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Special Education & the Child Study Team: An Educational Perspective DAVID C. CAPPUCCIO, JR. DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SERVICES & POLICY.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Education & the Child Study Team: An Educational Perspective DAVID C. CAPPUCCIO, JR. DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SERVICES & POLICY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Education & the Child Study Team: An Educational Perspective DAVID C. CAPPUCCIO, JR. DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL SERVICES & POLICY

2 Agenda:  Child Study Team (CST)  Members  Evaluations  Referral to IEP  CST-Related Issues  FAPE  Least Restrictive Env.  I&RS  504

3 Child Study Team (CST)  Core Team Members:  School Psychologist  LDTC  School Social Worker  Ad Hoc Members:  Speech-Language Therapist  Occupational Therapist  Physical Therapist

4 CST Evaluations  Identify student strengths and needs  Identify student learning styles  Identify how educators may effectively accommodate students’ needs  Identify how educators may modify instruction to meet students’ needs  Assist in determining the extent to which a student is eligible for special education services

5 CST Referral  Referral-Request for Evaluation  Identification Meeting  Discuss reason for referral  Functional performance and feedback from participants  Extent to which CST assessments are necessary  If no, possible 504 or I&RS request  Eligibility Conference  Review of all Data collected-functional and standardized  Does student meet eligibility requirements  IEP Meeting if eligible

6 Psychological Evaluations  Assessment of Cognitive/Intellectual Functioning  Used to assist in making decisions regarding Learning disabilities  Assists with identifying modality of instruction to teach students  Assists with identifying accommodations/modifications  Assessment of Social/Emotional Functioning  Assists in identifying underlying areas in which students may be at-risk  Identifies potential social/emotional triggers for students  Assists in the development of behavioral intervention plans as part of a Functional Behavior Assessment

7 Factors Facing CST Members  F.A.P.E.- Free and Appropriate Public Education  LRE-Least Restrictive Environment  504 Eligibility  Provision of Interventions within General Education  Type  Frequency  Duration  Effectiveness

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