H education units if (i) w H - w L = a H - a L > c H e H, and (ii) w H - w L = a H - a L < c L e H. u (i) says acquiring e H units of education benefits high-ability workers. u (ii) says acquiring e H education units hurts low-ability workers.

52 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 52 Signaling and together require Acquiring such an education level credibly signals high-ability, allowing high-ability workers to separate themselves from low-ability workers.

53 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 53 Signaling u Q: Given that high-ability workers acquire e H units of education, how much education should low-ability workers acquire?

54 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 54 Signaling u Q: Given that high-ability workers acquire e H units of education, how much education should low-ability workers acquire? u A: Zero. Low-ability workers will be paid w L = a L so long as they do not have e H units of education and they are still worse off if they do.

55 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 55 Signaling u Signaling can improve information in the market. u But, total output did not change and education was costly so signaling worsened the market’s efficiency. u So improved information need not improve gains-to-trade.

56 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 56 Moral Hazard u If you have full car insurance are you more likely to leave your car unlocked? u Moral hazard is a reaction to incentives to increase the risk of a loss u and is a consequence of asymmetric information.

57 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 57 Moral Hazard u If an insurer knows the exact risk from insuring an individual, then a contract specific to that person can be written. u If all people look alike to the insurer, then one contract will be offered to all insurees; high-risk and low-risk types are then pooled, causing low- risks to subsidize high-risks.

58 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 58 Moral Hazard u Examples of efforts to avoid moral hazard by using signals are:  higher life and medical insurance premiums for smokers or heavy drinkers of alcohol  lower car insurance premiums for contracts with higher deductibles or for drivers with histories of safe driving.

59 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 59 Incentives Contracting u A worker is hired by a principal to do a task. u Only the worker knows the effort she exerts (asymmetric information). u The effort exerted affects the principal’s payoff.

60 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 60 Incentives Contracting u The principal’s problem: design an incentives contract that induces the worker to exert the amount of effort that maximizes the principal’s payoff.

61 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 61 Incentives Contracting u e is the agent’s effort. u Principal’s reward is u An incentive contract is a function s(y) specifying the worker’s payment when the principal’s reward is y. The principal’s profit is thus

62 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 62 Incentives Contracting u Let be the worker’s (reservation) utility of not working. u To get the worker’s participation, the contract must offer the worker a utility of at least u The worker’s utility cost of an effort level e is c(e).

63 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 63 Incentives Contracting So the principal’s problem is choose e to subject to (participation constraint) To maximize his profit the principal designs the contract to provide the worker with her reservation utility level. That is,...

64 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 64 Incentives Contracting the principal’s problem is to subject to (participation constraint)

65 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 65 Incentives Contracting the principal’s problem is to subject to (participation constraint) Substitute for and solve

66 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 66 Incentives Contracting the principal’s problem is to subject to (participation constraint) The principal’s profit is maximized when Substitute for and solve

67 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 67 Incentives Contracting The contract that maximizes the principal’s profit insists upon the worker effort level e* that equalizes the worker’s marginal effort cost to the principal’s marginal payoff from worker effort.

68 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 68 Incentives Contracting How can the principal induce the worker to choose e = e*? The contract that maximizes the principal’s profit insists upon the worker effort level e* that equalizes the worker’s marginal effort cost to the principal’s marginal payoff from worker effort.

69 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 69 Incentives Contracting u e = e* must be most preferred by the worker.

70 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 70 Incentives Contracting u e = e* must be most preferred by the worker. u So the contract s(y) must satisfy the incentive-compatibility constraint;

71 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 71 Rental Contracting u Examples of incentives contracts: (i) Rental contracts: The principal keeps a lump-sum R for himself and the worker gets all profit above R; i.e. u Why does this contract maximize the principal’s profit?

72 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 72 Rental Contracting u Given the contract the worker’s payoff is and to maximize this the worker should choose the effort level for which

73 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 73 Rental Contracting u How large should be the principal’s rental fee R? u The principal should extract as much rent as possible without causing the worker not to participate, so R should satisfy i.e.

74 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 74 Other Incentives Contracts u (ii) Wages contracts: In a wages contract the payment to the worker is w is the wage per unit of effort. K is a lump-sum payment. u and K makes the worker just indifferent between participating and not participating.

75 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 75 Other Incentives Contracts  (iii) Take-it-or-leave-it: Choose e = e* and be paid a lump-sum L, or choose e  e* and be paid zero.  The worker’s utility from choosing e  e* is - c(e), so the worker will choose e = e*. u L is chosen to make the worker indifferent between participating and not participating.

76 © 2010 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 76 Incentives Contracts in General u The common feature of all efficient incentive contracts is that they make the worker the full residual claimant on profits. u I.e. the last part of profit earned must accrue entirely to the worker.

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