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Electronic Systems Support Electronics Pool Status & Evolution Chris Parkman, November 7, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Systems Support Electronics Pool Status & Evolution Chris Parkman, November 7, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Systems Support Electronics Pool Status & Evolution Chris Parkman, November 7, 2002

2 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 2 Agenda ESS Group overview Electronics Pool status LHC Common Electronics Support - “LECS” Electronics Pool evolution Conclusions

3 Electronic Systems Support ESS Group An overview

4 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 4 ESS Group’s Mission Support for electronics systems (primarily for the LHC experiments) User consultation and logistics Contacts with industry Equipment purchase Quality control Repair and maintenance Participation in common developments together with the LHC experiments, other support groups and projects. Management and operation the Electronics Pool

5 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 5 ESS Personnel – Oct 2002 Staff Electronics Engineers - 1.2 (3) Applied Physicists - 2 Technicians - 6.4 (7) Project Associate (applied physicist) - 1 Technical Student - 1 Storekeeper - 1 Industrial Support Technicians - 3 IS Administrators - 2 IS Database Engineer - 1 Total 18.6 (21) FTE

6 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 6 Group Leader Chris Parkman ELECTRONICS INFRASTRUCTURE SECTION Section Leader Paul Maley Bruno Allongue Andrew Billington Gerard Brouant Philippe Fontaine Martin Gastal Vincent Pittin Geraldine Thomas USER SERVICES SECTION Section Leader Catherine Moine Alain Guy Mike Koratzinos James Rouet Bertrand Smaniotto Douglas Tserkezoglou Albert Zimmer PROJECTS & ACTIVITIES Sophie Baron (ATLAS TRT TTC) Mike Clayton (GIF) Luciano Periale (GIF) Gilbert Dumont (LHC Crates) Markus Joos (ATLAS DAQ/DIG) Group Secretary Evelyne Dho Staff members Fellows, students, associates Industrial support ESS Organisation

7 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 7 ESS Group Recent retirements & reassignments – have lead to a loss of expertise in essential “core” areas Front-end equipment High Voltage Mechanics

8 Electronic Systems Support Electronics Pool Status

9 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 9 Rationale Circulation of widely used items Source of readily available equipment Availability of specialised measurement equipment Remark The Electronics Pool has been (mis)used to supply equipment for long-term use or as a convenient source of funding for experiments or other activities

10 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 10 Finance The Pool is financed by rental charges with a contribution from CERN The rental fee covers Overheads Maintenance & verification (outsourced) Administration (2 IS staff) Provision of spares - minimum stock New investment CERN covers ESS staff for technical & logistical support (~6 FTE) Offices, labs & workshops

11 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 11 The Electronics Pool Today ~30,000 items Modular electronics Measurement instruments Electronics infrastructure Subracks Power supplies Total (accounting) value 2001 >81 MCHF Transactions 2001 >6’000 (individual items in or out)

12 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 12 Users - end 2001

13 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 13 Technical Profile (by quantity) Total: 29,365

14 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 14 Technical Profile (by value MCHF) Total value: 81.5MCHF

15 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 15 Electronics Pool Oct. 2002 TypeNumberValueAv. value Front-end modules15’78938’210’6112’420 Crate components4’97717’985’5133’614 Tools – scopes, analysers3’63012’818’7323’513 High voltage equipment2’4742’308’3963’053 Processors & interfaces, etc.1’6484’203’0972’550 Others847710’188838 TOTAL29’36581’554’0032’777

16 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 16 Pool Accounts 2001 CHF Prop. of total income Prop. of total value* Income from Rental2’506’138 Other income147’560 Total income2’653’6983.32% Maintenance-283’62210.7%0.35% Manpower-192’9257.2%0.24% Total overheads-476’54717.9%0.59% Disposable income2’177’1512.69% New equipment2’033’022 * Total value = 81MCHF Return on investment

17 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 17 Income & Overheads Absolute

18 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 18 Income & Overheads Relative

19 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 19 Occupancy Occupancy – proportion of total time rented What does low occupancy indicate: too many or wrong types?

20 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 20 Purchase Profile Much of the Pool’s equipment was purchased prior to 1989

21 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 21 Rental Profile - Example Lifetime 5 years Cancelled at 15 years

22 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 22 Compensation (Resale) Value Lifetime (5 years)

23 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 23 Responsibilities Overall responsibility EP-ESS GL (as before) Operations Catherine Moine Technical policy & finance Chris Parkman

24 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 24 Organisation Operations Catherine Moine CERN/EP Management DR, EP-DL, EP-DDL, EP-DPO Users Finance Chris Parkman Technical Policy Chris Parkman ELECTRONICS POOL EP-ESS GL EPTAB Electronics Advisory Board EP-ESS GROUP

