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Joseph K. Bonnarens, PhD Assoc. Dean for Student Affairs September 17, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Joseph K. Bonnarens, PhD Assoc. Dean for Student Affairs September 17, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joseph K. Bonnarens, PhD Assoc. Dean for Student Affairs September 17, 2015

2 This speaker has no potential or actual conflicts of interest to disclose in relation to this presentation.

3  Discuss initiatives within the curriculum focused on development of outcome abilities such as professionalism, leadership, and cultural competency.  Describe emerging trends in pharmacy education (e.g., self-directed learning, active learning strategies, patient centered care).

4  4 classes in place (3 on campus, 1 on APPEs)  Final step in accreditation process  Precandidate – 2012-2013  Candidate – 2013-2014  Candidate extended – 2014-2015  Full accreditation – 2015-2016  Inaugural Class of 2016  Graduation Week – May 9 – 13, 2016  Commencement – May 14, 2016

5 To cultivate graduates of ability and conviction to provide patient-centered care guided by respect for the infinite worth of individuals; and dedicated to improve communities by advancing pharmacy education, practice, service and scholarship

6 To improve the human condition through service

7  Integrated Pharmacotherapy (IPT) Courses  Practice and Science faculty integration throughout these block courses in the P2 and P3 years  Pharmacy Practice Lab  Standardized Patients  Integrated with IPTs

8  Active learning techniques  Incorporated throughout curriculum  Many presented at AACP annual meeting  Faculty positions  Transitions of care  Safety net clinics (ambulatory care)

9  Self-directed learning  Flipped classroom ▪ Nonprescription Therapeutics (OTCs) ▪ Practice and Personnel Management  Patient-centered care  Didactic and experiential curriculum

10  Service  Interprofessional Education  Cultural Competency  Leadership  Professionalism

11  Distinctiveness  Progression requirement  Semester Day of Service  Breadth of opportunities  Establishing depth within opportunities

12 Muslim Healthcare Professionals

13  Fort Wayne Area Interprofessional Education Consortium (FWAIPE)  Physician Assistant  Nursing - UG and Graduate Nursing; Adult, Family and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioners  Medicine & Family Practice Residency  Physical Therapy  Occupational Therapy  Pharmacy

14  Distinctiveness  Diversity – 277 in student body  18.4% minority  40% Indiana – 31 other states represented  56% with baccalaureate

15  Curricular  Communications  Introduction to Pharmacy  IPT and Lab - cases  Elective - Medical Management of the Vulnerable and Underserved

16  Required courses  Elective courses  Certificate program  3 elective courses  2 APPE rotations  Leadership project

17  Student Workshops  Assessment/Self-reflection  Career Development  Curricular reinforcement


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