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Early Intervention Needs and Services What will it take for students who are deaf or hard of hearing to enter kindergarten with age appropriate skills?

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Presentation on theme: "Early Intervention Needs and Services What will it take for students who are deaf or hard of hearing to enter kindergarten with age appropriate skills?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Intervention Needs and Services What will it take for students who are deaf or hard of hearing to enter kindergarten with age appropriate skills? Summit Conference 2008 Presentation by Maryann Swann

2 Commitment A program committed to facilitating early language development and communication between children and their families A program committed to providing high quality, evidence based early childhood education using scientific based early childhood assessments, curriculum and instructional paradigms A program committed to providing high quality services to all families (center based and home based services)

3 EI in the NE Early Intervention in Natural Environments  Regional outreach: Eastern Shore Southern Maryland Western Maryland Central Maryland Services are provided in settings where young children gain their “world knowledge”: home, center based programs at MSD, day care, local libraries, playgrounds, and other community settings

4 Assessment Protocol  Ages and Stages Questionnaire (completed by parent)  Early Learning Accomplishment Profile  Learning Accomplishment Profile  MacArthur Bates Communicative Development Inventory ( ASL and Spoken English)  French’s Language Scale ( ASL)  ITMAIS: Infant and Toddler Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale  COSF: Child Outcome Summary Form ( at entrance and exit from Part C)  Portfolios: provide artifacts of early literacy, prewriting, and early math skills  Work Sampling System (Maryland Model for School Readiness)

5 Curriculum Approved by Maryland State Department of Education for Infants, Toddlers and Preschool Age Children Guidelines for Healthy Child Development and Care for Young Children Maryland State Department of Human Resources Child Care Administration Creative Curriculum Teaching Strategies Emphasize early foundations in reading, writing, math and science Spiral into the Maryland Voluntary State Curriculum Thematic Units and Project Approach

6 Collaboration It’s not about turf or territory… Families: parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends Maryland State Department of Education Infant and Toddler Program Local Infant and Toddler Programs Local School Systems Early Head Start and Head Start Childcare Centers and private child care providers Public and Private agencies Cochlear Implant Center teams

7 Deaf Mentors Provide home visits to support children and their families in achieving their outcomes and developing linguistic competency Provide information and connections for families with the Deaf community Facilitate regional and center based parent support groups

8 Staff Master level teachers certified by the Maryland State Department of Education and the Council on the Education of the Deaf Presenters and participants at state and national conferences related to early childhood education, early intervention and family focused practices Participants in the Maryland State Department of Education Infant and Toddler Program Suitable Qualifications System Participants in Electronic Learning Community: Early Childhood Gateway:

9 Contact Information Maryann C. Swann Director Family Education and Early Childhood Department Maryland School for the Deaf 410-480-4545 For information about MSD please go to:

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