25 Electronic Systems Support LHC Electronics Common Support “LECS”

26 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 26 “LECS” R.Cashmore’s Memo - 22 Feb 2000 Stated aims – “EP Electronics Pool Policy” Centralised purchasing & maintenance “All CERN electronics purchases to be made via the Pool” With 5% surcharge for maintenance Value-added service that guarantees that the large investment in electronics at CERN is well maintained and obtained at the lowest cost Services to be offered by “The Pool” Purchasing Maintenance Evaluation Pool instruments [rental service] LHC Electronics Common Support “LECS”

27 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 27 Some Reflections Increasing use of ESS support implies increasing resources Will all the expertise needed be available? “The client specifies the equipment to be purchased and the Pool’s expertise is available for consultation” Support surcharge 5% “…covers the cost of verification and repair of the equipment, as well as spares…” 3%/year for three years to purchase 10% common spares 2%/year for maintenance and support Does not scale easily 1 Industrial Support = 100kCHF p.a. which  2MCHF business The reality is contracts with fixed price for repair

28 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 28 Status of 5% Support Scheme Scheme is little used, with no obvious further demand Existing use QtyUnit Cost (CHF) 2% p.a. (CHF) Annual revenue (CHF) ELMB60200*4240 TTCvi801’750352’800 TTCvx3090018540 TTCrm25300*6150 TOTAL3’730 * Treat as consumables via CERN stores?

29 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 29 Conclusions Strict application of LECS is unrealistic Manpower a major problem Unable to grow to meet implied requirements Apply a case by case approach Based on available manpower

30 Electronic Systems Support Electronics Pool Evolution

31 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 31 What is happening? Reduction in rental revenue CERN economies Reduced scientific programme LHC only – no fixed target No beams in 2005 What to do? Changing technical requirements ~LHC experiments only Comments heard The rental fee is too high… Leasing would be attractive…

32 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 32 Predicted Income 2002-2007 External accounts contribute ~45% to the total Pool rental income Special conditions for 2005? ? ? Overheads 18% Overheads ~35% ?

33 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 33 What is needed? “Right-size” the Pool Ensure technical quality Refine procedures

34 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 34 Right-Size Reduce stock Generic cuts, not specific Ensure technical relevance Achieve a coherent technical profile Identify “product lines” - examples Test beam support Support of development & design High-performance measurement equipment Inventory of equipment at CERN? Maintain financial viability Technical profile and rental conditions must allow the income necessary to fund Pool operation and equipment renewal Modelling in progress What effect will cuts have?

35 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 35 Modelling - Revenue Profile ~650 items each with an annual revenue <1kCHF contribute only 110kCHF to the total revenue

36 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 36 Ensure Technical Quality Consistent evaluation & verification Quality control before purchase & in service Well designed procedures available to users Correctly tested equipment The Pool must guarantee the proper functioning of equipment Utility & reputation of the Pool User help & consultation

37 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 37 Refine Procedures - 1 Enhance visibility & transparency of technical choices Electronics Pool Technical Advisory Board - EPTAB Improve contacts with users Historical rental issues Operational & technical information User’s Guide Web site On-line technical documentation

38 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 38 Refine Procedures - 2 Improve efficiency Avoid special cases & exceptions Direct service for urgent requirements Material Requests via EDH, as for stores Database management Move to BAAN “Company 400” (CERN stores) Full integration with CERN procedures Collaboration with Stores & PC Shop (A lot) more support from AS Division

39 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 39 EPTAB - Electronics Pool Technical Advisory Board Group of experienced engineers and physicists to advise ESS-GL on Technical profile Choice of equipment Aims Adapt Pool to users’ needs Spend reduced income wisely Ensure visibility, transparency

40 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 40 EPTAB Membership Engineers or experimental physicists Current experience in the application and use of modern electronics & instruments Representatives from the LHC experiments & other activities With a broad view of CERN’s needs Jan Buytaert (LHCb) Augusto Ceccucci (NA48, EAB) Magnus Hansen (CMS) Luciano Musa (ALICE) Georges Schuler (ATLAS) Chris Parkman (EP-ESS GL, Chairman) Catherine Moine (EP-ESS, Pool operations)

41 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 41 EPTAB First Meeting Round table Agreement on need to “right-size” Agreement on need to establish coherent “product lines” Agreement on need to ensure the financial viability of the Pool

42 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 42 Leasing “Leasing” – the supply of equipment with guaranteed (long) term support services and a gradual pay-back leading to user ownership (“hire purchase with support”) Leasing is not possible without an injection of funds

43 November 7, 2002 Electronics Advisory Board 43 Conclusions Rental The Electronics Pool must be Able to supply relevant equipment in adequate quantities Correctly funded & economically viable Able to assure the quality of the equipment LECS Difficult to implement Not popular On-hold Future A coherent technical and financial plan is needed as soon as possible Input from users (EPTAB, EAB) Policy guidance from EP management Work underway

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