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Introduction to the Adapter Server Rob Mace June, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Adapter Server Rob Mace June, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Adapter Server Rob Mace June, 2008

2 Introduction to iWay Understand iWay components (Adapters, iWay Client, and Network Services) Discuss server deployment scenarios iWay Adapter Server Internals Learn about administration of the iWay Server S - 1 Objectives

3 What is iWay? S - 2

4 S - 3 iWay Components iWay Client iWay Adapters iWay Server Front-end Applications Data Sources

5 S - 4 iWay Adapters Perform data retrieval and allows the iWay server to access and process information stored in any format. iWay Adapters iWay Server Front-end Applications Data Sources

6 S - 5 iWay Adapters (continued) Type of AdaptersSystem Access Enabled Data and File System Provide interfaces to relational, non-relational and legacy databases and file systems. Application Systems Provides query access to packaged applications such as SAP, Siebel, Lawson and others. Transaction Systems Enables the use of existing legacy transactions to perform database access, such as CICS or IMS.

7 S - 6 iWay Client iWay Server Front-end Applications Data Sources Extends the reach of an existing software application without having to custom build an interface.

8 S - 7 iWay Network Services TCP/IP iWay Client iWay Listeners iWay Server Front-end Applications Data Sources outbound inbound iWay Adapters

9 A variety of environments can be integrated using iWay. S - 8 iWay Network Services (continued)

10 S - 9 WebFOCUS Data Migrator Full Function Server iWay Server Implementations

11 S - 10 WebFOCUS Information Builders’ Business Intelligence product suite. WebFOCUS Client Can be configured in various ways depending on application requirements but must include two essential components: WebFOCUS Reporting Server

12 S - 11 WebFOCUS Client Runs as part of your Web and/or application server and connects WebFOCUS to the Web. Receives and processes browser requests by passing them to the WebFOCUS Reporting Server. Includes an iWay Client component for communicating with the WebFOCUS Reporting Server.

13 S - 12 WebFOCUS Reporting Server Is a specific configuration of an iWay Server. Resides on the machine(s) that can access your data. Provides data access, numeric analysis, and report generation functionality.

14 Standalone Configuration: S - 13 WebFOCUS Configurations

15 S - 14 Distributed Configuration: WebFOCUS Configurations (continued)

16 S - 15 Multiple Data Source Configuration #1: WebFOCUS Configurations (continued)

17 S - 16 Multiple Data Source Configuration #2: WebFOCUS Configurations (continued)

18 1 - 17 Data Migrator Suite of software components that automates the process of building and maintaining a data warehouse or data mart. Data Migrator Client Components required for a Data Migrator implementation: Data Migrator Server

19 S - 18 Data Migrator Client Also called the Data Migrator Data Management Console (DMC). Provides a graphical user interface to design, test, and run data and process flows. Utilizes iWay client software.

20 S - 19 Data Migrator Server Another specific configuration of an iWay Server. Provides the central point of processing for data sorting, transformations, e-mail notification, scheduling, and security rules. Utilizes iWay data adapters for extracting and loading the data.

21 S - 20 Data Migrator Configuration

22 S - 21 Full Function Server A configuration of the iWay server that is used to allow other applications to talk to back-end data sources.

23 S - 22 iWay Server Internals  Listeners – Receive communications from client tools and applications  Workspace Manager - Manages client connections and data access  Adapters – Enable the iWay Server to access corporate data sources  Special Services – Internal processes that perform specific tasks

24 S - 23 iWay Terminology Service ConnectionSessionAgent

25 S - 24 iWay Server Communication

26 S - 25 iWay Server Listeners Listeners

27 S - 26 Workspace Manager Responsible for management and processing of client requests.

28 S - 27 Workspace Manager Configuration Two major areas of configuration in the Workspace Manager are: iWay Services General Server Configuration Settings

29 S - 28 iWay Server Profiles Used by iWay server to customize the server environment for different users and/or applications. Can be applied on a global, service, group, or user level basis. Used for application set up commands such as environmental settings, search path, and DBMS connection information. Run upon each connection to the iWay server. Settings established by profiles are in effect for the duration of the established connection. The server processes all profiles found in the search order. If it finds duplicate settings or commands, the last setting or command processed will be active for the connection.

30 S - 29 Type of Profile Characteristics Global  Always run first  Settings are applied to all connections  Default location is installation_directory \etc\  Must be named edasprof.prf Service  If established, is run after the global profile  Settings are applied to all users of a specific service in the iWay server  Location of procedure is anywhere in the application search path  Name is specified in the service configuration page on the iWay server console .fex file stored in an application Group  Not supported on the Windows platform  Security for iWay server must be set to OPSYS  If established, is run after the service profile  Run for users associated with a specific security group (i.e., default RACF group)  Default location is … \ibi\profiles  Profile name is group_name.prf User  Security for iWay server must not be set to OFF  If established, is run after the group profile  Run for a specific user based on their user ID  Default location is … \ibi\profiles  Profile name is user_id.prf iWay Server Profiles (continued)

31 S - 30 Global Common Uses - iWay Server Profiles Service Group/User Set default adapter connections Establish global variables to be used by client applications Set environmental variables Establish test environments for verifying new or updated code Establish application-specific environments for protecting application components (metadata and procedures) Establish data connections for specific users to access sensitive data Change default application search path Override default settings established in global or group profiles

32 S - 31 iWay Server Administration

33 S - 32 iWay Server Administrative Tasks Configuring data adapters Configuring a remote iWay server Managing application folders and files Creating and managing metadata Editing and managing procedures Running and monitoring the iWay Server Troubleshooting the iWay Server Scalability controls such as clustering and dynamic load balancing

34 S - 33 Introduction to iWay Understand iWay components (Adapters, iWay Client, and Network Services) Discuss server deployment scenarios iWay Adapter Server Internals Learn about administration of the iWay Server Review

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